Lenovo YUM Repository
Release and Change History

Bundle Release Information:
Targeted Server Family (Machine Type): System x3500 M5 (5464)
Targeted Operating System: RHEL6.9
YUM Repository Build Date: 2019_04_23

YUM Repository Release Version: 19A


Device Product Guide

Part Number: 00AE916
Feature Code: A5M0
PCIe Sub Vendor ID: 0x1014
PCIe Sub Device ID: 0x04CD

Release History:
Release: 19A
Change History Documents
Firmware Firmware Name Version
BIOS/FW/UEFI Update for N2200 Series SAS/SATA HBA Controllers n2200-
Drivers Driver Name Discreate Package Download Version
  kernel driver
kmod-mpt3sas- 1.x86_64.rpm
Utilities Utility Name Version
LSI Storage Authority Software for windows and linux
MegaRAID Storage Manager Application
SAS3IRCU (Command Line) Utility for Storage Management sas3ircu-

Release: 18D
Firmware Firmware Name Version
BIOS/FW/UEFI Update for N2200 Series SAS/SATA HBA Controllers n2200-1.15-7
Drivers Driver Name Discreate Package Download Version
  kernel driver
kmod-mpt3sas- 1.x86_64.rpm

Release: 18B
Firmware Firmware Name Version
BIOS/FW/UEFI Update for N2200 Series SAS/SATA HBA Controllers n2200-1.15-5
Drivers Driver Name Discreate Package Download Version
  kernel driver
kmod-mpt3sas- 1.x86_64.rpm

Release 19A Change History Documents

BIOS/FW/UEFI Update for N2200 Series SAS/SATA HBA Controllers

BIOS/FW/UEFI Update for N2200 Series SASC/SATA HBA Controllers

Controller Supported:   N2215 SAS/SATA HBA (47C8676)
                        N2225 SAS/SATA HBA (00AE912)
                        N2226 SAS/SATA HBA (00AE916)


Version -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
  BIOS          Firmware      UEFI Driver
IR/IT (MPT3) ¨C Ph 16 (new)

- With write cache enabled Raid0 volume, SYNC_CHACHE not sent during shutdown.(SCGCQ01399780)
- IOP: 0x265D Fault Observed on Cold Boot of Customer Server with Misconfigured Controller NVDATA.(SCGCQ01473138)
- PL SATL: SCSI Write Buffer Mode 7 Command Incorrectly Failed by Firmware.(SCGCQ01498114)
- Fixed code to avoid potential infinite while loop, found during code review.(SCGCQ01524256)
- PL: ChassisSlotNum field in expander details should be 7 bits.(SCGCQ01533259)
- Fixed IOP Coverity defect on invader.(SCGCQ01508920)
- Volume drives go missing after issuing target reset.(SCGCQ01539637)
- PL: Implemented HW workaround to solve 6G SATA link fail problem.(SCGCQ01540037)
- Redundant null check for length.(SCGCQ01598540)
- SATA: Block device log pages does not free the Raw frames.(SCGCQ01373403)
- PL: Fixed SMR Drive: Fault 0xd102 encountered when Sanitize command with Overwrite method issued.(SCGCQ01562039)
- PL: Avoid Duplicate Mid Workaround Does Not Start a TM If Device is Removed and Re-Added.(SCGCQ01715677)
- PL Enclosure Management: 0x7C41 or 0x265E Fault During Bootup of Customer System.(SCGCQ01792419)
- [MCTP] Invalidate the incoming MCTP packet if packet sequence count out of range.(SCGCQ01793093)
- SATA ONLY: VPD page 0xB2 LBPU bit not set correctly.(SCGCQ01374552)
- Race condition can allow IOs over OOB to removed drive, with no host IOs, to not be cleaned up, and possibly leading to new drives not
showing up.(SCGCQ01400110)
- PL: Revised "Avoid Duplicate Mid" Feature Code Could Incorrectly Allow IO to Start Through PL Firmware Path.(SCGCQ01520524)
- PL MR build is failing in Invdr_Main.(SCGCQ01524943)
- Redundant status check.(SCGCQ01598520)
- PL Enclosure Management: Vendor Specific Fields in Enclosure Page 0 Sometimes Incorrect.(SCGCQ01876881)
- After importing PI R1 VD from 1st IR controller to 2nd IR controller, VD becomes non PI.(SCGCQ01579303)
- Possible use of uninitialized enclosure slot index variable.(SCGCQ01598517)
- Comparison redundant as result remains constant.(SCGCQ01598542)
- Limit printing a SGL chain to only 15 elements.(SCGCQ01180961)
- PL: Change nvdata bits for avoid duplicate mid feature to Mfg 17 Flags bits 12:11.(SCGCQ01414932)
- Convert to offical OEMRD MPI2 definitions.(SCGCQ01562102)
- PL: Port Glitch on Direct Attached SATA drives,lead IO stop/File system become read only.(SCGCQ01572062)
- PL: (SATA only) After FORMAT Operation, WRITE POINTER LBA is Not set to ZONE START LBA When Issued REPORT ZONES Command.(SCGCQ01749157)
- IOP: MCTP: FW Download over MCTP PCIe VDM sometimes sees the checksum of the image fail.(SCGCQ01254734 port of SCGCQ01241620)
- SATA Only : 48bit ATA pass through command with lower nibble of LBA(47:40) field set to a value 2 times out.(SCGCQ01346819 port of SCGCQ01339000)
- PL: RETURNED LOGICAL BLOCK ADDRESS in READ CAPACITY (16) is unexpectedly zero.(SCGCQ01382503 port of SCGCQ01366977)
- MCTP I2C: I2C communication is lost between BMC and controller.(SCGCQ01389164 port of SCGCQ01385782)
- Cutlass card is not detecting in SLOOB.(SCGCQ01392028 port of SCGCQ01316544)
- SATA ONLY: VPD page 0xB2 LBPU bit not set correctly.(SCGCQ01398983 port of SCGCQ01374552)
- With write cache enabled Raid0 volume, SYNC_CHACHE not sent during shutdown.(SCGCQ01438984 port of SCGCQ01399780)
- SATA: Report Zone for very large data of 4MB takes ~2 seconds for processing.(SCGCQ01507944 port of SCGCQ01502700)
- Controller issues 'BREAK' if expander returns 'OPEN_REJECT(RETRY)' for 111ms.(SCGCQ01521143 port of SCGCQ01387414)
- Commands after an ATA Passthrough ReadFPDMA queued command hang.(SCGCQ01521430 port of SCGCQ01254357)
- Untimed busy wait during small data transfers.(SCGCQ01521447 port of SCGCQ01233445)
- pl: Mode Select translation transfer length validation.(SCGCQ01521470 port of SCGCQ01435884)
- pl: FPE timer may be activated for an IO that is being aborted.(SCGCQ01521534 port of SCGCQ01249183)
- pl: excessive exception generation during SATA IOs with Task Set Full handling disabled.(SCGCQ01522496 port of SCGCQ01291127)
- (SATA Only) LBPRZ bit in VPD page 0xB2 is never set for SATA devices.(SCGCQ01531147 port of SCGCQ01516277)
- PL: Possible null pointer access in a non-automated SATA Response Frame.(SCGCQ01531590 port of SCGCQ01168086)
- Incorrect Component ID definitions of CubR 35x24 and 35x28.(SCGCQ01531601 port of SCGCQ01350510)
- Fault(0x4330) is occurred during checking MPI2_IOCSTATUS_TARGET_TOO_MUCH_WRITE_DATA.(SCGCQ01533438 port of SCGCQ01518952)
- PL Fault 0000d073 LR 7f86abb5 during drive clear operation.(SCGCQ01534863 port of SCGCQ01368862)
- Ventura B0: FW blocking SATA devices behind enclosures.(SCGCQ01556433 port of SCGCQ01552996)
- MCTP: Information Changed bit is not tied to Raid and Topology Change Events.(SCGCQ01587779 port of SCGCQ01132430)
- (SATA Only) Function field in MPI error reply message for SCSI ATA Pass-through request is not correct.(SCGCQ01668688 port of SCGCQ01638248)
- PL: (SATA only) Proper Sense key not set to failed read/write command while handling NCQ error.(SCGCQ01801163 port of SCGCQ01763871)
- Cutlass A1: 0x681E fault while doing Cable breaking on I/T Switching.(SCGCQ00907377 port of SCGCQ00902077)
- PL: Sending nonstop ATA Passthrough followed by unsupported SCSI commands rapidly to SATA device can cause a Call Stack Overflow.(SCGCQ01343615 port of SCGCQ01314465)
- (IOP-Only) Vary Number of Resource Frames Based Upon Input Parameters.(SCGCQ01373413 port of SCGCQ00498642)
- pl: delay loop may have twice the expected duration.(SCGCQ01390848 port of SCGCQ01192571)
- PL: Add Code to Correctly Determine Mid for Rx Context Non-automated Interrupts.(SCGCQ01479501 port of SCGCQ01472512)
- SATL: Security Protocol Erase fails in SATL, but works well with ATA PT.(SCGCQ01489492 port of SCGCQ01479409)
- Fault 0x670B seen while sending SCSI Read Buffer commands to bunch of SATA drives.(SCGCQ01507485 port of SCGCQ01163838)
- (SATA Only) Fault 4203 while running SCSI unmap and TM to a SATA drive.(SCGCQ01507992 port of SCGCQ01287926)
- Uninitialized scalar variable usage.(SCGCQ01512607 port of SCGCQ01088281)
- Internal Task Management operations not completing in out of resource conditions.(SCGCQ01521292 port of SCGCQ01415544)
- PL: Error LED stays on when drive is pulled out when using unusual slot mapping and drive presence check.(SCGCQ01521672 port of SCGCQ01157331)
- ATA Passthrough MPT frame content has overwritten.(SCGCQ01524151 port of SCGCQ01339127)
- (SATA Only) IOC Status returned as busy for SCSI IO that fail due to affiliation conflict.(SCGCQ01525540 port of SCGCQ01317046)
- Corrected PORTERR debug print parameter size.(SCGCQ01531612 port of SCGCQ01329812)
- The "pl reg" command dumps the wrong amount of data for some structures.(SCGCQ01533243 port of SCGCQ01474266)
- Fault 0xC00C is occurred in random read running test.(SCGCQ01533437 port of SCGCQ01511237)
- Fault 5850 occurred in random read test with Task management.(SCGCQ01538705 port of SCGCQ01538680)
- pl: verify that RAID context Timeout value is nonzero before adding a timer.(SCGCQ01566858 port of SCGCQ01564757)
- Added new DivertedIo flag to IoFlags parameter of pliStartScsiIo, when set PL submits IO to FPE directly.(SCGCQ01593254 port of SCGCQ01581333)
- PL: (SATA Only)SSU Command for active power condition transition on EPC enabled drive fails with Additional sense Logical block address out of range.(SCGCQ01640922 port of SCGCQ01640762)
- Ventura A0: Fault 0x1500 on Ventura A0 with tip code.(SCGCQ01165872 port of SCGCQ01165688)
- PL: IO latency in multi path topology during one of the path disconnection.(SCGCQ01232357 port of SCGCQ01157345)
- Reduce the number of Target Resets started when a missing device returns.(SCGCQ01351461 port of SCGCQ01205601)
- PL: RETURNED LOGICAL BLOCK ADDRESS in READ CAPACITY (16) is unexpectedly zero.(SCGCQ01384622 port of SCGCQ01366977)
- MCTP I2C: I2C traces shows partial response/zero out packet response from the HBA.(SCGCQ01421229 port of SCGCQ01394463)
- SATL: Security Protocol Erase fails in SATL, but works well with ATA PT.(SCGCQ01509261 port of SCGCQ01479409)
- Storlib observed ERROR_MCTP_PAYLOADID_PE_INVALID_PARAM while doing attn-btn test.(SCGCQ01513292 port of SCGCQ01423338)
- PL: 0x4300 fault when running Cable Breaker port break between expanders.(SCGCQ01531589 port of SCGCQ00941569)
- PL: More than one ATA command at a time may be submitted to a SATA device.(SCGCQ01531627 port of SCGCQ01377242)
- SATA only drives getting removed when running SATA Passthorugh with incorrect data length along with IOs.(SCGCQ01538413 port of SCGCQ01329382)
- IT/PL FW Compliance to use of NO FLUSH bit in START STOP UNIT based on SAT3.(SCGCQ01567188 port of SCGCQ01563244)
- PL Enclosure Management: SEP Blink Request Fails After Path 1 Disconnect in Multipath Topology.(SCGCQ01619019 port of SCGCQ01618625)
- PL: Specific Print in PL Task Management Code is Causing Increased Recovery Time From Port Disconnect.(SCGCQ01232195 port of SCGCQ01231710)
- Reduce the number of Target Resets started when a missing device returns.(SCGCQ01351467 port of SCGCQ01205601)
- SATA: Block device log pages does not free the Raw frames.(SCGCQ01373411 port of SCGCQ01373403)
- SATA Only : 48bit ATA pass through command with lower nibble of LBA(47:40) field set to a value 2 times out.(SCGCQ01373493 port of SCGCQ01339000)
- PL: Implement support for SAS Device Discovery Error Event.(SCGCQ01423219 port of SCGCQ01233843)
- IO timeouts and controller firmware unresponsive.(SCGCQ01470843 port of SCGCQ01295797)
- Fixing coverty defects 19848 & 19838.(SCGCQ01508185 port of SCGCQ01504066)
- Exception Stack Frame: FE705FC0" observed during OS boot.(SCGCQ01521154 port of SCGCQ01399366)
- The Avoid Duplicate Mid feature does not activate properly for expander attached SATA devices.(SCGCQ01521278 port of SCGCQ01405083)
- PL: SATA: Sense Key/Additional Sense code incorrectly set when open zone issued on a Security locked SMR drive.(SCGCQ01523130 port of SCGCQ01478037)
- SATA SMR Only : Change for the FORMAT UNIT translation for SMR drives to also call RESET WRITE POINTER with ALL bit set.(SCGCQ01539325 port of SCGCQ01218300)
- (SATA only) Self-test offline immediate status received from drive is not populated to SCSI log sense command.(SCGCQ01682927 port of SCGCQ01681441)
- Data NAK of large master TX packet can stop I2C out of band.(SCGCQ01714694 port of SCGCQ01713685)
- Cutlass A1: 0xC002 fault while doing Cable breaking on I/T Switching.(SCGCQ00907366 port of SCGCQ00904531)
- PL Discovery: After Port Down, Expander Is Not Removed and Firmware Retries SMP Indefinitely.(SCGCQ01312486 port of SCGCQ01295414)
- PL: 0x4A00 Fault With Heavy IO on Customer Setup.(SCGCQ01368794 port of SCGCQ01259804)
- IOP: MCTP: Cannot boot and discover controller with PCIe VDM and Bus Master Enable not set.(SCGCQ01511585 port of SCGCQ01107260)
- Wrong sizeof argument usage and Condition check evaluates to TRUE always.(SCGCQ01512606 port of SCGCQ01088276)
- During large topology cable break testing. Task Managements may time out due to an accumulation of time starting these TMs for many devices.(SCGCQ01521397 port of SCGCQ01398213)
- Unable to do sas3flash -dflash 8MB IR FW image to 9310-8i card from IR Phase 15 (Phase 14 and 13 IR Firmware work, IT Firmware works).(SCGCQ01525517 port of SCGCQ01504595)
- (SATA Only) Security Protocol In command complete without data transfer for allocation length not a multiple of 512.(SCGCQ01526783 port of SCGCQ01275335)
- (SATA Only) Timer for SCSI Write Verify command to a SATA drive might get removed before command completion.(SCGCQ01622054 port of SCGCQ01593136)
- PL: Sending nonstop ATA Passthrough followed by unsupported SCSI commands rapidly to SATA device can cause a Call Stack Overflow.(SCGCQ01390851 port of SCGCQ01314465)
- PL: Implement support for SAS Device Discovery Error Event.(SCGCQ01421916 port of SCGCQ01233843)
- Ventura B0: Fault 0x510B while doing reboot test along with IOs & TMs.(SCGCQ01521140 port of SCGCQ01440764)
- Task Management due to SATA init failure results in resource error message.(SCGCQ01623880 port of SCGCQ01605610)
- When spinup delay in expander is configured to a high value it might result in some drives being reset by controller repeatedly.(SCGCQ01633734 port of SCGCQ01601413)
- Cutlass card is not detecting in SLOOB.(SCGCQ01334109 port of SCGCQ01316544)
- MCTP I2C: I2C communication is lost between BMC and controller.(SCGCQ01506036 port of SCGCQ01385782)
- PL: SAS Wide Max Queue depth not error checking correctly.(SCGCQ01512330 port of SCGCQ00898573)
- Failure to read correct data from SPD EEPROM.(SCGCQ01523573 port of SCGCQ01358941)
- Ventura: Enclosure Mgmt optimizations and enhancements.(SCGCQ01686033 port of SCGCQ01328437)
- (IOP-Only) Vary Number of Resource Frames Based Upon Input Parameters.(SCGCQ01373415 port of SCGCQ00498642)
- IOP: I2C MCTP: Slave response mode fails to return response to I2C read.(SCGCQ01508068 port of SCGCQ01506883)
- Gen2:IR:Phase 14: Fault 8701 hit when a SATA RAID1 Volume roamed to the other port of Controller.(SCGCQ01574588 port of SCGCQ00269969)

EnhancementRequests (17)
- MPI 2.6: Device side PCIe SRNS flag.(SCGCQ01276256)
- MPI 2.6: Add new firmware download type (CPLD IMAGE).(SCGCQ01305760)
- MPI 2.6: add NVMe SGL Data Block descriptor alignment flag.(SCGCQ01339864)
- MPI 2.6: Add Aero PCI Device IDs.(SCGCQ01373008)
- PL: LUN Reset Option for Avoid Duplicate Mid Feature.(SCGCQ01399068)
- MPI 2.6: Add ControllerResetTO to PCIe Device Page 2.(SCGCQ01416498)
- MPI 2.6: Add new reason code to PCIE Device Status Change Event.(SCGCQ01416515)
- PL: Change avoid duplicate mid LUN reset option to abort task set.(SCGCQ01429655)
- MPI 2.6: PCIe Device Page 2 reporting Namespace Optimal IO Boundary(NOIOB) for NVMe devices.(SCGCQ01449138)
- IOP: Provided NVDATA support to enable/disable PCIe ECRC capability.(SCGCQ01503520)
- IOP: FW to clear all pending PCI interrupts during a Function Level Reset (FLR).(SCGCQ01523541)
- MPI 2.5: Add OEMRD field to SAS Enclosure Page 0.(SCGCQ01553021)
- MPI 2.5: Add MaxEnclosureLevel field to BIOS Page 1.(SCGCQ01570730)
- Collect enclosure Bay ID from OEM specificinternal backplanes.(SCGCQ01503517)
- PL: Change to Customer Specific SMP Response Report Manufacturer.(SCGCQ01505468)
- PL: IT Nexus Reset Option for Avoid Duplicate Mid Feature.(SCGCQ01362788)
- Increase the default SES buffer size to 2K.(SCGCQ01506013)

Version 1.15-7 -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
  BIOS          Firmware      UEFI Driver

code don't have any change.

Version 1.15 -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
  BIOS          Firmware      UEFI Driver
- Fixed issue where HDD locate LED on D3284 don't blink with N2226/N2225.
- SUT hang when click start /locate for PD in UEFI or click SAS Topology in legacy option rom w/D3284 (Bug 122486)
- D3284 HDD LED is not alight when set locate LED as "on" with N2225 under UEFI (Bug 122471)

Version 1.13 -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
  BIOS          Firmware      UEFI Driver

- Fixed issue where Power On Reset Observed While Executing LOG SENSE Command to SATA Drive. (SCGCQ01081163)
- Fixed issue where PL Fault 4203 observed while executing REPORT ZONES SCSI Command to SATA Drives. (SCGCQ01094926)
- Fixed issue where unsupported Log Sense commands fail with 'INVALID COMMAND OPERATION CODE' instead of 'INVALID FIELD IN CDB' - SATA only (SCGCQ01079905)
- Fixed issue where SANITIZE Command is Not Failed With Expected Sense Data for Service Action EXIT FAILURE MODE - SATA only (SCGCQ01115136)
- Fixed issue where Unable to un-register a device because of outstanding Task Set Full MID (SCGCQ01112415, Port of SCGCQ01076294)
- Fixed issue where Fast back-to-back or parallel PCIe configuration requests after certain addresses can generate bad Config Read data resulting in 0x2622 fault (SCGCQ01062410, Port of SCGCQ01047773)
- Fixed issue where I/O could timeout if task management fails (SCGCQ01131412, Port of SCGCQ01113324)
- Fixed issue where Fault 0x265D encountered on inserting a faulty drive in place of RAID 1 member (SCGCQ01149263, Port of SCGCQ01096884)
- Fixed issue where PL fault 5854 seen when system boots with all SATA drives in setup in spun down mode (SCGCQ01204852, Port of SCGCQ01155407)
- Fixed issue where OS failed to boot after hot-plug on the RAID 1 member. (SCGCQ01163158, Port of SCGCQ01084723)
- Fixed issue where Storlib/storlibtest stuck on a bad drive while retrieving phyinfo (SCGCQ01180929, Port of SCGCQ01171835)
- Fixed issue where outstanding SATA passthorugh IO can cause target reset from timer callback check if sata Initialization not done yet (SCGCQ01205281, Port of SCGCQ01172334)
- Fixed issue where 'iop show cfg all' command is not listing all Expander's config pages (SCGCQ01118587, Port of SCGCQ01110070)
- Fixed issue where CPU hangs due to out of bound access of Timer wheel RAM while manually adding FPE timer. (SCGCQ01090984, Port of SCGCQ01089094)
- Fixed issue where drive timeout occurs with large number of drives attached  (SCGCQ01145424, Port of SCGCQ01118894)
- Fixed issue where while running stress, controller crashes with 0x584A fault (SCGCQ01064158, Port of SCGCQ01041762)

- Modified the code to check the LBA OUT OF RANGE condition greater than the last LBA. (SCGCQ01113946)
- Assign the enclosure level index for direct attached enclosures ie., the controller itself. (SCGCQ01057508)

- Fixed issue where PCI Info field missing in legacy BIOS config utility(SCGCQ01092124)
- Fixed issue where command timeout not handled properly (SCGCQ01099923)
- Fixed issue where BIOS config utility is hung while deleting a missing volume. (SCGCQ01113664)
- Fixed issue where BIOS config utility fails to read configuration pages when large topology is connected. (SCGCQ01190203)
- Fixed issue where Connecting a Faulty drive to the controller results in BIOS config utility crash (SCGCQ01191180)
- Fixed issue where Legacy BIOS stuck in infinite loop when a faulty drive is connected with the controller. (SCGCQ01091176)
- Fixed issue where Start Stop Unit (SSU) command loads cartridge of a sequential media while booting. (SCGCQ01093694)
- Fixed issue where Legacy BIOS stuck in infinite loop when a faulty drive is connected with the controller. (SCGCQ01095670, Port of SCGCQ01091176)

- Device Properties screen to display Connector Name, enclosure Level and Slot values of a device. (SCGCQ01072668)

- Fixed issue where in HII, device properties may have duplicate device identifiers. (SCGCQ01112383)

Version 1.12 -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
  BIOS          Firmware      UEFI Driver

- Fixed an issue where Raid creation is failed when tried to create a RAID using SATA drives. (SCGCQ00998155)
- Fixed an issue where any pure SEP devices (i.e. not marked as an SSP Target) are not exposed to the management controller through the MCTP Inventory command. (SCGCQ00943216)
- Fixed an issue where Fault 0xD102 occurred while executing Write Buffer SCSI Command to SATA Drives (SCGCQ00953463)
- Fixed an issue where a debug print was trying to access the address of variable type and causing core exception in IOPs that use PLI_CTRL_REQ_SET_SINGLE_DUAL_CONTEXT_TXDMA. (SCGCQ01004146 port of SCGCQ01004143)
- Fixed an issue where 265D fault observed when "IOP show cfg all" executed from UART with BIOS flashed (SCGCQ01025868)
- Fixed an issue where spun down SATA drive showed up as non NCQ drive after initialization. (SCGCQ00999741, SCGCQ01005428 Port of SCGCQ00999741)
- Fixed an issue where I/O timeout could occur when running auto read/write I/Os and non-auto read/write I/Os through FPE, especially when the I/Os were single threaded.  (SCGCQ01023261 Port of SCGCQ01022368)
- Fixed an issue where RAID creation failed with SATA drives. (SCGCQ01024544)
- Fixed an issue where attaching a SATA drive that sends an invalid/unsupported initial FIS signature directly to a controller phy resulted in that phy getting reset by the firmware until the drive was removed.SCGCQ00872060
- Fixed an issue where some “packet exception busy retry” responses have a bad CRC value in the CRC field. This only impacts MCTP over I2C when in slave response mode, SCSI IOs out to drives, and drives that were removed. (SCGCQ01019763 Port of SCGCQ01019438)
- Fixed an issue where latency observed during controller diag reset operations or during controller boot when two enclosures with mix of SAS/SATA drives are connected. (SCGCQ01001465)
- Fixed an issue where the inquiry command sent via MCTP from the BMC to the controller, in which the controller did not respond with inquiry data after communicating to an I2C attached SCSI enclosure processor based back-plane. SCGCQ00896512
- Fixed an issue where MCTP: I2C slave with high MPI request rate from host and BMC can cause a host request timeout, and , the BMC may experience I2C bus problems until the controller is either reset or times out on the I2C operation. (SCGCQ01087653)
- Fixed an issue where controller was unnecessarily faulting for correctable L2 parity errors. (SCGCQ00976726, SCGCQ00941520 PORT OF SCGCQ00934325)
- Fixed an issue where an extra garbage byte was present at the end of a second I2C packet in a message. This primarily impacts the standard I2C mode, in which the controller is allowed to act as both an I2C master and slave and controls the size of the packet. (SCGCQ00925199, SCGCQ00955069 PORT OF SCGCQ00916929)
- Fixed an issue where firmware panic (code: 0000265D) and ROM BIOS hung could occur for SAS3FW IR raid10 after removing a drive and powering on the HBA controller. (SCGCQ01062417, SCGCQ01061628 Port of SCGCQ01024976)
- Fixed an issue where fault 0xD073 could occur during heavy IO when a timed out IO completed while firmware is handling the timeout. (SCGCQ01064661 Port of SCGCQ01052686)
- Fixed an issue where firmware does not use the IOCInit Timestamp field to fill in the SAS IO Unit Page 16 and SAS Phy Counter Event. (SCGCQ00884836, SCGCQ00955132 Port of SCGCQ00872141)
- Fixed an issue where the standard Port Status Yellow LED GPIO fails to properly turn on and off with link changes. (SCGCQ00917803, SCGCQ00991716 Port of SCGCQ00907921)
- Fixed an issue where PL timer function timestamp print fills ring buffer. (SCGCQ00991772)
- Fixed an issue where build failure occurred if MCTP is enabled and Config trap hardware workaround was disabled (SCGCQ01082977 Port of SCGCQ01075828)
- Fixed an issue where the IOP generated a false reply parity error, which resulted in a 0x1500 fault. (SCGCQ00929813, SCGCQ00955133 Port of SCGCQ00927500)
- Fixed an issue where a SATA error is received while trying to obtain the message ID (MID) in the Rx Context Manager. When this occurs, the MID cannot be validated resulting in a variable being assigned a NULL value, which the firmware then attempted to access and resulted in a 265D fault. (SCGCQ00930637 Port of SCGCQ00928401)
- Fixed an issue where some of the drives under external enclosure are marked as direct attached. (, SCGCQ00933717, SCGCQ00991711 Port of SCGCQ00926285)
- Fixed an issue where target mode controller sometimes would mistakenly return Open Reject (Protocol not supported) for open requests, when the link to connected IT controller is broken repeatedly. (SCGCQ01009227)
- Fixed an issue where initiator/target moved can generate two target add events (SCGCQ00941678, SCGCQ00941521 Port of SCGCQ00934337)
- Fixed an issue where 265D fault observed when "iop show cfg all" executed from UART with BIOS flashed. (SCGCQ01030564)
- Fixed an issue where fast back-to-back or parallel PCIe configuration requests after certain addresses can generate bad Config Read data (SCGCQ01062342, SCGCQ01062409 Port of SCGCQ01047773)
- Fixed an issue where initiator/target moved can result in Initiator missing event but no corresponding Target missing event. (SCGCQ00941666 port of SCGCQ00915308, SCGCQ00955068)

- Added a NVDATA option to enable or disable the bandwidth based PL algorithm to set hardware with single or dual context. (SCGCQ00948044, SCGCQ00948045 Port of SCGCQ00942005)
- Modified SCSI IO Reply to include Observed Application Tag, Observed Reference Tag and Observed Guard. (SCGCQ01002367 SCGCQ00988360)
- Discovery due to non responding SATA drive is now timed to last for the amount of seconds configured in NVDATA (SCGCQ00996678)
 - Modified "SAS IO Unit Page 4" to add a new field "SATAHintingTimeout" (SCGCQ00996127)
- Modified SCSI IO Reply to include Observed Application Tag, Observed Reference Tag and Observed Guard. (SCGCQ00988360)
- Added support for PCIe devices to Target Reset Method (SCGCQ00686666)
- Added IOCCapabilities bit to indicate PCIe SRIOV support and added three new fields in IOCFacts reply message to include SGE modifier fields. (SCGCQ00852827)
- Added ConfigurationFlags field to IOC Init message along with definition of bit to enable/disable NVMe SGL format. Added control operations to enable and disable SGL format for a specific NVMe device. Added bit in PCI device page two to indicate current configuration. (SCGCQ00872169)
- Additional added PCIe Enumeration Event EnumerationStatus bit to indicate when there are more devices than resources. (SCGCQ00884740)
- Added support for non-contiguous slot numbers defined in manufacturing page 7. (SCGCQ01000709)
- Return EEDP/DIF error data of the first error frame detected by the hardware during READ in the MPI Reply error message frame (SCGCQ01000193)
- Differentiate between L2 correctable and uncorrectable faults. (SCGCQ00966698, SCGCQ00929811 PORT OF Defect - SCGCQ00929810)
- Enhanced PLI_CTRL_REQ_GET_SATA_HINT_INFO to also provide information of an active SATA Hinting discovery at a given time. (SCGCQ01058123)

 - Fixed an issue where BIOS config utility showed Package version field is displayed and PCI Info field is missing. (SCGCQ01092124)
 - Fixed an issue where junk characters were displayed when one of the enclosures was powered off while the config utility cursor is in Manage Volume screen. (SCGCQ01034754 Port of SCGCQ01020187)
 - Fixed an issue where initialization failure of one faulty controller reports IOC Facts failed for successful initialization of good adapter. (SCGCQ01034746 Port of SCGCQ01029556)
 - Fixed an issue where SAS3008 IT/IR adapter installed and a single SAS drive, the INT 13 Function 48H doesn't show physical geometry of the drive, hang with invalid buffer size, and has buffer overrun. (SCGCQ00996538 port of SCGCQ00988924)
 - Fixed an issue where legacy BIOS encountered an infinite loop when a faulty drive was connected with the controller. (SCGCQ01091176)
- Fixed an issue where SplitRom utility for legacy BIOS prints the wrong value for sizeof Frame Buffer (SCGCQ00933107)
- Fixed an issue where incorrect values for cylinders, heads, and sectors were reported on 4K drives. (SCGCQ00987624 Port of SCGCQ00980976)
- Fixed an issue where controller IR firmware is displayed as IT firmware when SAS Address is not programmed. (SCGCQ01034758 Port of SCGCQ01033766)

 - Modified SCSI IO Reply to include Observed Application Tag, Observed Reference Tag and Observed Guard. (SCGCQ01002367 SCGCQ00988360)
 - Added a new field "SATAHintingTimeout" to SAS IO Unit page four (SCGCQ00996127)
 - Added support for PCIe devices to Target Reset Method (SCGCQ00686666)
 - Added IOCCapabilities bit to indicate PCIe SRIOV support and added three new fields in IOCFacts reply message to include SGE modifier fields. (SCGCQ00852827)
 - Added ConfigurationFlags field to IOC Init message along with definition of bit to enable/disable NVMe SGL format. Added control operations to enable and disable SGL format for a specific NVMe device. Added bit in PCI device page two to indicate current configuration. (SCGCQ00872169)
 - Additional added PCIe Enumeration Event EnumerationStatus bit  to indicate when there are more devices than resources. (SCGCQ00884740)
 - BIOS config utility topology has been changed to be in consistent with other utilities such as MR config utility. (SCGCQ00850331)

UEFI Driver
 - Fixed an issue where associated physical disk form is not updating with the proper PD missing data. (SCGCQ01010356)
- Fixed an issue where HII Form is displaying question ID mismatch with option value popup while physical disk properties screen is entered. (SCGCQ01008746)

 - Modified SCSI IO Reply to include Observed Application Tag, Observed Reference Tag and Observed Guard. (SCGCQ01002367 SCGCQ00988360)
 - Added a new field "SATAHintingTimeout" to SAS IO Unit page four (SCGCQ00996127)
 - Added support for PCIe devices to Target Reset Method (SCGCQ00686666)
 - Added IOCCapabilities bit to indicate PCIe SRIOV support and added three new fields in IOCFacts reply message to include SGE modifier fields. (SCGCQ00852827)
 - Added ConfigurationFlags field to IOC Init message along with definition of bit to enable/disable NVMe SGL format. Added control operations to enable and disable SGL format for a specific NVMe device. Added bit in PCI device page two to indicate current configuration. (SCGCQ00872169)
 - Additional added PCIe Enumeration Event EnumerationStatus bit to indicate when there are more devices than resources. (SCGCQ00884740)
 - View physical Disk Properties HII form is modified to be in consistent with other utilities such as BIOS CU. (SCGCQ00850330)
 - Added support on ARM-64 (SCGCQ00976647)
 - Serial number of drive is retrieved from Inquiry command VPD page 80 and displayed as Unit Serial Number (VPD) is device properties screen. (SCGCQ00987903)

Version 1.11.02 -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
  BIOS          Firmware      UEFI Driver


- Fixed an issue where in the IOP a false reply parity error is being generated, which results in a 0x1500 fault.  (SCGCQ00929813, Port of SCGCQ00927500)
 - Fixed an issue where some packet exception busy retry responses have a bad CRC value in the CRC field for MCTP over I2C when in slave response mode for SCSI IOs out to drives, and drives that were removed. (SCGCQ01019438)
- Fixed an issue where MCTP I2C slave with high MPI request rate from host and BMC can cause a host request timeout. (SCGCQ01087653)
- Fixed an issue where distinguishing between L2 correctable and uncorrectable faults was difficult, due to a shared fault code of (0x26B4).  (SCGCQ00929811, PORT OF SCGCQ00929810)
- Fixed an issue where I/O timeout could occur when running read/write I/Os (auto) and non-read/write I/Os through FPE, especially when the non-read/write I/Os are single threaded (SCGCQ01023261, Port of SCGCQ01022368)
- Fixed an issue where FW panic (code: 0000265D) and ROM BIOS hung for SAS3FW IR RAID10, while updating state of a volume after power cycle on controller, an operation attempt on non-existing private member variable causes data TLB error. (SCGCQ01061628, Port of SCGCQ01024976)
- Fixed an issue where that FW does not use the IOCInit timestamp field to fill in the SAS IO unit page 16 and SAS Phy counter event (SCGCQ00884836, Port of SCGCQ00872141)
- Fixed an issue where the standard Port Status Yellow LED GPIO fails to properly turn on and off with link changes. (SCGCQ00917803, Port of SCGCQ00907921)
- Fixed an issue where a build failure occurs if MCTP is enabled and config trap hardware workaround is disabled.  (SCGCQ01082977, Port of SCGCQ01075828)
- Fixed an issue where the controller is unnecessarily faulting for correctable L2 parity errors. (SCGCQ00976726, Port of SCGCQ00934325)
- Added a NVDATA option to enable or disable the bandwidth based PL algorithm enhancement, which sets hardware with Single or Dual Context.  (SCGCQ00948044, Port of SCGCQ00942005)
- Fixed an issue where spun down SATA drives show up as non NCQ drives after initialization.  (SCGCQ01005428, Port of SCGCQ00999741)
- Fixed an issue where 265D fault observed when "iop show cfg all" executed from UART with BIOS flashed.  (SCGCQ01030564, Port of SCGCQ01025868)
- Fixed an issue where very fast back-to-back or parallel reads of the PCIe Configuration Space after or during the firmware handled addresses can cause the data firmware is writing to be picked up by the next configuration read, when firmware has to write to its Configuration Space.  (SCGCQ01062409, Port of SCGCQ01047773)
- Fixed an issue where there is an extra garbage byte at the end of a second I2C packet in a message. This primarily impacts the standard I2C mode. (SCGCQ00925199, Port of SCGCQ00916929)
- Fixed an issue where a target moved can result in Initiator missing event but no corresponding target missing event.  (SCGCQ00941666, Port of SCGCQ00915308)
- Fixed an issue where an initiator/target moved can generate two target add events.  (SCGCQ00941678, Port of SCGCQ00934337)
- Fixed issue where SES diagnostic command may fail with backplane expander. (SCGCQ00991690, Port of SCGCQ00976691)
- Fixed issue where attached edge device frame buffering (EDFB) enabled expander may drop attached drives. (SCGCQ00999909, Port of SCGCQ00897639)
- Fixed issue where drives in external enclosure would be listed as direct attached.  (SCGCQ00933717, Port of SCGCQ00926285)

- Fixed an issue where IOC facts failed error is displayed in CU when one of two controllers is faulty. (SCGCQ01029556)
- Fixed an issue where INT 13 Function 48H doesn't show physical geometry of the drive, hang with invalid buffer size, and has buffer overrun.  (SCGCQ00988924)
- Fixed an issue where the wrong values of cylinders, heads, and sectors reported on a 4K drive.  (SCGCQ00980976)
- Fixed an issue where junk characters are seen when one of the enclosures is powered off while the cursor is in Manage Volume screen.  (SCGCQ01034754)
- Fixed an issue where controller IR firmware is displayed as IT firmware when SAS address is not programmed.  (SCGCQ01034758, Port of SCGCQ01033766)

Version 1.11.01 -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
  BIOS          Firmware      UEFI Driver

Firmware Fixes:
- Fixed issue where invalid or unsupported signature FIS was not validated for 
  expander attached SATA drives (SCGCQ00852290)
- Fixed issue where BUSY TIMEOUT PERIOD Field was incorrectly populated in UCM 
  Control Mode Page for SATA Drive (SCGCQ00871463)
- Fixed issue where during SATA FORMAT Operation, REQUEST SENSE command is not 
  failed with expected response where DESC bit is set (SCGCQ00872727)
- Fixed slot assignment to direct attach SEP Device Handle that previously 
  resulted in slot number out of bounds condition (SCGCQ00894230)
- Fixed issue where locate was not working for a particular slot in the external
  enclosure due to firmware not picking up the correct phy index (SCGCQ00932707)
- Fixed issue where 19th entry of Self-Test Results Log Page was not showing 
  during SAT translation. (SCGCQ00847941)
- Fixed issue where SATA hinting feature causes IO timeouts with slow spin up 
  drives under Linux (SCGCQ00867345)
- Fixed issue where SCSI ATA passthrough code did not check for correct CDB 
  length (SCGCQ00915201)
- Fixed issue where SES command locate fails for first time after discovery when
  slot number information source bit is set (SCGCQ00923283)
- Fixed fault 0x4300 during discovery error recovery testing (SCGCQ00860398)
- Fixed issue where SES locate was not working for external enclosure 
- Fixed fault d060 observed when running IOs with link_reset Task management 
  command in a loop (SCGCQ00865100, Port of SCGCQ00840603)
- Fixed issue where after cable pull, SAS device page 0 entry device present for
  missing expander after discovery complete 
  (SCGCQ00910603, Port of SCGCQ00904470)
- Fixed PL Fault 0x6002 When Sending SCSI Security Protocol Out Commands to SATA
  SSDs (SCGCQ00910188, Port of SCGCQ00888033)
- Fixed PL Fault 0x5833 When Performing Controller Reboots 
  (SCGCQ00895602, Port of SCGCQ00888103)
- Fixed issue where IOs completed with good status when EEDP Check enabled and 
  EEDP error injected with 4096 block size(SCGCQ00856981, Port of SCGCQ00855669)
- Fixed issue where system hangs after adapter reset with heavy IO load 
  (SCGCQ00877119, Port of SCGCQ00646625)
- Fixed issue where when using a large number of SATA drives, out of resource 
  condition may cause IOs to be pended indefinately 
  (SCGCQ00887685, Port of SCGCQ00885544)
- Fixed issue where SATA SSDs in locked state not showing up after manually 
  loading driver. (SCGCQ00859102, Port of SCGCQ00843668)
- Fixed issue where SSD Marked Failed After Encountering 03/1100 Sense 
  (Medium Error) (SCGCQ00945560, Port of SCGCQ00933048)
- Fixed long I/O latency with large burst of non-auto I/Os generated while other
  read/write I/Os are running (SCGCQ00884667, Port of SCGCQ00884179)
- Fixed issue where fast back-to-back or parallel PCIe configuration requests 
  after certain addresses can generate bad Config Read data 
  (SCGCQ01070088, Port of SCGCQ01047773)
- Fixed PL Fault 0x5814 while handling Task Management during IO Timeout 
  (SCGCQ00860153, Port of SCGCQ00842366)

UEFI Fixes:
- Fixed issue where UEFI/HII offered RAID10 & RAID1E creation even when these 
RAID levels are disabled (SCGCQ00855519)
- Fixed issue where following a system BIOS update, system hangs in HII 'Change 
Controller Properties'. (SCGCQ00907731)
- Fixed issue where the SEP devices are not exposed in Extended SCSI Passthru 
protocol (SCGCQ00907013, Port of SCGCQ00905547)

UEFI Enhancements:
- Use PCI IO Protocol Write function as alternate to Serial IO write function to
  route debug messages to serial port of host system. (SCGCQ00898744)
- Add Logical Block Size of disk to device properties screen in HII. 
- Eliminate Maximum transfer size limitation of BlockI/O calls in SAS3 IT UEFI 
- Modify Port and Phy Configuration in UEFI HII to accomodate multiple SAS cores
  and disabled core. (SCGCQ00834025, Port of SCGCQ00802753)
- Added relevant help message for Phy settings. (SCGCQ00869976)

BIOS Fixes:
- Fixed long response delays with config utility navigation response. 
- Fixed issue where BIOS CU displays "page read error" messages when connected 
  to large topology. (SCGCQ00886786)
- Fixed help text of format tab for 4K SAS drives. 
  (SCGCQ00860653, Port of SCGCQ00834444)
BIOS Enhancements:
- Add Logical Block Size of disk to device properties screen. 
  (SCGCQ00898447, Port of SCGCQ00887338) 
- Change Auto-Refresh Interval for BIOS Configuration Utility (CU) 
  Topology Screen (SCGCQ00898423, Port of SCGCQ00887368)

Version 1.09.04 -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
  BIOS          Firmware      UEFI Driver
- Fixed issue where HDD removal not properly reported as Target Device missing 
when attached to adapter through an expander. (SCGCQ00777858)
- Fixed issue where Fault State (0x265d) is observed in driver logs while 
connecting an enclosure with fully populated SATA drives (SCGCQ00856085)
- Fixed issue where 0x7C54 fault seen during I/T switching (SCGCQ00847013)
- Fixed issue where certain drive pull scenarios result in longer time to 
discovery running (~3+ seconds) (SCGCQ00843759)
- Improved PCIe Config operation handling to avoid 0x0D03 faults (SCGCQ00836878) 
- Fixed issue where controller could fault with 0x4A00 during link break 
- Fixed the occurrence of fault 0x1708, when a free MID is attempted to be 
failed to the host. (SCGCQ00826420)
- Fixed occurrence of fault 0x5814/0x5813 while handling Task Management during 
IO Timeout (SCGCQ00865024)
- Fixed issue where SATA drive with slow spin up can cause IO timeout in Linux. 
- Fixed system hang after adapter reset with heavy IO load (SCGCQ00877099)
- Fixed issue with slow BIOS interface response with certain hardware e
nvironments (SCGCQ00888867)
- Fixed UEFI issue where in an environment with multi-lun devices where lun size
 varies, backup GPT corruption can occur (SCGCQ00907441)

- In BIOS added a new field to Device Properties called "Logical Sector Size". 
The possible values are 512B, 4K and Unknown. (SCGCQ00887338) 
- Improved the response time in UEFI HII utility for SAS3 IT/IR Controllers 

Version 1.07 -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
  BIOS          Firmware      UEFI Driver

- Fixed issue where 0xD025 fault appeared while running non-FastPath
  I/O to SATA disk with outstanding FastPath I/Os to SAS disk
- Fixed fault 0xD071 while running stress and glitching all 4 phys as
  part of a cable break test.	(SCGCQ00590502) 
- Fixed MPI Power Management Global Request Change to Reduced or Standby
  state results in "Operation State Not Supported" or "IOC Busy"
- Fixed issue where when transitioning MPI Power Management speed from
  lower to higher rate the command falsely reported as successful
- Fixed issue with mixture of FastPath IO's and standard firmware path
  IO's timing out on SATA disks	(SCGCQ00576190) 
- Fixed SATA only issue where Multiple 'Write Verify' SCSI commands with
  zero data length leads to f/w fault (0x4203 or 0x4C31). (SCGCQ00549293) 	
- Fixed fault 0x6230 while disabling expander phys and running stress in
  multi-path failover environment (SCGCQ00692652) (SCGCQ00699059)  
- Fixed various conditions causing 0x6230 fault when cable breaking
  (SCGCQ00669775) (SCGCQ00699057) (SCGCQ00643835) 
- Fixed issue where rapid successive controller resets would cause HBA to
  stop responding on the PCIe bus (SCGCQ00556766) 
- Fixed issue where when phy power management is enabled, TARGET RESET
  function fails yet command is reported a success. 	(SCGCQ00570820) 
- Fixed issue where PCIe Link Down can cause transmit margin field to not
  reset resulting in PCIe validation tests failing	(SCGCQ00663185) 
- Fixed issue where SCSI command is not failed with expected response when
  SATA drive undergoing a format operation and reserved fields are set as
  Non-Zero value (SCGCQ00679566) 
- Fixed issue where read log ext command wasn't issued by PL FW to recover
  from error during the failure of write verify command	(SCGCQ00675166) 
- Fixed IOC fault state 0x1609 caused by Message Unit Reset
- Fixed issue where SAS Phy page 1 and 2 error counters wrap around when
  maximum values are reached. (SCGCQ00651231) 
- Fixed fault 0x265D when running large block IO with higher Qdepth
- Fixed issue in Transport Layer Retries Code causing 0x265D and 0x0501
  faults	(SCGCQ00609576)
- Fixed issue where Bad TLB entry causes 0x26B5 fault in IT/IR firmware
- Fixed 0x6828 fault when using large CDB	(SCGCQ00614498) 	
- Fixed fault 0x1901 seen when running Unmap IO’s during task aborts for
  a SATA drive	(SCGCQ00711858) 
- Fixed issue where system gets hung & reboot while running IO's along with
  diag reset on the Controller which has Active and Inactive volumes.	
- Fixed issue where cards would fault with 58B4 on power up due to incorrect
  SERDES setting	(SCGCQ00728903) 
- Fixed WRITE SAME(10) and WRITE SAME(16) SCSI commands fail on last LBA of
  SATA Drive, incorrectly reporting logical block out of range. (SCGCQ00703433) 
- Fixed fault 0x4203 when WRITE AND VERIFY (16) command us executed to SATA
  Drive for LBA Out of Range (SCGCQ00705320) 
- Fixed issue where ATA Translation of sector count in sense data is
  inconsistent for READ DMA pass-through cmd (SCGCQ00712688) 
- Fixed issue where CLI command to dump L1 data cache causes 0x265D fault
- Fixed SATA Init problem causing 0x6230 controller fault
- Fixed fault 0x265D hit when booting controller with attached enclosure
- Fixed issue where Negotiated Physical Link Rate in SAS IO Unit Page 0 may
  not be correct after pulling a cable	(SCGCQ00696408)	
- Fixed issue in NVDATA where SGPIO PHYs reversed	(SCGCQ00750746) 
- Fixed I2C slave status interrupt not always cleared with I2C Write operation
- Improved implementation of SCSI transport layer (SATL) handling while
  the SATA drive is in security 'frozen' state	(SCGCQ00549302) 
- SCSI Transport Layer: Indicate support for the ATA Device Server
  Password security protocol	(SCGCQ00625580) 
- IO Processor Target Mode performance improvements	(SCGCQ00685827) 
- Fixed issue where the navigation of HII screens was very slow when no
  drives are connected to an expander	(SCGCQ00569123) 
- Reduce the boot time for UEFI driver for large configurations.  Fixes
  a falsely reported Backup GPT corruption. (SCGCQ00498101)
  (RETAIN Tip H212119)
- Fixed issue where HII configuration utility did not print the complete
  SAS address	(SCGCQ00709781) 
- Fixed issue where View Physical Disk Properties screen on HII was not
  showing correct disk details (connector:encl:slot) when more than 8
  disks are directly attached.	(SCGCQ00691104) 
- Obtain the Physical Slot number from the PCI Bridge first and use fall
  back to SMBIOS table if unable retrieve slot number from PCI Bridge.
- Retry Test Unit Ready command if drive foes not respond on first try.
- Adding a small delay (2 seconds) to get proper operation status after
  starting an operation (like consistency check) in HII	(SCGCQ00621480) 
- Enhanced HII configuration utility to display tape drive information
- Fixed issue where the system boot hangs when Legacy BIOS is disabled
  (using HII) on certain UEFI systems.	(SCGCQ00637088) 
- Fixed issue where the Legacy BIOS failed to detect certain large
  capacity SAS drives	(SCGCQ00696486) 
- Support configurable timeout for Start Stop Unit Command.

Version 1.04.04 -  - Initial release
  BIOS          Firmware      UEFI Driver

Lenovo Data Center Group Linux OS Support Home Page

© 2018-2019 Lenovo. All rights reserved

LSI HBA and HBA/LSI Onboard 12Gb SAS/SATA/SSD Driver for rhel6

12Gb HBA SAS/SATA/SSD Driver for Linux

Supported Controllers: 
 - N2215 SAS/SATA HBA (47C8676)
 - N2225 SAS/SATA HBA (00AE912)
 - N2226 SAS/SATA HBA (00AE916)
 - ThinkSystem 430-8i SAS/SATA 12Gb HBA
 - ThinkSystem 430-8i SAS/SATA 12Gb Dense HBA
 - ThinkSystem 430-16i SAS/SATA 12Gb HBA
 - ThinkSystem 430-8e SAS/SATA 12Gb HBA
 - ThinkSystem 430-16e SAS/SATA 12Gb HBA

Supported Kernesls:  RHEL 6.10 
                          6.9 2.6.32-696
			              6.8 2.6.32-642
			              6.7 2.6.32-573
			              6.6 2.6.32-504
version	 -- Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
- Driver load fails on big endian systems (SPARC64).(SCGCQ01836661)
- Fix, False timeout prints for ioctl and other internal commands during controller reset.(SCGCQ01555936)
- Ventura: As per MPI spec use Supplemental Reply Post Host Index Register(combined reply queue) when MSI-X vectors > 16.(SCGCQ01629402)
- Fix compilation error for SLES11.(SCGCQ01698115)
- Driver compilation fails on latest upstream kernel(>= v4.17),due to changes in "queue_flag_set_unlocked" API.(SCGCQ01799543)
- Code refactor: memory allocation,setting status for incorrect command,accesing dev struct after decrementing its ref count.(SCGCQ01558459)
- Linux IT SAS3.5 mpt3sas: Observed hard lockups with SAS35 card which are configured with 16 MSI-x vectors on > 16 logical CPU machine.(SCGCQ01615533 port of SCGCQ01473904)
- Intel Spectre Vulnerability - Add support for retpoline in driver RPM and DUD for RHEL, SLES and OEL.(SCGCQ01856662 port of SCGCQ01784898)
- Driver sets queue_depth=254(SAS_QUEUE_DEPTH) and reports tagged(1) when both CMDQUE and BQUE bits set to zero for SES devices.(SCGCQ01789379 port of SCGCQ01741671)
- Not able to update manpage 11 when try to update FW from OS.(SCGCQ01789377 port of SCGCQ01639219)
- Linux IT phase7 mpt3sas: Increase the IOCTL timeout to support the IOCTL commands having timeout >= 512 seconds.(SCGCQ01868049 port of SCGCQ01867387)
- mpt3sas: Lock access to the HBA's PCI config space from user space while Diag reset operation is going on.(SCGCQ01905582 port of SCGCQ01819327)
- Not able to update manpage 11 when try to update FW from OS.(SCGCQ01729592 port of SCGCQ01639219)
- Driver sets queue_depth=254(SAS_QUEUE_DEPTH) and reports tagged(1) when both CMDQUE and BQUE bits set to zero for SES devices.(SCGCQ01763013 port of SCGCQ01741671)
- Linux IT SAS3.5 Ph7 mpt3sas: Support for Kernel 4.15 via DDA PT mode.(SCGCQ01905585 port of SCGCQ01875700)
- Linux IT SAS3.5 mpt3sas: Observed hard lockups with SAS35 card which are configured with 16 MSI-x vectors on > 16 logical CPU machine.(SCGCQ01906874 port of SCGCQ01473904)

- OS driver support for Oracle Linux 7.5 - SAS3 PH 16, SAS3.5 Ph 8.(SCGCQ01586104)
- Added support for RHEL6.10 GA(2.6.32-754.el6).(SCGCQ01828835)
- Skip pending I/Os issued to NVMe drives while processing Broadcast Async Event.(SCGCQ01558613)
- mpt3sas: Do not wait for IOC to become operational if HBA is unplugged.(SCGCQ01681422)
- OS driver support for XenServer7.4 SAS3 PH 16, SAS3.5 Ph 8.(SCGCQ01750033)
- Upstream mpt3sas: scsi_transport_sas: switch to bsg-lib for SMP passthrough.(SCGCQ01606945)
- Upstream mpt3sas: Fix function prototypes for module_param_call(SCGCQ01607482)
- Added support for RHEL7.5 GA (3.10.0-862.el7).(SCGCQ01719072)
- Intel Spectre Vulnerability - Add support for retpoline in driver RPM and DUD for RHEL, SLES and OEL.(SCGCQ01784898)
- Upstream: mpt3sas: clarify mmio pointer types (Fix compiler warning).(SCGCQ01686081)
- Phase8: Fix sparse warnings of inhouse mpt3sas driver.(SCGCQ01729697)
- Added support for RHEL7.5 GA (3.10.0-862.el7).(SCGCQ01749948)
- mpt3sas: Added new thread called hot plugged watchdog which will poll for whether HBA device is unplugged or not.(SCGCQ01681425)
- mpt3sas: code refactor - move section of code which waits for IOC to be in operational state into a separate function.(SCGCQ01681420)
- Linux IT Ph6 mpt3sas: Added mpt3sas driver support for SLES15 OS.(SCGCQ01839348)
- Upstream mpt3sas: fix dma_addr_t casts.(SCGCQ01541636)
- Added support for XenServer 7.3 OS.(SCGCQ01554011)
- OS Driver Support for Ubuntu 18.04- SAS3.5 PH 8 / SAS3 PH 16.(SCGCQ01586127)
- Upstream mpt3sas: Do not mark fw_event workqueue as WQ_MEM_RECLAIM.(SCGCQ01686075)
- mpt3sas: wait for and flush running commands on shutdown/unload (Upstream Patch).(SCGCQ01686096)
- Change attribution language from Avago to Broadcom and update copyright end year.(SCGCQ01757358)

version	 -- Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
EnhancementRequests (2)
- Intel Spectre Vulnerability - Add support for retpoline in driver RPM and DUD for RHEL, SLES and OEL.(SCGCQ01784898)
- Added support for RHEL7.5 GA (3.10.0-862.el7).(SCGCQ01749948)
- Driver sets queue_depth=254(SAS_QUEUE_DEPTH) and reports tagged(1) when both CMDQUE and BQUE bits set to zero for SES devices.(SCGCQ01789379 port of SCGCQ01741671)
- Not able to update manpage 11 when try to update FW from OS.(SCGCQ01789377 port of SCGCQ01639219)		

version	 -- Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
Defects (15)
- Update code to free intended memory pool.(SCGCQ01488145)
- Memory leak when unloading driver with NVMe flashed SAS35 controller in the system.(SCGCQ01497725)
- Memory leak, after cable pull and push of SAS/SATA drives with DMD set.(SCGCQ01509274)
- Workaround in driver to post 64bit request descriptor to register at offset 0xC0/0xC4 to avoid hitting HW bug.(SCGCQ01514520)
- use scsi_internal_device_block_nowait for RHEL distros greater than RHEL7.3.(SCGCQ01526190)
- Linux IT SAS3.5 mpt3sas: Observed hard lockups with SAS35 card which are configured with 16 MSI-x vectors on > 16 logical CPU machine.(SCGCQ01473904)
- Driver fails to load post installation..(SCGCQ01458946)
- Fix Timeout value and Reset method used for Target Reset issued on internal command Timeout. (Code Review fix).(SCGCQ01473759)
- Controller fault state 265d while loading latest merged driver for SAS2 card.(SCGCQ01471650)
- Remove logically dead code.(SCGCQ01488142)
- OS crashes when drives are hot plugged while loading driver.(SCGCQ01494556)
- Memory leak seen after using storcli and unloading the driver.(SCGCQ01479414)
- NVMe task management command is not executed as per NVDAT settings.(SCGCQ01524245)
- wrong sizeof argument being passed to sizeof() function..(SCGCQ01484567)
- RHEL7.x: Crash occurred while loading mpt3sas driver with module parameter smp_affinity_enable set to 0.(SCGCQ01496368)
- Linux IT SAS3.5 mpt3sas: Observed hard lockups with SAS35 card which are configured with 16 MSI-x vectors on > 16 logical CPU machine.(SCGCQ01615533 port of SCGCQ01473904)
- mpt3sas: Disable DIX support by default..(SCGCQ01465762 port of SCGCQ01465665)
- RHEL7.x: Crash occurred while loading mpt3sas driver with module parameter smp_affinity_enable set to 0.(SCGCQ01504666 port of SCGCQ01496368)
- IO Timeouts observed while running IO and parallel TaskMgmt test with SATA drives	.(SCGCQ01522289 port of SCGCQ01497972)

EnhancementRequests (8)
- Driver support for OEL 7.4_UEK (4.1.12-94.3.9.el7uek).(SCGCQ01396745)
- Report Package Version from HBA Driver.(SCGCQ01445879)
- Upstream mpt3sas: Fix memory allocation failure test in 'mpt3sas_base_attach()'.(SCGCQ01454958)
- Upstream mpt3sas: Create two versions of scsi_internal_device_unblock().(SCGCQ01447644)
- Upstream mpt3sas: fix format overflow warning.(SCGCQ01454955)
- NVMe Task Management - Controller Reset Support (SCS).(SCGCQ01445901)
- Added support for RHEL7.5 GA (3.10.0-862.el7)..(SCGCQ01749948)
- Upstream mpt3sas: Split scsi_internal_device_block(SCGCQ01447640)

version -- Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
- Marlin B0: OS crashed while running Diag reset with IOs.(SCGCQ01311474)
- Buildkit is modified to install Out of box rpm also in '/lib/modules/4.4.0+2/updates' and also RPM naming convention has been changed to match the inbox driver naming convention.(SCGCQ01318375)
- Disable ASPM for MPI2 controllers.(SCGCQ01329184)  
- RHEL 6.8 32 Bit is hitting kernel panic after loading Phase5.0 PA-3 Driver for IT Ventura Controller.(SCGCQ01418569)
- call-trace observed on RHEL6.x while unloading driver.(SCGCQ01336601)
- Ph4 IT Linux mpt3sas: Observing kernel panic during topology configuration w/ blk-mq enabled.(SCGCQ01351060)
- Ventura Phase5: OS crash while removing the drives connected to the controller.(SCGCQ01386942)
- Linux IT SAS3.5 Phase5 mpt3sas: Observing MCE errors while upgrading the Firmware.(SCGCQ01440053)
- Code Review defect: Don't send sync cache and SSU to FW, when pci_error_recovery or adapter_over_temp is set.(SCGCQ01341910)
- mpt3sas: Avoid sleeping in interrupt context.(SCGCQ01329329)
- Linux IT sas35 Phase5 mpt3sas: FW events sent before diagnostic reset are not getting cleaned up during reset.(SCGCQ01397582)
- Linux IT SAS3.5 mpt3sas: Observed hard lockups with SAS35 card which are configured with 16 MSI-x vectors on > 16 logical CPU machine.(SCGCQ01473904)
- Updated OEL6_UEK and OEL7_UEK buildkit.(SCGCQ01436811)
- Fixed - Sync cache command failure with hostbyte=DID_NO_CONNECT during driver unload.(SCGCQ01291425)
- Driver has to use sense buffer to copy error response for NVMe encapsulated IOCTL commands.(SCGCQ01391926)
- Fix for file system going to read-only mode when controller is resetted.(SCGCQ01315476)
- Fix SAS drives going for Spin Down when module param allow_drive_spindown is set to 3.(SCGCQ01337377)
- Driver Unload command does not exit when connected drives are disconnected while unloading driver.(SCGCQ01403879)
- RHEL7.x: Crash occurred while loading mpt3sas driver with module parameter smp_affinity_enable set to 0.(SCGCQ01496368)
- Linux IT Ph14 mpt3sas: Observed kernel panic while performing shutdown operation followed by immediate PCI device hotplug.(SCGCQ01380972 port of SCGCQ01348068)
- Linux IT Ph14 mpt3sas: Observed kernel panic during HBA hot plug operation just before issuing system shutdown operation.(SCGCQ01380973 port of SCGCQ01366025)
- Linux IT Ph14 mpt3sas: Poweroff command fails to shutdown the host post surprise removal of controller.(SCGCQ01380975 port of SCGCQ01352902)
- Linux : Enclosure Handles are not updated for SAS device during diag reset.(SCGCQ01372661 port of SCGCQ01326058)
- Linux IT Ph14 mpt3sas: Added Hot-Plug Surprise removal support on IOCs.(SCGCQ01383826 port of SCGCQ01341334)
- Increase NVMe device queue depth to remove performance bottleneck in the driver.(SCGCQ01316459 port ofSCGCQ01305414)
- Driver has to use sense buffer to copy error response for NVMe encapsulated IOCTL commands.(SCGCQ01391990 port of SCGCQ01391926)
- Linux SAS35 Ph3 : By default disable multipath support for SAS3.5 HBA's too.(SCGCQ01316220 port of SCGCQ01301732)
- Linux mpt3sas: Enumeration of drives for OEM specific controller.(SCGCQ01408565 port of SCGCQ01318421)

- Pre-allocate RDPQ Array at driver boot time.(SCGCQ01297392)
- Ph3 : SLES12 SP3(4.4.73-5) OS support.(SCGCQ01417347)
-0001 - mpt3sas: set default value for cb_idx.(SCGCQ01300828)
-0006 - mpt3sas: always use first reserved smid for ioctl passthrough and second reserved smid for internal scsi io commands.(SCGCQ01300840)
-0007 - mpt3sas: lockless command submission.(SCGCQ01300843)
-0009 - mpt3sas: Enable tag support for all supported kernels.(SCGCQ01300853)
- Added support for XenServer 7.1.(SCGCQ01289850)
- 0005 - mpt3sas: Introduce mpt3sas_get_st_from_smid.(SCGCQ01300838)
- 0008 - mpt3sas: create separate lookup table for NVMe PRP list.(SCGCQ01300851)
- Optimize I/O memory consumption in driver.(SCGCQ01388190)
- Enhanced handling of DMA allocation, If the allocation does not fit within same 4GB.(SCGCQ01388961)
- Added mpt3sas driver support for OEL6.9.(SCGCQ01289003)
- 0003 - mpt3sas: separate out _base_recovery_check.(SCGCQ01300833)
- Reducing the number of times enclosure config page read request sent by driver.(SCGCQ01357382)
- Increase event log buffer to support 24 port HBA's to avoid buffer overflow.(SCGCQ01368517)
- 0004- mpt3sas: open code _scsih_scsi_lookup_get.(SCGCQ01300836)
- Added mpt3sas driver support for RHEL6.9.(SCGCQ01316324)
- Added support for SAS Device Discovery Error Event.(SCGCQ01354911)
- OS Support for RHEL 7.4 (3.10.0-693.el7).(SCGCQ01415978)
- 00010 - mpt3sas: allocate as many chains as needed and remove chain list maintenance overhead.(SCGCQ01300854)
- Ph5 : SLES12 SP3(4.4.73-5) OS support.(SCGCQ01396754)
- 0002 - mpt3sas: use list_splice_init.(SCGCQ01300832)
- Upstream mpt3sas: switch to pci_alloc_irq_vectors.(SCGCQ01367469)

version Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
- Unable to achieve product targets performance numbers with SAS devices (SCGCQ01175998)
- SATA drive will be in blocked state if diag reset occurs while any ATA Passthrough command is outstanding (SCGCQ01221454)
- Target number for vSES is incremented after host reset (SCGCQ01255996)
- fix hang on ata passthru commands (SCGCQ01255965)

- Block the drive after recieving any ATA pass-though command for that driver and unblock it after completion of the command (SCGCQ01218960)
- Reduce memory footrpints in kdump kernel (SCGCQ01237163)
- Recognize and act on IO's iopriority info (SCGCQ01237164)
- Added driver support for Dual/multi-path typologies (SCGCQ01237381)
Version - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
- Fixed an issue where the OS would crash after installing device driver. (SCGCQ01123902)
- Fixed an issue where only 8 MSIX vectors were enabled for SAS3 HBAs on a 32 core machine even though 32 msix vectors could be enabled on the card, since it has RDPQ enabled firmware. (SCGCQ01106942)

- Updated initial ref tag with correct value for 4K PI drives in kernels less than 3.18. (SCGCQ01066189)
- Set sas_phy's negotiated_linkrate sysfs attribute to 12Gbps if corresponding device is 12Gbps device. (SCGCQ01100134)
- Set maximum transfer length per IO to 4MB for VDs (SCGCQ01072659, SCGCQ01100150 Port of SCGCQ01072631)

Version - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
- fixed an issue where the initial ref tag was incorrect with 4K sector size drives when PI is enabled for kernel v3.18 and onwards. (SCGCQ01015654)
- Fixed an issue where partial driver message is displayed when active cable power consumption exception occurs.(SCGCQ01025061)
- Merged mpt2sas driver in to mpt3sas driver module. (SCGCQ00955258)

- Set sas_phy's negotiated_linkrate sysfs attribute to 12Gbps if corresponding device is 12Gbps device (SCGCQ01100134)
- Added support for RHEL6.8. (SCGCQ01093683)
- Active cable exception handling in mpt3sas driver (SCGCQ01008402)
- Set maximum transfer length per IO to 4MB for VDs (SCGCQ01100150)
- Fixed issue where OS not discovering all drives in dual node configuration (SCGCQ01026842 PORT of SCGCQ00776162)
- Updated MPI Headers from 2.00.39 to 2.00.42 (SCGCQ01015128)

Version - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
- Fixed potential protection fault due to sas device list corruption (SCGCQ00933587)
- Fixed potential protection fault due to fw event list corruption (SCGCQ00933591)
- Fixed memory leak occuring with failed firmware event data (SCGCQ00881682)
- Fixed kernel panic during driver load time on RedHat kernels before 2.6.27 (SCGCQ00880259, Port of SCGCQ00878516)

- Make use of additional HighPriorityCredit number of message frames for sending SCSI IO's (SCGCQ00899842)
- Add support for configurable Chain Frame Size. (SCGCQ00933600, Port of SCGCQ00929253)
- Add RHEL 6.7 GA Support (SCGCQ00848126)

Version - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
- Enabled polling for detecting of SMART SATA drives (SCGCQ00791340)

Note: Installed version number is

Version - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
- Driver initialization fails after some random iterations of load/unload of mpt3sas driver module	(SCGCQ00589083)
- Kernel Panic seen while booting the system with blank card.	(SCGCQ00574258)
- Driver initialization fails while performing HBA device hotplug/unplugs operations	(SCGCQ00526796)
- During driver load with a flaky disk in the setup, discovery related I/O times out which results in SCSI error recovery initiating host reset and then the controller won't see any disk	(SCGCQ00571398)
- During hot-plugging of a disk (having a flaky link) the disk addition stops and any further disk addition or removal doesn't happen on that controller.  (SCGCQ00571402)
- Drives attached to the expander are not discovered	(SCGCQ00571418)
- The driver message logs contain an entry "mpt2sas0: _base_get_ioc_facts:  failed going to ready state	(SCGCQ00571424)
- device_unblock messages are not seen in the logs regarding device unblock  (SCGCQ00664470)
- Kernel panic while issuing LUN reset or target reset during running IOs  (SCGCQ00655811)
- Kernel Panic is seen when issued Diag reset from task management  (SCGCQ00654562)
- When IOC goes bad, while flushing the IOs, protection info SGLs are not  released for DIF IOs.	(SCGCQ00664893)
- Synchronization between PF and VF host drivers is missing while performing  diag reset operation and it leads to firmware faults such as 0x1500 (SCGCQ00682671)
- When LUN 0 is offline, the other LUNs were not visible to the system.  (SCGCQ00703194)
- Added code to display Location of End Device.	(SCGCQ00452326)
- On detecting that the IOC is over heated and entered fault state, the driver flush all running commands, and forces a panic with message ‘TEMPERATURE FAULT: STOPPING'	(SCGCQ00654911)
- Added new module parameter to allow /disallow host driver to issue SCSI  commands to bring up drive.	(SCGCQ00609923)

Version - Initial release

Lenovo Data Center Group Linux OS Support Home Page

© 2018-2019 Lenovo. All rights reserved

LSI Storage Authority Software for windows and linux

LSI Storage Authority Software

Supported controllers:
  - ThinkSystem 430-8i PCIe 12Gb HBA
  - ThinkSystem 430-16i PCIe 12Gb HBA
  - ThinkSystem 430-8e PCIe 12Gb HBA
  - ThinkSystem 430-16e PCIe 12Gb HBA
  - ThinkSystem 430-8i SAS/SATA 12Gb Dense HBA
  - ThinkSystem RAID 930-8i 2GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter
  - ThinkSystem RAID 930-16i 4GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter
  - ThinkSystem RAID 930-16i 8GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter
  - ThinkSystem RAID 930-24i 4GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter
  - ThinkSystem RAID 930-8e 4GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter
  - ThinkSystem RAID 930-4i 2GB Flash Flex Adapter
  - ThinkSystem RAID 730-8i 1GB Cache PCIe 12Gb Adapter
  - ThinkSystem RAID 730-8i 2GB Cache PCIe 12Gb Adapter
  - ThinkSystem RAID 730-8i 4GB Cache PCIe 12Gb Adapter  
  - ThinkSystem RAID 530-8i PCIe 12Gb Adapter
  - ThinkSystem RAID 530-8i Dense Adapter
  - ThinkSystem RAID 530-4i 4GB Flex Adapter
  - N2226 SAS/SATA HBA for Lenovo System x (00AE916)
  - N2225 SAS/SATA HBA for Lenovo System x (00AE912)	 
  - N2215 SAS/SATA HBA for Lenovo System x (47C8676)
  - ServeRAID M5215 SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x (46C9110)
  - ServeRAID M1215 SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x (46C9114)
  - ServeRAID M1210 SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x  
  - ServeRAID M1210e SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo x880 X6 Compute Node
  - ServeRAID M1210e SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo x240 M5 Compute Node
  - ServeRAID M5225-2GB SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x
  - ServeRAID M5210e SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x
  - ServeRAID M5210 SAS/SATA Controller
Supported Operating Systems:
 - SLES 11 SP3/SP4, SLES 12/SP1/SP2/SP3/SP4,SLES 15
 - RHEL 6.7/6.8/6.9/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4/7.5/7.6
 - Vmware  ESXi  6.5 U1,U2
 - Vmware ESXi ESXi 6.0 U1/U2/U3
 - Vmware ESXi 6.7

NOTE TO SERVICE - Reference RETAIN #N/A - Moderate Impact

 - WG: Physical Drives tab should be aligned in center for Advanced Configuration.(SCGCQ01440777) 
 - Fixed: settings in configuration service API is inconsistent with other applciations(SCGCQ01518134) 
 - LSA WG Fury IT: Fury Device ID is showing as 00 instead of 0x0097 in controller properties logs.(SCGCQ01534444) 
 - SCGCQ01539326: [UNMAP]MR7.6 Unmap/WriteSame: AEN's are not generated when unmap capability gets disabled or enabled on a VD.(SCGCQ01539326) 
 - LSA Client 7.6: SPAN drives order is not maintained(SCGCQ01539355) 
 - Client: LSA should handle the not empty check for enclousre field for the physicalDevices response(SCGCQ01555968) 
 - IT-FURY-PH16:LSA- Populated Enclosure S/N is "NA" and shown correctly after few drive removals.(SCGCQ01563352) 
 - SCGCQ01565134: IT-Ventura-PH7:LSA- FW update fails with error "File size Exceeds 16MB".(SCGCQ01565134) 
 - WG : Server detail is getting populated twice when user is using local IP ( 
 - WG: During VD Creation on Simple Configuration, Clicking more than Once on the Finish Button is giving a Wrong Message.(SCGCQ01569262) 
 - WG: Copyright info is shown as 2017 instead of 2018(SCGCQ01571088) 
 - WG:Pop Up scroll missing in case there are more number of VDs to add while setting patrol read properties & Schedule CC(SCGCQ01571089) 
 - WG: User is notified to that multiselect PD/VD displays the properties but it is not supported(SCGCQ01571095) 
 - IT-FURY-PH16:LSA-SATA NCQ bit is always shown as disabled(SCGCQ01571261) 
 - LSA is not responding if online state is changed to offline(SCGCQ01571453) 
 - SCGCQ01571863: WG: LSA installation/uninstallation on linux does not notify the user on success or failure(SCGCQ01571863) 
 - Fixed: Windows OS details were reported as VMware details in Manual Search(SCGCQ01571874) 
 - WG: LSA wrapper indicates the progress of operations appears to be clickable while there is nothing user can select from list(SCGCQ01573087) 
 - SCGCQ01575706: WG:LSA installation exits on invalid option for selecting range of LSA events, it asks for retry with options listed again(SCGCQ01575706) 
 - SCGCQ01575999: FURY-PH16:LSA-Model Number is getting truncated for ST3000DM001,Hitachi HDS723020BLA642 models.(SCGCQ01575999) 
 - WG: the string 'status' is displayed multiple times after searching the server for manual addition(SCGCQ01577707) 
 - WG: LSA allows to replace HDD missing drive with SSD UG drive, fails with Partial Success.0 Successful;1 Failed notification(SCGCQ01577769) 
 - fixed: logout causing unexpected behavior during end cim connection for vmware systems(SCGCQ01578248) 
 - LSA Server: Removal of Additional Carriage Returns and Line feeds in tty log file(SCGCQ01579290) 
 - WG: Error message on a failed VD creation is displayed outside the allocated space(SCGCQ01586721) 
 - SCGCQ01588880:(SCGCQ01588880) 
 - LSA shows wrong diskgroup info when you have foreign PD(SCGCQ01590450) 
 - IPV6 IP is overlapping OS name and arch in LSA GUI if we see server discovery page in list view in SLES12 SP3(SCGCQ01595641) 
 - WG: LSA service crashes on trying to login with URI having incorrect mac address of the server(SCGCQ01601386) 
 - fixed: Advanced Configuration is grayed out when there are 2 jbods available in the system.(SCGCQ01631267) 
 - Enclosure Location :Internal for back plane needs to be changed to "NONE" as part of new schema-24(SCGCQ01669558) 
 - LSA Schema 24: replace-missing get operation needs to follow the schema(SCGCQ01675460) 
 - Not able to set max no of PD using set patrol read properties in LSA/Storcli(SCGCQ01681070) 
 - WG: LSA 7.7 PA2 Not able to create RAID 00 VDs on iMR Ventura controller(SCGCQ01683638) 
 - When we try to modify the Unmap SCSI Unmap enabled feature via LSA it should give the reboot server message(SCGCQ01683938) 
 - During migration from r0(opal drives and non-secured) to r1, Add Pd list does not list the available drives (Greater/same si(SCGCQ01687072) 
 - WG: Issues pertaining to searching of the server : manual discovery in list view & GUI issues in the manual discovery panel(SCGCQ01687117) 
 - MR7.7_LSA: Unable to convert JBOD to UG when filesystem is present(SCGCQ01697980) 
 - LSA Linux doesn't have latest storelib(SCGCQ01713580) 
 - WG MR 7.7 PA2: LSA allows to add FDE and OPAL drives to create Encrypted volume(SCGCQ01721222) 
 - Server: LSA GUI Not Updating Security Key Info(SCGCQ01761801) 
 - Fixed: Delay in updating drive count in LSA due to slowness in asynchronous events(SCGCQ01761830) 
 - Fixed: nvme is allowed to mix with sas /sata(SCGCQ01762948) 
 - SCGCQ01763132: LSA: Alert Configuration response contains unsupported character(SCGCQ01763132) 
 - Foreign Config preview should show the VD details also(SCGCQ01788639) 
 - LSA Opal: RLM mixing for Opal SSC and Enterprise shouldn't be allowed when enableFDETypeMix=0(SCGCQ01790063) 
 - CC VD creation option is coming in LSA when the CC VD (SATA SSD) is in foreign config.(SCGCQ01817275) 
 - compilation error in server(SCGCQ01817434) 
 - Fixed: Auto Span Adjust with having >64 disks is not correct.(SCGCQ01827404) 
 - Lenovo 18D - missing display "Uninstall LSA" shortcut in the "Start Menu" under windows2016(SCGCQ01841473) 
 - LSA Not allowing to clear/Import foreign configuration.(SCGCQ01849749) 
 - SCGCQ01856350: LSA_18D installed in SLES15 OS, the icon in LSA shows as Redhat icon(SCGCQ01856350) 
 - LSA login to ESXi 6.x servers fails in SLES 15 OS.(SCGCQ01874487) 
 - MR API - Incorrect value used for MR_DCMD_CTRL_SNAPDUMP_ONDEMAND(SCGCQ01882581) 
 - WG: LSA shows incorrect popups while making the drive from offline to online & vice versa(SCGCQ01922610) 
 - LSA - Not able to import other foreign configs if user have SED drive which is in foreign(SCGCQ01937406) 
 - In JBOD personality LSA service getting stopped when user change JBOD to UG(SCGCQ01971368) 
 - LSA 7.6:In gateway LSA, none of the servers are listed except Self server in Remote server discovery page in Rhel 7.4(SCGCQ01552654) 
 - Correcting the library version display, ini file contents and also the readme files contents.(SCGCQ01561849) 
 - LSA: Warning Message needs to be changed when there is Controller firmware update failure(SCGCQ01564526) 
 - SWR: Device ID is not displayed in LSA.(SCGCQ01564621) 
 - MR/IR: Controller Device ID value mismatch in LSA(SCGCQ01564622) 
 - WG:LSA and web server port have references of SLIM and nignx in notification if invalid ports are given during LSA installatn(SCGCQ01571099) 
 - WG: Issues pertaining to replace drive confirmation popup(SCGCQ01573101) 
 - Security related information should not be displayed in IR/IT for LSA(SCGCQ01577891) 
 - LSA allows user to assgin a 512 B drive as replacement to 4k missing drive in a DG(SCGCQ01591175) 
 - SCGCQ01593058: Add non printable character support for sata pd product id display(SCGCQ01593058) 
 - Add a provision to indicate VMware/NonVmware server in Manual Discovery Panel(SCGCQ01600706) 
 - LSA WG FURY IT: UEFI image download is failing in LSA(SCGCQ01616545) 
 - LSA 7.6 Server: LSA is showing the option for PD:"Undo Prepare For Removal", when the DG is in TR state(SCGCQ01618243) 
 - Not able to create secure VD with latest MR 7.7 LSA 177.000.000-SCGCQ01664972 but OK with previous version(SCGCQ01665121) 
 - Error observed while adding Windows gateway server in through manual discovery(SCGCQ01675601) 
 - Secure Jbod unlock is not showing the proper error message in LSA(SCGCQ01677101) 
 - LSA MR7.7 PA2: Previously cleared configuration is seen in presence of OPAL foreign drive in Jbod Mode.(SCGCQ01685488) 
 - WG MR7.7 PA2:Once the 69639 error code is seen in LSA, performing every valid operation fails until manual refresh is perfo(SCGCQ01686013) 
 - WG MR 7.7:There is no import option for GHS Foreign device in LSA(SCGCQ01698105) 
 - Fixed: LSA handle count increase was observed(SCGCQ01713154) 
 - Add physical Drives page is not consistent across (Advanced Configuration and Modify drive Group(SCGCQ01716606) 
 - LSA: Handle Opal drive scenario for Hotspare and replace drive(SCGCQ01719043) 
 - LSA client: Add support to show incompatible profiles details(SCGCQ01727270) 
 - Add SCSI Unmap property at PD level(SCGCQ01732785) 
 - WG MR 7.7 Alpha:Foreign configuration pane does not show details for foreign dedicated hotspare drive.(SCGCQ01745770) 
 - WG:[intermittent] LSA page goes blank if we click on Drive tab and then immediately click on view serer profile(SCGCQ01747490) 
 - WG MR 7.7 alpha:Lsa does not update the PD(part of r0 volume) status once the PD is made online from offline.(SCGCQ01752969) 
 - [CISCO][TR]"Clear Transport Ready" option on rebuild LD should be removed or greyed out in LSA(SCGCQ01753229) 
 - MR LSA 7.7 : When user has flashed the controller FW for IT card, reboot system message is disappearing within few seconds(SCGCQ01761269) 
 - WG MR 7.7 al:LSA allows to create simple configuration in presence of Unconfigured bad drive and rest of the drives in jbod(SCGCQ01763742) 
 - MR7.7: Removal of UNMAP support for JBOD(SCGCQ01813078) 
 - Not able to create PRL11 CC VD (using 4 SATA SSD PD) from LSA webGUI.(SCGCQ01822209) 
 - fixed: LSA fails to create RAID 10 with large number of drives(SCGCQ01833469) 
 - LSA does not ask for user confirmation for possible Data corruption while changing Pd state from "offline->online" .(SCGCQ01838943) 
 - WG: Software licensing agreement for linux RWC3 build is of Generic Channel(SCGCQ01886563) 
 - WG: LSA services crashes while adding the manually discovered VMware server to the manage server list(SCGCQ01918692) 
 - LSA needs to change "Error code" : 86017, Description:Operation failed because of a resource reservation error" to proper mes(SCGCQ01556013) 
 - MR7.6_LSA: No Foriegn configuration details is shown in LSA(SCGCQ01581943) 
 - SCGCQ01582139: MR7.6_LSA: Enclosure ID and Device ID is shown blank in LSA event logs(SCGCQ01582139) 
 - WG: LSA Page auto scrolls down with scheduler wrapper going out of focus. LSA page would now be only half transparent(SCGCQ01586697) 
 - PH7 LSA WG Ventura: Sorting the drives on the basis of Device ID is not working fine(SCGCQ01587630) 
 - Fixed: Gateway crash when DA is logged in greater than max logins(SCGCQ01593855) 
 - WG: Instance validation failed for controller GET(SCGCQ01601458) 
 - WG: Minor text changes to be made in user information when no rows are selected in PD tab / DG tab / other hardware tab(SCGCQ01601656) 
 - [CISCO][TR] LSA fails to show DG in TR state after system reboot -storCLI OK(SCGCQ01615856) 
 - Enclosure Location :Internal for back plane needs to be changed to "NONE" as part of new schema-24(SCGCQ01638193) 
 - SCGCQ01680714: WG:Memory leak issues when the system is not idle ( Running the GUI suite when the memory leak test is in progress(SCGCQ01680714) 
 - LSA Wont display foreign data when enclosure information in not populated properly(SCGCQ01685449) 
 - WG MR 7.7:Invalid Temperature is displayed for OPAL drives.(SCGCQ01686024) 
 - Instant Secure Erase does not work in VMware when schedule is enabled(SCGCQ01686028) 
 - MR7.7_LSA: Error code:0 is observed when driver security is changed in LSA(SCGCQ01686050) 
 - LSA is not showing the proper message when user unlocks the foreign jbod drivesin JBOD mode(SCGCQ01716622) 
 - fixed: max pd is a bigger number than the actual allowed max pd per raid level(SCGCQ01746200) 
 - WG MR 7.7 alpha: LSA displays wrong connector & path info for drives when enclosure is connected in wide port (x8 connection(SCGCQ01764794) 
 - WG: gateway system is not discovering systems with different web port number in remote discovery page.(SCGCQ01788630) 
 - LSA does not update the VD status when Migration is performed from r5(3drives)to r1(2drives)(SCGCQ01803743) 
 - LSA 502 Bad gateway is seen when Prepare for removal is performed on 5 drives at a time.(SCGCQ01809413) 
 - LSA : Stale entries are coming in DG tab when the VD (failed) is in foreign config.(SCGCQ01818953) 
 - fixed: Info "1920 more drives can be added" need to change in LSA(SCGCQ01827401) 
 - The display wrong location in page(SCGCQ01836732) 
 - SCGCQ01355833: WG:After deleting the cookies from browser, DA does not go back to login page.(SCGCQ01355833) 
 - WG: Changing the drive security key with invalid authentication key results in notification that is not in format(SCGCQ01573090) 
 - WG: Raid 00 DG having missing drives Span list dissapears when user tries to sort the drives based on capacity(SCGCQ01577833) 
 - MR 7.7: LSA did not allow to pick all SED/FDE but OK to pick one by one when create secure VD(SCGCQ01629062) 
 - SCGCQ01718994: LSA needs to convert "Error Code:69637. Descrption:Partial Success.0 Successful;1 Failed" into a readable message.(SCGCQ01718994) 
 - When there is pending personality, do not allow behavior Mode change, GUI refresh issue(SCGCQ01731312) 
 - Assign DHS is not showing any message in failure case(SCGCQ01732485) 
 - To enable the Alarm user has to click on the bottom of checkbox(SCGCQ01740783) 
 - LSA : GUI tab alignment is not coming proper after user initiates manual learn cycle for Supercap(SCGCQ01818960) 
 - LSA:fw error "BAIL_OUT at line 2909",FDE drive filtering for creating Encrypted RAID0 volumes lists non-FDE drives(SCGCQ01850008) 
 - LSA login to ESXi 6.x servers fails in SLES 15 OS.(SCGCQ01876091) 
 - LSA needs to convert "Error Code:69637. Descrption:Partial Success.0 Successful;1 Failed" into a readable message.(SCGCQ01533554) 
 - WG: change Behavior Mode From JBOD to None is Not Working until closing the window(SCGCQ01635541) 
 - WG MR7.7PA2:In Jbod mode after first reboot and after converting Jbod to UG, advance configuraton leads to Jbod table.(SCGCQ01683001) 
 - MR 7.7 PA2: LSA does not refresh DG icon when PDs are made offline to online and visa versa.(SCGCQ01686029) 
 - WG MR 7.7 PA2:Encrypted Opal drive VD supports the Opal drive replacement with FDE drive(SCGCQ01697265) 
 - WG: JBOD conversion popup appears multiple times after converting all the drives to UG and clicking on Continue button(SCGCQ01737550) 
 - MR 7.7 alpha: LSA displays raid 1 as raid 1E when created using 4 drives.(SCGCQ01764771) 
 - SCGCQ01564386: IT-FURY-PH16:Drives are not listed under Enclosures ( "0" drives) under other Hardware if connected in Multipath.(SCGCQ01564386) 
 - Coverity Defect fix in 7.7 Stream(SCGCQ01682365) 
 - WG MR 7.7:Invalid Temperature is displayed for OPAL drives.(SCGCQ01714415) 
 - Client changes for defect SCGCQ01629703(SCGCQ01714659) 
 - MR7.7_LSA: After disabling PR, PR properties shows next scheduled time(SCGCQ01718119) 
 - LSA does not give expand option to perform OCE when one among 2vds is deleted under a DG(SCGCQ01803722) 
 - LSA is not locating all drives correctly(SCGCQ01924674) 
 - WG: LSA page doesnt show any notification on time consuming response operations,would lead to user redoing same again(SCGCQ01515496) 
 - WG: Email setting tab heading of LSA displays the entire sentence with "_" in between instead of space(SCGCQ01563343) 
 - Security Key Confirm Text box should not accept the copy of anything(SCGCQ01629574) 
 - Fixed: Show Advanced Config menu only if Unconfigured UG is present(SCGCQ01629703) 
 - WG: Readme shows wrong Version of LSA in html\files\LSA_ReadMe\LSA_Readme(SCGCQ01822525) 
 - SCGCQ01822561: WG: Changed LSA port is not listed after Direct agent installation on Rhel(SCGCQ01822561) 
 - Fixed: unblock LSA login on ESXi 6.7 U1(SCGCQ01866289) 
 - Linux system is getting IPV6 by default & it is not taking private IPV4 range(10 series) in LSA main page.(SCGCQ01817305) 
 - Making rebuild drive offline lsa gets 404.(SCGCQ01564627 port of SCGCQ01542412) 
 - LSA should display proper message for ESXi after LBP/Talladega firmware upgrade/downgrade(SCGCQ01564633 port of SCGCQ01562368) 
 - LSA Crashes after clicking on foreign configuration(SCGCQ01564739 port of SCGCQ01545262) 
 - LSA WG Fury IT: Fury Device ID is showing as 00 instead of 0x0097 in controller properties logs.(SCGCQ01564943 port of SCGCQ01534444) 
 - Modify the LSA Health Algorithm to consider the Blocked VD(SCGCQ01565025 port of SCGCQ01504080) 
 - LSA 7.6:LSA does not provide the Stop rebuild option in the action pane once the rebuild operation is in progress in Rhel 7.4(SCGCQ01565116 port of SCGCQ01555955) 
 - LSA should display proper message for ESXi after LBP/Talladega firmware upgrade/downgrade(SCGCQ01566088 port of SCGCQ01562368) 
 - WG: No success or failure notification is shown on enabling the JBOD drive security(SCGCQ01566435 port of SCGCQ01511274) 
 - SCGCQ01545384: Installation of LSA with LWM option is showing installation_type = 0, in the LSA.conf file(SCGCQ01567110 port of SCGCQ01545384) 
 - Modify the LSA Health Algorithm to consider the Blocked VD(SCGCQ01569267 port of SCGCQ01504080) 
 - Making rebuild drive offline lsa gets 404.(SCGCQ01569465 port of SCGCQ01542412) 
 - Schema -23 is not upto date with the Mark/Replace Missing feature(SCGCQ01569474 port of SCGCQ01539349) 
 - LSA: Upgrade of OpenSSL binaries to openssl-1.0.2n(SCGCQ01569949 port of SCGCQ01563340) 
 - LSA WG Inturder IT: 0 Byte drive is missing after sorting the drives based on capacity of drive.(SCGCQ01570203 port of SCGCQ01550970) 
 - Enclosure's physicaldevices URI getting failed with 405 error(SCGCQ01589492 port of SCGCQ01523122) 
 - Label of the user menu drop down should change reinforcing that selection worked.(SCGCQ01597876 port of SCGCQ01493942) 
 - LSA: Upgrade of OpenSSL binaries to openssl-1.0.2n(SCGCQ01599402 port of SCGCQ01563340) 
 - Version changes for LSA 4.129 common project(SCGCQ01601148 port of SCGCQ01601146) 
 - WG:Once the Controller is moved from Raid to JBOD all the drives are counted as drive group(SCGCQ01601603 port of SCGCQ01598515) 
 - LSA: Warning Message needs to be changed when there is Controller firmware update failure(SCGCQ01604992 port of SCGCQ01564526) 
 - MR7.6_LSA: No Foriegn configuration details is shown in LSA(SCGCQ01605344 port of SCGCQ01581943) 
 - fixed: logout causing unexpected behavior during end cim connection for vmware systems(SCGCQ01609343 port of SCGCQ01578248) 
 - SCGCQ01355833: WG:After deleting the cookies from browser, DA does not go back to login page.(SCGCQ01614982 port of SCGCQ01355833) 
 - IPV6 IP is overlapping OS name and arch in LSA GUI if we see server discovery page in list view in SLES12 SP3(SCGCQ01616555 port of SCGCQ01595641) 
 - LSA displays "Erase operation is successful" when replace operation is in progress on the drive in same drive group.(SCGCQ01617930 port of SCGCQ01401460) 
 - Modify the LSA Health Algorithm to consider the Blocked VD(SCGCQ01628354 port of SCGCQ01504080) 
 - WG:Instance Validation Fails for foreignConfiguration-schema.json in iMR_Ventura(SCGCQ01634072 port of SCGCQ01473733) 
 - WG: few of the alert params have the missing controller ID tag for the events(SCGCQ01635756 port of SCGCQ01625923) 
 - LSAServer: Use scheduler call for heavy operations for performance improvement - PD Operations(SCGCQ01635765 port of SCGCQ01514283) 
 - WG: though the hotspare button will be disabled after adding VD for a Raid 1 DG, the hand cursor button appears(SCGCQ01635778 port of SCGCQ01626738) 
 -(SCGCQ01639457 port of SCGCQ01599526) 
 - MR7.6: LSA crashed with a mouse click on VD(SCGCQ01685343 port of SCGCQ01641760) 
 - Raid 1 Volume creation using 4 drives is displayed as Raid 1E(SCGCQ01686231 port of SCGCQ01686106) 
 - LSA detects secured JBODs as unconfigure good when drives moved to another system -StorCLI detects them as foreign config(SCGCQ01687172 port of SCGCQ01686080) 
 - When we try to modify the Unmap SCSI Unmap enabled feature via LSA it should give the reboot server message(SCGCQ01697468 port of SCGCQ01683941) 
 - LSA fails to flash GPMR2 package 50.1.0-1048 on top of MR 7.6 package 50.6.0-1255 on first try-it is successful on 2nd try(SCGCQ01697485 port of SCGCQ01680521) 
 - LSA not showing the proper time stamp in the schedule PR page(SCGCQ01698028 port of SCGCQ01677008) 
 - WG: LSA page doesnt show any notification on time consuming response operations,would lead to user redoing same again(SCGCQ01719179 port of SCGCQ01515496) 
 -(SCGCQ01733306 port of SCGCQ01721811) 
 - Fixed: LSA handle count increase was observed(SCGCQ01742153 port of SCGCQ01713154) 
 - Cannot use Special Characters in Domain Name for LSA Login(SCGCQ01747012 port of SCGCQ01745768) 
 - Server schema validation is failing(SCGCQ01764913 port of SCGCQ01619401) 
 - Enclosure Location :Internal for back plane needs to be changed to "NONE" as part of new schema-24(SCGCQ01764928 port of SCGCQ01638193) 
 - LSA installation failed on SLES15(SCGCQ01784699 port of SCGCQ01760620) 
 - LSA needs proper message for max config import(SCGCQ01789100 port of SCGCQ01763411) 
 - Cannot use Special Characters in Domain Name for LSA Login(SCGCQ01789161 port of SCGCQ01745768) 
 - WG: LSA allows user to replace a drive of a DG with drive on which drive clear is already in progress, GUI issues in popup(SCGCQ01810649 port of SCGCQ01803341) 
 - MR7.7: Removal of UNMAP support for JBOD(SCGCQ01813086 port of SCGCQ01813078) 
 - LSA detects secured JBODs as unconfigure good when drives moved to another system -StorCLI detects them as foreign config(SCGCQ01816649 port of SCGCQ01686080) 
 - C480-M5: LSA downloaded event log needs better decoding(SCGCQ01828830 port of SCGCQ01321211) 
 - LSA-4.1 : Array details are shown in LSA for the partial foreign config .(SCGCQ01850405 port of SCGCQ01818828) 
 - Tape drive state is blank when connected with 9400-8E card from LSA drives tab(SCGCQ01851980 port of SCGCQ01851906) 
 - LSA Not allowing to clear/Import foreign configuration.(SCGCQ01860933 port of SCGCQ01849749) 
 - LSA login to ESXi 6.x servers fails in SLES 15 OS.(SCGCQ01880125 port of SCGCQ01874487) 
 - LSA : GUI tab alignment is not coming proper after user initiates manual learn cycle for Supercap(SCGCQ01897266 port of SCGCQ01818960) 
 - LSA does not ask for user confirmation for possible Data corruption while changing Pd state from "offline->online" .(SCGCQ01898344 port of SCGCQ01838943) 
 - fixed: LSA fails to create RAID 10 with large number of drives(SCGCQ01901767 port of SCGCQ01833469) 
 - Fixed: unblock LSA login on ESXi 6.7 U1(SCGCQ01901774 port of SCGCQ01866289) 
 - OPAL drives fail to import when entering wrong security key then right security key after power cycle(SCGCQ01915861 port of SCGCQ01905192) 
 - [CISCO]LSA shows previously set security key (M3g@raid(SCGCQ01921581 port of SCGCQ01878346) 
 - LSA fails to start initialization on EPD if it has DDF(SCGCQ01921583 port of SCGCQ01849522) 
 - SCGCQ01829895: LSA uninstaltion is not working in SLES15 OS.(SCGCQ01921592 port of SCGCQ01829895) 
 -(SCGCQ01921684 port of SCGCQ01841361) 
 - MR7.8 Foreign import from 7.7 to 7.8 with unmap VD and non unmap DHS does not alert user with a critical message/event(SCGCQ01921836 port of SCGCQ01876230) 
 - WG:Instance Validation Fails for foreignConfiguration-schema.json in iMR_Ventura(SCGCQ01538488 port of SCGCQ01473733) 
 -(SCGCQ01564591 port of SCGCQ01515389) 
 - WG: System display uniformity is not there in GUI (Remote server discovery(SCGCQ01567177 port of SCGCQ01553588) 
 - Client: Handle Enable/Disable style for search Button(SCGCQ01567216 port of SCGCQ01539573) 
 - LSA Crashes after clicking on foreign configuration(SCGCQ01567307 port of SCGCQ01545262) 
 - Manual discovery of servers(SCGCQ01569264 port of SCGCQ01539471) 
 - Modify the LSA Health Algorithm to consider the Blocked VD(SCGCQ01569569 port of SCGCQ01504080) 
 - LSA: Upgrade of OpenSSL binaries to openssl-1.0.2n(SCGCQ01570076 port of SCGCQ01563340) 
 - Converting the JBOD Pds to Unconfigured good PD during VD creation VD creation(SCGCQ01597581 port of SCGCQ01518204) 
 - Manual discovery of servers(SCGCQ01600837 port of SCGCQ01539471) 
 - LSA 7.6:In gateway LSA, none of the servers are listed except Self server in Remote server discovery page in Rhel 7.4(SCGCQ01615020 port of SCGCQ01552654) 
 - WG: LSA service crashes on trying to login with URI having incorrect mac address of the server(SCGCQ01615042 port of SCGCQ01601386) 
 -(SCGCQ01633836 port of SCGCQ01599526) 
 - Fixed: Gateway crash when DA is logged in greater than max logins(SCGCQ01635183 port of SCGCQ01593855) 
 - Use schedular call for heavy operations for performance imporvement(SCGCQ01635665 port of SCGCQ01506032) 
 - Allow individual element's properties download - VD / PD / DG / BBU / Server profile(SCGCQ01635761 port of SCGCQ01518113) 
 - JBOD Mode : WG: Even after clicking Convert JBOD the JBOD conversion page does not refresh with updated list(SCGCQ01635784 port of SCGCQ01617721) 
 - Cisco - CSCvi55512 - CC in concurrent mode runs only on 2 VDs at a time(SCGCQ01676612 port of SCGCQ01670094) 
 - Cisco - CSCvi55512 - CC in concurrent mode runs only on 2 VDs at a time(SCGCQ01676732 port of SCGCQ01670094) 
 -(SCGCQ01685548 port of SCGCQ01685009) 
 - LSA Wont display foreign data when enclosure information in not populated properly(SCGCQ01686054 port of SCGCQ01685449) 
 - LSA detects secured JBODs as unconfigure good when drives moved to another system -StorCLI detects them as foreign config(SCGCQ01687173 port of SCGCQ01686105) 
 - fixed: WG: managing the manually added server fails : windows(gateway(SCGCQ01697195 port of SCGCQ01682360) 
 - LSA is not showing the proper message when user unlocks the foreign jbod drivesin JBOD mode(SCGCQ01716641 port of SCGCQ01716622) 
 -(SCGCQ01718985 port of SCGCQ01698211) 
 - Security Key Confirm Text box should not accept the copy of anything(SCGCQ01788477 port of SCGCQ01629574) 
 - LSA login to ESXi 6.x servers fails in SLES 15 OS.(SCGCQ01880123 port of SCGCQ01876091) 
 - handling the session management(SCGCQ01892868 port of SCGCQ01829897) 
 - Change tools to report drives attached to HBAs as JBOD instead of UGOOD(SCGCQ01898263 port of SCGCQ01802344) 
 - Fixed: Auto Span Adjust with having >64 disks is not correct.(SCGCQ01901754 port of SCGCQ01827404) 
 - LSA 7.8:LSA provides Instant secure erase option for Locked UG BAD drives.(SCGCQ01904075 port of SCGCQ01893304) 
 - LSA 7.8: Unable to launch LSA from different web server port after LSA upgrade.(SCGCQ01904345 port of SCGCQ01901758) 
 -(SCGCQ01920699 port of SCGCQ01808698) 
 - LSA: Ventura B0: BIOS Flashing Failure Observed in EFI Storcli and Multiple Tries Causes UART Unresponsive(SCGCQ01921839 port of SCGCQ01829669) 
 - SCGCQ01803373: WG: LSA service crashes on downloading support logs in case of Linux 64 bit OS(SCGCQ01921842 port of SCGCQ01803373) 
 - WG: LSA does not notify user on OS VD present if multiple VDs are selected and with non OS VD is selected first(SCGCQ01928961 port of SCGCQ01926674) 
 - LSA Server: Populate the Drive Sector Size while reading the LD MFI command(SCGCQ01930623 port of SCGCQ01926876) 
 - Schema -23 is not upto date with the Mark/Replace Missing feature(SCGCQ01557738 port of SCGCQ01539349) 
 - LSA WG Inturder IT: 0 Byte drive is missing after sorting the drives based on capacity of drive.(SCGCQ01564629 port of SCGCQ01550970) 
 - SCGCQ01547992: WG: standalone LSA Installation on Rhel 6.9 32 bit notifies user with invalid message(SCGCQ01564682 port of SCGCQ01547992) 
 - I/Os are not recover after drives pull for DHSP to rebuild.(SCGCQ01569579 port of SCGCQ01514206) 
 - Support from LSA back-end to allow JBODs to be converted to UG for advance VD creation(SCGCQ01597602 port of SCGCQ01519271) 
 - WG:On changing behavior from None to JBOD and moving to Controller Console page, LSA page redirects to Personality management(SCGCQ01670841 port of SCGCQ01629821) 
 - [CISCO][TR] LSA fails to show DG in TR state after system reboot -storCLI OK(SCGCQ01676281 port of SCGCQ01615856) 
 - Server schema validation is failing(SCGCQ01676389 port of SCGCQ01619401) 
 - WG: Email setting tab heading of LSA displays the entire sentence with "_" in between instead of space(SCGCQ01679003 port of SCGCQ01563343) 
 - Secure Jbod unlock is not showing the proper error message in LSA(SCGCQ01680728 port of SCGCQ01677101) 
 - LSA taking more time to discover VMWare servers(SCGCQ01681092 port of SCGCQ01681069) 
 -(SCGCQ01697478 port of SCGCQ01685009) 
 - LSA is not showing the proper message when user unlocks the foreign jbod drivesin JBOD mode(SCGCQ01716625 port of SCGCQ01716622) 
 -(SCGCQ01718980 port of SCGCQ01698211) 
 -(SCGCQ01749087 port of SCGCQ01698211) 
 - Modify Properties option is enabled for VDs which are part of Transport Ready Drive Group(SCGCQ01764894 port of SCGCQ01763056) 
 - Fixed: Delay in updating drive count in LSA due to slowness in asynchronous events(SCGCQ01826237 port of SCGCQ01761830) 
 - The LSA is failing to take into account current USED PDs from another configured VD during next VD creation(SCGCQ01837378 port of SCGCQ01833791) 
 - SCGCQ01841280: Before importing foreign CC VD, model number of SSD is not coming in LSA(SCGCQ01851919 port of SCGCQ01841280) 
 - SCGCQ01856350: LSA_18D installed in SLES15 OS, the icon in LSA shows as Redhat icon(SCGCQ01856730 port of SCGCQ01856350) 
 - WG: VMware server takes too long to discover in remote discovery page : nearly 20 minutes(SCGCQ01891168 port of SCGCQ01889547) 
 - CC VD creation option is coming in LSA when the CC VD (SATA SSD(SCGCQ01897144 port of SCGCQ01817275) 
 - Update the Windows Server 2019 OS name in LSA(SCGCQ01897178 port of SCGCQ01866322) 
 -(SCGCQ01920924 port of SCGCQ01818618) 
 - SCGCQ01856350: LSA_18D installed in SLES15 OS, the icon in LSA shows as Redhat icon(SCGCQ01921819 port of SCGCQ01856350) 
 - LSA 7.6 Client: Cosmetic replace drive selection issue(SCGCQ01566455 port of SCGCQ01539347) 
 - SCGCQ01539326: [UNMAP]MR7.6 Unmap/WriteSame: AEN's are not generated when unmap capability gets disabled or enabled on a VD.(SCGCQ01567176 port of SCGCQ01539326) 
 - WG: Alignment in Remote Server Discovery page changes when it is in List view and filtered with any one of the OS type.(SCGCQ01567193 port of SCGCQ01471834) 
 - SCGCQ01538253: LSA- IT-Cutlass- LSA Event logs is missing Enclosure ID's and slot-36 is shown to be present in(SCGCQ01569137 port of SCGCQ01538253) 
 - SCGCQ01538253: LSA- IT-Cutlass- LSA Event logs is missing Enclosure ID's and slot-36 is shown to be present in(SCGCQ01569138 port of SCGCQ01538253) 
 - LSA WG Fury IT: Controller type is showing as IR for IT card(SCGCQ01569488 port of SCGCQ01540821) 
 - Client:Allow individual element's properties download - VD / PD / DG / BBU / Server profile(SCGCQ01597592 port of SCGCQ01518206) 
 - WG:Once the Controller is moved from Raid to JBOD all the drives are counted as drive group(SCGCQ01601608 port of SCGCQ01598515) 
 - WG: empty details for policy change displayed in events "Previous = Current Write Policy: Now = Current Write Policy:"(SCGCQ01635759 port of SCGCQ01625912) 
 - WG:On changing behavior from None to JBOD and moving to Controller Console page, LSA page redirects to Personality management(SCGCQ01635779 port of SCGCQ01629821) 
 - TR VD should be excluded from the PR VD list(SCGCQ01677110 port of SCGCQ01677062) 
 - Implemented: Allow mixing of nvme drives to be mixed with SATA/SAS drives(SCGCQ01697042 port of SCGCQ01697026) 
 - Hercules : Snap 4 : Alpha : LSA provides option of performing an RLM operation on Degraded VD, which fails(SCGCQ01789156 port of SCGCQ01731931) 
 - MR7.6: LSA crashed with a mouse click on VD(SCGCQ01816428 port of SCGCQ01641760) 
 - Handling the set text mechanism in client(SCGCQ01886532 port of SCGCQ01850387) 
 - Lenovo 18D - missing display "Uninstall LSA" shortcut in the "Start Menu" under windows2016(SCGCQ01897181 port of SCGCQ01841473) 
 - WG: LSA provides option of Secure using FDE if non encrypted r1 VD with secure drive is assigned with DHSP,(SCGCQ01915812 port of SCGCQ01906914) 
 - LSA 7.8:Import option is given for the Incomplete foreign VD(SCGCQ01921678 port of SCGCQ01865420) 
 - LSA is allowing to delete OS VD.(SCGCQ01921689 port of SCGCQ01873420) 
 - SCGCQ01856350: LSA_18D installed in SLES15 OS, the icon in LSA shows as Redhat icon(SCGCQ01921919 port of SCGCQ01856350) 
 - WG: VMware server takes too long to discover in remote discovery page : nearly 20 minutes(SCGCQ01961510 port of SCGCQ01889547) 
 - Not able to set max no of PD using set patrol read properties in LSA/Storcli(SCGCQ01697480 port of SCGCQ01681070) 
 - Add Virtual Drive option is available for DGs with Transport Ready feature set(SCGCQ01764885 port of SCGCQ01763052) 
 - SCGCQ01538253: LSA- IT-Cutlass- LSA Event logs is missing Enclosure ID's and slot-36 is shown to be present in(SCGCQ01828400 port of SCGCQ01538253) 
 - Fixed: Crash when pressing back button after logout(SCGCQ01892905 port of SCGCQ01865309) 
 - Remove un printable characters from LSA log(SCGCQ01901769 port of SCGCQ01901760) 
 - LSA does not show Secure Erase option for foreign secured JBOD drive-CLI works(SCGCQ01920701 port of SCGCQ01916249) 
 - WG: LSA allows to remove the data drive during the RLM from single drive R0 and allows migrate to R0 with no drives(SCGCQ01921580 port of SCGCQ01823858) 
 - Modify the LSA Health Algorithm to consider the Blocked VD(SCGCQ01565119 port of SCGCQ01504080) 
 - LSA 7.6:LSA does not provide the Stop rebuild option in the action pane once the rebuild operation is in progress in Rhel 7.4(SCGCQ01569761 port of SCGCQ01555955) 
 - Unable to import foreign secured VDs with different security key(SCGCQ01731357 port of SCGCQ01670139) 
 - Activity to check-in Auto-BST files to 7.8 streams(SCGCQ01794950 port of SCGCQ01793057) 
 - Activity to check-in Auto-BST files to 7.8 streams(SCGCQ01817915 port of SCGCQ01793057) 
 - SCGCQ01829895: LSA uninstaltion is not working in SLES15 OS.(SCGCQ01869566 port of SCGCQ01829895) 
 - Server: LSA GUI Not Updating Security Key Info(SCGCQ01897099 port of SCGCQ01761801) 
 - LSA WG Fury IT: Controller type is showing as IR for IT card(SCGCQ01564631 port of SCGCQ01540821) 
 - LSA Schema 24: replace-missing get operation needs to follow the schema(SCGCQ01679329 port of SCGCQ01675460) 
 - LSA shows wrong diskgroup info when you have foreign PD(SCGCQ01698150 port of SCGCQ01590450) 
 - LSA needs proper message for max config import(SCGCQ01813925 port of SCGCQ01764977) 
 - UG LSA 7.8 PA2:Incomplete foreign VD is seen when Clear foreign config is performed.(SCGCQ01851155 port of SCGCQ01849681) 
 - Fixed: Advance configuration operation should be greyed out if max pds are already configured(SCGCQ01922015 port of SCGCQ01850445) 
 - I/Os are not recover after drives pull for DHSP to rebuild.(SCGCQ01564737 port of SCGCQ01514206) 
 - Add "Replace Missing Drive" feature to LSA(SCGCQ01399204) 
 - Part 2 of 2: Support TCG Opal 2.0 via SafeStore for VDs and SystemPD (Legacy JBOD) in RAID Mode and JBOD/SDS Modes(SCGCQ01599762) 
 - Added customer serial number field to MFC Manufacturing 2 structure(SCGCQ01873417) 
 - MR API changes to support EKMS over OOB(SCGCQ01874035) 
 - Add new error code for tampered or invalid controller(SCGCQ01885686) 
 - Interrupt coalsecing setting per group of 8 replies queues (h/w VF registers(SCGCQ01886424) 
 - [MR 7.8] API change to export "disable least latency mode"(SCGCQ01887495) 
 - HDET: Support smp passthrough storeliboob (API changes requirement(SCGCQ01916035) 
 - Add secure boot key update complete event(SCGCQ01928254) 
 - Add Board Support Package Image Type to MR_IMAGE_TYPE(SCGCQ01931637) 
 - Support dynamically add/remove controller in Storelib IT for MCTP over PCIe(SCGCQ01934815) 
 - Fix MR_CTRL_INFO to support backward compatibility(SCGCQ01946548) 
 - Add "Replace Missing Drive" feature to LSA(SCGCQ01399205) 
 - Manually add server details to the list of servers(SCGCQ01539514) 
 - Switch attached NVMe HW RAID support for Supermicro backplanes(SCGCQ01740787) 
 - LSA displays "Erase operation is successful" when replace operation is in progress on the drive in same drive group.(SCGCQ01401460) 
 - UNMAP/TRIM/WRITESAME for NVMe devices for R0/EPD/JBOD(SCGCQ01746609) 
 - Manual discovery of servers(SCGCQ01539471) 
 - Change tools to report drives attached to HBAs as JBOD instead of UGOOD(SCGCQ01802344) 
 - UNMAP/TRIM/WRITESAME for NVMe devices for R0/EPD/JBOD(SCGCQ01746608)  - Moderate Impact
Defects (20)
- Server: LSA GUI Not Updating Security Key Info.(SCGCQ01761801)
- CC VD creation option is coming in LSA when the CC VD (SATA SSD) is in foreign config.(SCGCQ01817275)
- Fixed: Auto Span Adjust with having >64 disks is not correct.(SCGCQ01827404)
- Lenovo 18D - missing display "Uninstall LSA" shortcut in the "Start Menu" under windows2016.(SCGCQ01841473)
- LSA Not allowing to clear/Import foreign configuration.(SCGCQ01849749)
- SCGCQ01856350: LSA_18D installed in SLES15 OS, the icon in LSA shows as Redhat icon.(SCGCQ01856350)
- LSA login to ESXi 6.x servers fails in SLES 15 OS.(SCGCQ01874487)
- seg fault is seen when when we try to generate CRC errors using megamon.(SCGCQ01841619)
- Not able to create PRL11 CC VD (using 4 SATA SSD PD) from LSA webGUI.(SCGCQ01822209)
- fixed: LSA fails to create RAID 10 with large number of drives.(SCGCQ01833469)
- LSA does not ask for user confirmation for possible Data corruption while changing Pd state from "offline->online".(SCGCQ01838943)
- LSA : Stale entries are coming in DG tab when the VD (failed) is in foreign config.(SCGCQ01818953)
- fixed: Info "1920 more drives can be added" need to change in LSA.(SCGCQ01827401)
- The display wrong location in page(SCGCQ01836732)
- LSA : GUI tab alignment is not coming proper after user initiates manual learn cycle for Supercap.(SCGCQ01818960)
- LSA:fw error "BAIL_OUT at line 2909",FDE drive filtering for creating Encrypted RAID0 volumes lists non-FDE drives.(SCGCQ01850008)
- LSA login to ESXi 6.x servers fails in SLES 15 OS.(SCGCQ01876091)
- Fixed: unblock LSA login on ESXi 6.7 U1.(SCGCQ01866289)
- Linux system is getting IPV6 by default & it is not taking private IPV4 range(10 series) in LSA main page.(SCGCQ01817305)
- Security Key Confirm Text box should not accept the copy of anything.(SCGCQ01788477 port of SCGCQ01629574)
- SCGCQ01856350: LSA_18D installed in SLES15 OS, the icon in LSA shows as Redhat icon.(SCGCQ01856730 port of SCGCQ01856350)
- The LSA is failing to take into account current USED PDs from another configured VD during next VD creation.(SCGCQ01837378 port of SCGCQ01833791)
- SCGCQ01538253: LSA- IT-Cutlass- LSA Event logs is missing Enclosure ID's and slot-36 is shown to be present in.(SCGCQ01828400 port of SCGCQ01538253)
- Activity to check-in Auto-BST files to 7.8 streams.(SCGCQ01817915 port of SCGCQ01793057)
- SCGCQ01829895: LSA uninstaltion is not working in SLES15 OS.(SCGCQ01869566 port of SCGCQ01829895)

EnhancementRequests (20)
- RTTrace API Changes.(SCGCQ01745568)
- API Changes for Driver/FW DCMD HandShake.(SCGCQ01841266)
- RTTrace Enable/Disable API changes.(SCGCQ01830211)
- Criteo: API changes reversal.(SCGCQ01760512)
- Mixing Rules for SED and non-SED drives to create non-secure array with controller security enabled.(SCGCQ01757538)
- Unmap: Define new API for enhanced UNMAP support.(SCGCQ01758062)
- Adding API bit to indicate whether forced personality change is supported or not.(SCGCQ01762153)
- Unmap: Define new events for enhanced UNMAP support [MR7.8].(SCGCQ01803319)
- Deprecate the snap dump fields that are no longer needed for MR_SNAP_DUMP_PROPERTIES structure.(SCGCQ01816724)
- Add the API to clear all the snap-dumps from firmware.(SCGCQ01824135)
- API change to provide learn complete timestamp.(SCGCQ01845269)
- Added Support for Triggering SnapDump.(SCGCQ01848759)
- Add secure boot support.(SCGCQ01792416)
- Including The Time Stamp for every Snap Dump created in the firmware.(SCGCQ01797424)
- Aero FW - Reporting SSD wear gauge values for OEM specific customers.(SCGCQ01798686)
- [MR 7.8] API change to return apt failure status for a personality change request.(SCGCQ01853480)
- Added new events for unmap policy changes.(SCGCQ01871912)
- API Changes - After Vision PSOC FW update, applications should ask the user for power cycle instead of reboot.(SCGCQ01765150)
- Change tools to report drives attached to HBAs as JBOD instead of UGOOD.(SCGCQ01802344)  - Moderate Impact
Nginx versions since 0.5.6 up to and including 1.13.2 are vulnerable to integer overflow vulnerability in nginx range filter module resulting into leak of potentially sensitive information triggered by specially crafted request.https://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2017-7529.

Defects (109)
- LSA server report for iMR Inv controller displays dedicatedHotSparePerDriveGroup is 0 under "maxLimit".(SCGCQ01375788)
- SCGCQ01393056: Enclosure ID is coming up as null in LSA.(SCGCQ01393056)
- WG: Error message not fitting inside the message box in "Enable Drive Security" page..(SCGCQ01442477)
- WG: Issues pertaining to 'Make JBOD Secure' Pop up.(SCGCQ01446801)
- PerfImp: Don't handle SLIM_EVT_EXCEEDS_MAX if there is no event requires complete refresh.(SCGCQ01447165)
- WG: UI Pattern in "Virtual Drive Settings" is not uniform while creating and modifying VD properties..(SCGCQ01447697)
- WG: "Change" button shown as disabled when user tries to change Behavior mode..(SCGCQ01450713)
- DG count is shown incorrectly in server summary page : VMware 6.5.(SCGCQ01451571)
- WG: success message box for "change personality" does not have proper border.(SCGCQ01453980)
- WG: Event Log table headers needs space - Cosmetic.(SCGCQ01460053)
- WG: Notification after saving the changes in "Manage Power Save Settings" needs cosmetic change..(SCGCQ01460078)
- Requested personality field is not updated for Ventura.(SCGCQ01465642)
- API performance Issues pertaining to LSA Build VMware esxi 6.5 ): Raid Mode with JBOD drives.(SCGCQ01467754)
- WG: Tooltip for help link in "Remote Server Discovery" page is not displayed..(SCGCQ01471842)
- WG: "Available UG drives" form is shown blank when "Type" is selected from ALL to any other drives..(SCGCQ01472186)
- WG: LSA showing inappropriate message after securing a DG using FDE security..(SCGCQ01472201)
- Buttons are inconsistent in Email Settings page of LSA.(SCGCQ01472752)
- Fixed: LSA app UI cannot be opened when connect M.2 NVME SSD(via HSBP) to LSI 9460-16i/9440-8i.().(SCGCQ01474461)
- MR 7.3.1_LSA fails to find server when there is no network.(SCGCQ01482320)
- During Advanced Vd Creation PD selection order is not maintained by the client.(SCGCQ01498969)
- Display the ROC temperature in Fahrenheit as well along with Celsius.(SCGCQ01504619)
- WG: Hand mouse pointer is used in " Background Process progress " window , where it shows the name of background operations..(SCGCQ01505999)
- [lenovo 18A] [Bugzila 117507] -Reopen -The LSA doesn’t work in Suse12.3, which has many NICs.(SCGCQ01506045)
- WG: Caps letter is expected in Settings for Alert settings successful and restore default value successful message..(SCGCQ01509253)
- WG: Sorting of drives by model number does not work for JBOD drives.(SCGCQ01511247)
- Do not allow the user to manage Personality Panel if set personalty is not supported.(SCGCQ01514527)
- SCGCQ01515443: WG: Typo in Event ID: 114 of PD state Change event related to sheild state.(SCGCQ01515443)
- 502 bad gate way observed on enclosure cable push/pull.(SCGCQ01524150)
- WG : LSA allows to add VD on offline DriveGroup and operation fails anyways.(SCGCQ01526342)
- MR 7.5_LSA: LSA gives wrong message after Online FW Update on Ventura IMR controller.(SCGCQ01532725)
- LSA shows wrong diskgroup info when you have foreign PD.(SCGCQ01590450)
- Lenovo_18B: Not able to set max no of PD using set patrol read properties in LSA/Storcli.(SCGCQ01681070)
- Fixed: LSA handle count increase was observed.(SCGCQ01713154)
- Lenovo CIT 18B: LSA Linux doesn't have latest storelib.(SCGCQ01713580)
- SCGCQ01385340: Health is not coming proper after foreign config import..(SCGCQ01385340)
- Disabled Phy is not populated from the server when we fire /phys uri.(SCGCQ01389892)
- MR7.3_Focused Regression_Strange character when exceeding max number of Uncof good drives on iMR.(SCGCQ01419325)
- WG: Not all space in "Foreign Configuration" tab is clickable..(SCGCQ01467702)
- WG: Font style across the "Advanced Configuration" form should be made same..(SCGCQ01472063)
- Removing dead code from LSA7.5 stream..(SCGCQ01472185)
- WG: "Ok" button needs to be in caps in "Mixed listed drives" confirmation page and one more cosmetic change..(SCGCQ01472190)
- WG: There is no alignment for the error message while user changes the personality mode when PR is in progress..(SCGCQ01474932)
- WG: LSA is not allowing User to change No of PD's allowed for Patrol Read in Set PR properties through KeyBoard..(SCGCQ01479402)
- WG: Trying to clear configuration does not show any warning in server summary page regarding cached data, in CC page it shows.(SCGCQ01486698)
- WG: Select all check box is still selected even if one of the drive group is unselected while assigning HSP to existing DG.(SCGCQ01488141)
- WG: while creating FDE VD, type by default is selected as "All" in PD selection pane, unable to select all FDE drives.(SCGCQ01488169)
- Requested personality field is not updated for Ventura.(SCGCQ01494598)
- temperature change in controller is not refeclected in LSA..(SCGCQ01500344)
- Set patrol read window shows a time in past..(SCGCQ01503810)
- SCGCQ01509259: WG: Separator is missing in few places of event logs..(SCGCQ01509259)
- WG: LSA provides option of performing an RLM operation on Degraded VD, which fails.(SCGCQ01509708)
- LSA Server: Set Patrol read is not shown when the volume is created with SSD.(SCGCQ01511260)
- SCGCQ01513209: WG: Simple configuration tab show invalid options before the raid level drop down list the supported raid levels.(SCGCQ01513209)
- WG : Advanced configuration tab gets disabled after secure erasing the FDE foreign drives.(SCGCQ01514728)
- SCGCQ01521013: MR 7.5_LSA: LSA gives wrong message after Online FW Update on Ventura IMR controller.(SCGCQ01521013)
- MR 7.5_LSA: LSA keeps on refreshing during the background operations- Full init, RLM, CC etc.(SCGCQ01522807)
- WG: Behavior mode is missing in "personality management" window..(SCGCQ01523045)
- SCGCQ01525738: MR 7.5_LSA: Wrong nginx version is reported in linux ( SLES and RHEL ) Operating Systems..(SCGCQ01525738)
- Instance validation issues with LSA build 4.55 with IR3 controller.(SCGCQ01528425)
- WG: Current Profile is not selected by default in the table that lists the available profiles for the controller..(SCGCQ01442481)
- WG: "%" is accepted along with the input for Expand VD value - But not accepted for all..(SCGCQ01445384)
- WG: Partition line is required in Controller Properties Page..(SCGCQ01445396)
- WG: Status icon of physical drive is not changed after changing the state of the PD from rebuild to offline..(SCGCQ01461144)
- WG:LSA doesn't allow to secure more than one DG using FDE..(SCGCQ01472853)
- SCGCQ01474327: Handle dynamic length serial number as part of serial number VPD page 0x80.(SCGCQ01474327)
- WG: GUI : Cosmetic issues in clear configuration notificationp.(SCGCQ01486692)
- WG: LSA does not notify the user with notification on starting the VD initialization.(SCGCQ01487270)
- WG: able to add VD for scheduling consistency check even after all the VD's have been deselected.(SCGCQ01489509)
- WG:Add physical Drive button is clickable before VD list is loaded while scheduling CC or PR, no notification to user to wait.(SCGCQ01489885)
- LSA provides option of performing an RLM operation on Degraded VD, which fails.(SCGCQ01489942)
- LSA: Virtual drive, spare and drivegroup is not supported for IT but seen in URI response for Physical drives..(SCGCQ01500099)
- WG: Selection of different drive type is activated after few clicks.(SCGCQ01503786)
- RWC3 launch tab is showing the LSI Storage Authority.(SCGCQ01503896)
- WG : Pop up for securing FDE drive has inconsistency in text.(SCGCQ01507972)
- In settings window "Restore Default Alert settings" button is not saving the default values.(SCGCQ01508002)
- WG: Confirm Check box is not aligned with the "Enable Security" button.(SCGCQ01511250)
- LSA WG: arrow mark in the link " <- Go back to Drive Group, Drives and Other Hardware list" is not clickable.(SCGCQ01511390)
- WG:Server Logs does not contain status of energy pack it mentions "Requested element not found in the stack.":error "69634".(SCGCQ01512318)
- WG: Spell Check issues with "message_en.js" used for displaying the GUI notification.(SCGCQ01512377)
- Sorting of Event logs wrt View Events and Download Logs.(SCGCQ01512750)
- WG: LSA add physical Disks pane shows empty drive list even if there are 182 drives for adding for RLM operation.(SCGCQ01513656)
- Controller operations schema instant validation is failed.(SCGCQ01514528)
- WG: LSA shows the message "The virtual disk has not been initialized" even when 32 VD's have been selecte.(SCGCQ01521694)
- Lenovo-18B: IPV6 IP is overlapping OS name and arch in LSA GUI if we see server discovery page in list view in SLES12 SP3.(SCGCQ01595641)
- WG: "Virtual Drive expanded successfully" message is still shown even after the page refresh post VD expansion..(SCGCQ01445693)
- WG: Cosmetic changes required in tooltip messages of Configure options in Controller Actions..(SCGCQ01447797)
- WG: Space is required between RAID and it's type in Available UG drives form and one more cosmetic change..(SCGCQ01472194)
- WG:Instance Validation Fails for foreignConfiguration-schema.json in iMR_Ventura.(SCGCQ01473733)
- LSA: partial VD hide operation is failing..(SCGCQ01484118)
- SCGCQ01506090: WG: In Settings under email tab , email id list will always have an empty row once we add and remove email_id.(SCGCQ01506090)
- WG:Launching LSA using ip:2463 in browser, User can see the HOME page flash before redirecting to Remote discovery.(SCGCQ01439795)
- WG: LSA displays empty box instead of "Action Successful" for "Prepare for removal" and "Undo prepare for removal".(SCGCQ01447823)
- WG: "Adding the virtual drive will add the corresponding virtual drives for PR" is not shown when "select all" box is used..(SCGCQ01461133)
- WG: Size of "Back" & "Save" buttons are not same once the user saves the changes after scheduling CC.(SCGCQ01472749)
- WG: Hand symbol is not seen for close button while Adding drive during reconstruction of a DG.(SCGCQ01473748)
- Disabling the add PD button.(SCGCQ01488036)
- WG: no notification shown on assigning dedicated hotspare to existing DG.(SCGCQ01488155)
- System x PE: LSA Does Not Support the Hyphen Character "-" In Domain Names.(SCGCQ01507989)
- WG: Infinite request observed on stopping LSA and Nginx services..(SCGCQ01509681)
- WG: Error message on a failed operation of RLM in displayed outside the allocated space.(SCGCQ01515263)
- WG: arrow mark in the link " <- Go back to Drive Group, Drives and Other Hardware list" is not clickable.(SCGCQ01442471)
- WG: Expand windows is showing the capacity in decimal value with too many integers after decimal point..(SCGCQ01445686)
- Address Code review defects for ER SCGCQ01416373.(SCGCQ01455923)
- WG: Ambiguous "Success" message needs to be changed for disabling drive security.(SCGCQ01461177)
- Cannot import foreign configuration from LSA.(SCGCQ01524354)
- WG: Email setting tab heading of LSA displays the entire sentence with "_" in between instead of space.(SCGCQ01563343)
- SCGCQ01599526: Lenovo PE: Memory Leak in LSABug.(SCGCQ01599526)

EnhancementRequests (20)
- New configuration params added for EPD-PT devices.(SCGCQ01599607)
- API changes needed to support eHBA product series.(SCGCQ01727346)
- Create sanitize events.(SCGCQ01713708)
- Modify event string APIs for MISSING and OFFLINE LDs.(SCGCQ01628177)
- SCSI UNMAP switching support from LSA GUI.(SCGCQ01461207)
- NVDATA parameter to OPAL SED.(SCGCQ01614689)
- Add new MFI Status to block requested operation due to existing controller configuration.(SCGCQ01670135)
- Change the mr.h API comment showing the new return status for the - MR_DCMD_PD_GET_INFO.(SCGCQ01670234)
- API change for Switch attached NVMe HW RAID support for Supermicro backplanes.(SCGCQ01697667)
- LSA: Make heavy operation by wrapping scheduler call.(SCGCQ01416373)
 - LSA Server: PR:SCGCQ01231749 -- Show controller temperature in LSA for RAID and SAS IT controllers.(SCGCQ01443721)
- LSA Server: PR:SCGCQ01231749 -- Show controller temperature in LSA for RAID and SAS IT controllers.(SCGCQ01443731)
- Support drive Select ALL functionality in LSA GUI PD Operations and Mixing of drives during vd creation.(SCGCQ01454110)
- SCGCQ01454353: Retrieve and process the ESXi events in a single shot.(SCGCQ01454353)
- LSA: Upgrade of OpenSSL binaries to openssl-1.0.2n.(SCGCQ01563340)
- We will be removing the confirmation popup from all the actions as we got here from multiple forms like this pop up is annoying.(SCGCQ01447015)
- Support drive Select ALL functionality in LSA GUI VD/DG Operations.(SCGCQ01453114)

CSETActivities (87)
- In Standalone LSA periodic automatic refresh is not happening. To display the latest status do manual refresh.(SCGCQ01411631 port of SCGCQ01397546)
- MR7.3_Focused Regression_Strange character when exceeding max number of Uncof good drives on iMR.(SCGCQ01420224 port of SCGCQ01419325)
- LSA service is not working in Linux.(SCGCQ01443712 port of SCGCQ01442733)
- WG: Event Log table headers needs space - Cosmetic..(SCGCQ01464556 port of SCGCQ01460053)
- SCGCQ01424621: PD serial number getting truncated on few PDs.(SCGCQ01466763 port of SCGCQ01424621)
- MR 7.3.1_LSA fails to find server when there is no network.(SCGCQ01500133 port of SCGCQ01482320)
- Updated PD firmware version is not reflecting even after LSA refresh..(SCGCQ01501204 port of SCGCQ01382013)
- Cisco_Plumus_LR :Proper spacing should be there in between Event and History in view event logs "EventHistory not generated"..(SCGCQ01502201 port of SCGCQ01385344)
- While retrieving the enclosure details instead of referring to the ENCL structure, in this case LSA is referring the PD structure.(SCGCQ01503907 port of SCGCQ01315392)
because of which the issue.(SCGCQ01503926 port of SCGCQ01288032)
- fixed: clear drive should not be candidate drive for create configuration.(SCGCQ01503958 port of SCGCQ01196088)
- Fixed: Span order is in reverse compare to other apps.(SCGCQ01504234 port of SCGCQ01330269)
- LSA shows max pd for Raid 1 without checking support of Raid 1E.(SCGCQ01514472 port of SCGCQ01513338)
- Cisco - CSCvg96681 - LSA-3.163 should display proper message after logout.(SCGCQ01531154 port of SCGCQ01521114)
- Making rebuild drive offline lsa gets 404..(SCGCQ01564627 port of SCGCQ01542412)
- LSA Crashes after clicking on foreign configuration.(SCGCQ01564739 port of SCGCQ01545262)
- Modify the LSA Health Algorithm to consider the Blocked VD.(SCGCQ01565025 port of SCGCQ01504080)
- LSA 7.6:LSA does not provide the Stop rebuild option in the action pane once the rebuild operation is in progress in Rhel 7.4.(SCGCQ01565116 port of SCGCQ01555955)
- Cisco - CSCvh55470 - LSA should display proper message for ESXi after LBP/Talladega firmware upgrade/downgrade.(SCGCQ01566052 port of SCGCQ01562368)
- SWR: Device ID is not displayed in LSA..(SCGCQ01566241 port of SCGCQ01564621 )
- LSA: Upgrade of OpenSSL binaries to openssl-1.0.2n.(SCGCQ01599402 port of SCGCQ01563340)
- MR7.6_LSA: No Foriegn configuration details is shown in LSA.(SCGCQ01605344 port of SCGCQ01581943)
- fixed: logout causing unexpected behavior during end cim connection for vmware systems.(SCGCQ01609343 port of SCGCQ01578248)
- SCGCQ01355833: WG:After deleting the cookies from browser, DA does not go back to login page..(SCGCQ01614982 port of SCGCQ01355833)
- LSA displays "Erase operation is successful" when replace operation is in progress on the drive in same drive group..(SCGCQ01617930 port of SCGCQ01401460)
- SCGCQ01506090: WG: In Settings under email tab , email id list will always have an empty row once we add and remove email_id.(SCGCQ01620406 port of SCGCQ01506090)
- WG:Instance Validation Fails for foreignConfiguration-schema.json in iMR_Ventura.(SCGCQ01634072 port of SCGCQ01473733)
- Raid 1 Volume creation using 4 drives is displayed as Raid 1E.(SCGCQ01686231 port of SCGCQ01686106)
- Cannot use Special Characters in Domain Name for LSA Login.(SCGCQ01747012 port of SCGCQ01745768)
- LSA: patrol reads gets initiated on all the vd's that are created though only one vd is selected..(SCGCQ01448948 port of SCGCQ01442107)
- DG count is shown incorrectly in server summary page : VMware 6.5.(SCGCQ01460039 port of SCGCQ01451571)
- WG: LSA takes some time (2-3 min) in order to display the remote server page after multiple service restarts..(SCGCQ01465657 port of SCGCQ00903348)
- DG count is shown incorrectly in server summary page : VMware 6.5.(SCGCQ01466743 port of SCGCQ01451571)
- LSA server giving null for enclosure serial number.(SCGCQ01466744 port of )
- Address Code review defects for ER SCGCQ01416373.( port of SCGCQ01445713)
- MR 7.3.1_LSA fails to find server when there is no network.(SCGCQ01484107 port of SCGCQ01482320)
- Added fwflash status as part of controller health status.(SCGCQ01503830 port of SCGCQ01375153)
- While retrieving the enclosure details instead of referring to the ENCL structure, in this case LSA is referring the PD structure because of which the issue.(SCGCQ01503955 port of SCGCQ01288032)
- [lenovo 18A] [Bugzila 117507] -Reopen -The LSA doesn’t work in Suse12.3, which has many NICs.(SCGCQ01514258 port of SCGCQ01506045)
- System x PE: LSA Does Not Support the Hyphen Character "-" In Domain Names.(SCGCQ01514469 port of SCGCQ01507989)
- Allows raid 1e input even if RAID 1E is not supported by fw.(SCGCQ01514756 port of SCGCQ01513331)
- Activity to check-in build files.(SCGCQ01514879 port of SCGCQ01514834)
-.(SCGCQ01520055 port of SCGCQ01508528)
- Cisco - CSCvh55470 - LSA should display proper message for ESXi after LBP/Talladega firmware upgrade/downgrade.(SCGCQ01564633 port of SCGCQ01562368)
- Activity to check-in AutoBST files to new MR 7.5 streams.(SCGCQ01564703 port of SCGCQ01564674)
- WG: LSA service crashes on trying to login with URI having incorrect mac address of the server.(SCGCQ01615042 port of SCGCQ01601386)
- MR7.6: LSA crashed with a mouse click on VD.(SCGCQ01685343 port of SCGCQ01641760)
-.(SCGCQ01685548 port of SCGCQ01685009)
- LSA detects secured JBODs as unconfigure good when drives moved to another system -StorCLI detects them as foreign config.(SCGCQ01687173 port of SCGCQ01686105)
- LSA is not showing the proper message when user unlocks the foreign jbod drivesin JBOD mode.(SCGCQ01716641 port of SCGCQ01716622)
- SDS/HBA progress issues.(SCGCQ01460070 port of SCGCQ01052983)
- Physical drives Get call taking considerably long time :it takes 5+ minutes to respond for 24 PD's in an enclosure.(SCGCQ01460084 port of SCGCQ01435908)
- SCSI UNMAP switching support from LSA GUI.(SCGCQ01461211 port of SCGCQ01461207)
- C480-M5: LSA downloaded event log needs better decoding.(SCGCQ01501225 port of SCGCQ01321211)
- Cisco - CSCve68492 - Storage Logs display a blank event when a secure PD is unlocked.(SCGCQ01503902 port of SCGCQ01359128)
- SCGCQ01509259: WG: Separator is missing in few places of event logs..(SCGCQ01514773 port of SCGCQ01509259)
- WG: Infinite request observed on stopping LSA and Nginx services..(SCGCQ01526363 port of SCGCQ01509681)
- SCGCQ01547992: WG: standalone LSA Installation on Rhel 6.9 32 bit notifies user with invalid message.(SCGCQ01564682 port of SCGCQ01547992)
- LSA: Warning Message needs to be changed when there is Controller firmware update failure.(SCGCQ01604992 port of SCGCQ01564526)
- SCGCQ01599526: Lenovo PE: Memory Leak in LSA.(SCGCQ01633836 port of SCGCQ01599526)
- Secure Jbod unlock is not showing the proper error message in LSA.(SCGCQ01680728 port of SCGCQ01677101)
- LSA detects secured JBODs as unconfigure good when drives moved to another system -StorCLI detects them as foreign config.(SCGCQ01687172 port of SCGCQ01686080)
- Cisco - CSCvi84075 - LSA, CTRL-R and HII doesn't display the foreign config when MAX VDs are present.(SCGCQ01718980 port of SCGCQ01698211)
- LSA is not Displaying Both the Foreign Configurations (Encrypted and Unencrypted) for Import/Clear/re scan..(SCGCQ01460090 port of SCGCQ01460076)
- WG: LSA is not Displaying Both the Foreign Configurations (Encrypted and Unencrypted) for Import/Clear/re scan..(SCGCQ01460400 port of SCGCQ01448976)
- Fixed: LSA app UI cannot be opened when connect M.2 NVME SSD(via HSBP) to LSI 9460-16i/9440-8i.(SCGCQ01481410 port of SCGCQ01474461)
- LSA build script automation for VBAS environment.(SCGCQ01497385 port of SCGCQ01385344)
- Activity to check-in version files in common.(SCGCQ01520315 port of SCGCQ01512599)
- Cisco - CSCvg96681 - LSA-3.163 should display proper message after logout.(SCGCQ01531153 port of SCGCQ01521114)
- MR/IR: Controller Device ID value mismatch in LSA.(SCGCQ01566055 port of SCGCQ01564622)
- LSA Client 7.6: SPAN drives order is not maintained.(SCGCQ01614833 port of SCGCQ01539355)
- Hercules- LSA : VD access policy not showing as blocked for SVD on CC VD offline..(SCGCQ01443689 port of SCGCQ01442554)
- LSA: During the installation "Range of Events" selection is not reflecting in the LSA.conf file.(SCGCQ01472166 port of SCGCQ01472048)
- SCGCQ01479375: LSA WebGui: "logs.txt" is generated in logs directory after fresh installation in Linux..(SCGCQ01480902 port of SCGCQ01479375)
- LSA WG Fury IT: Fury Device ID is showing as 00 instead of 0x0097 in controller properties logs..(SCGCQ01564943 port of SCGCQ01534444)
- Modify the LSA Health Algorithm to consider the Blocked VD.(SCGCQ01565119 port of SCGCQ01504080)
- Cisco - CSCvi55512 - CC in concurrent mode runs only on 2 VDs at a time.(SCGCQ01676612 port of SCGCQ01670094)
- LSA Wont display foreign data when enclosure information in not populated properly.(SCGCQ01686054 port of SCGCQ01685449)
- LSA : Silent installation is accepting the invalid options also for LSA/HPE/RWC3.(SCGCQ01472265 port of SCGCQ01389392)
-.(SCGCQ01564591 port of SCGCQ01515389)
- API performance Issues pertaining to LSA Build VMware esxi 6.5 ).(SCGCQ01460393 port of SCGCQ01436886)
- LSA Windows BST Automation scripts.(SCGCQ01472059 port of SCGCQ01460401)
- LSA 7.6:LSA does not provide the Stop rebuild option in the action pane once the rebuild operation is in progress in Rhel 7.4.(SCGCQ01557665 port of SCGCQ01555955)
- LSA: Upgrade of OpenSSL binaries to openssl-1.0.2n.(SCGCQ01564577 port of SCGCQ01563340)
- LSA WG Inturder IT: 0 Byte drive is missing after sorting the drives based on capacity of drive..(SCGCQ01564629 port of SCGCQ01550970)
- LSA WG Fury IT: Controller type is showing as IR for IT card.(SCGCQ01564631 port of SCGCQ01540821)
- I/Os are not recover after drives pull for DHSP to rebuild..(SCGCQ01564737 port of SCGCQ01514206) - Moderate Impact
Defects (234)
- SDS/HBA progress issues.(SCGCQ01052983)
- Fixed: Added relevant null pointer checks.(SCGCQ01319978)
- Selected firmware version is coming empty for IR/IT/IMR controller.(SCGCQ01321474)
- Start PatrolRead success dialog box needs change in alignment.(SCGCQ01324866)
- WG: Trying to import Encrypted VD with Drive security disabled results in error code: 0x11005, it provides No Details to user.(SCGCQ01325783)
- Link speed is not displaying any details in LSA.(SCGCQ01326129)
- Defect to check in code review defects.(SCGCQ01329391)
- Client js file changes for 7.3.(SCGCQ01331593)
- On Successful Firmware flash client displays improper Icon Message.(SCGCQ01332708)
- Control panel of LSA Help & support link still has reference to LSI. should be changed to broacom.(SCGCQ01337321)
- LSA asks for user permission to navigate away on clicking home button after creating simple configuration.(SCGCQ01338009)
- WG: GUI Issues pertaining to FW flash ER implementation SCGCQ01273627: Request to improve message displayed during FW Update.(SCGCQ01342542)
- IR Card global hot spare assignment is not refreshing the page.(SCGCQ01345357)
- Cisco_HSW_Validation_LSA: LSA accepting decimal values for "Set Adjustable Task Rate" which is saved as round value.(SCGCQ01345553)
- LSA 7.3 Client Coverity fix.(SCGCQ01347309)
- Cisco_LSA: 'vdname' parameter is missing in the event description that is generated whenever a volume property is modified.(SCGCQ01350435)
- WG:descripancies in update firmware page after selecting load bios option.(SCGCQ01350865)
- SCGCQ01350908: WG:Temperature of Unconfigured Drive is displayed as 0C under More properties.(SCGCQ01350908)
- WG:LSA displays Redhat icon in remote discovery page ,though SUSE is installed in system.(SCGCQ01351455)
- LSA taking the max VD size value when the user presses ENTER after specifying the VD size.(SCGCQ01356216)
- SCGCQ01356217: WG: LSA Service crashes on trying the PD details of the simple config created.(SCGCQ01356217)
- LSA_MR_7.3_Alpha: Save option can be grayed out or disabled after user saves the changes for schedule CC.(SCGCQ01357152)
- LSA_MR_7.3_Alpha: LSA doesn't display consistent Foreign Configuration information to the user.(SCGCQ01358048)
- WG: Incorrect notification shown after selecting 32 virtual drives.(SCGCQ01358095)
- SCGCQ01358097: LSA_MR_7.3_Alpha: Space optimization between the size value & size unit is needed in foreign configuration page.(SCGCQ01358097)
- LSA_MR_7.3_Alpha: User cannot select "Advanced Configuration" by clicking on the description below it in Server landing page.(SCGCQ01358122)
- LSA_MR_7.3_Alpha: Space Alignment for better presentation needed in Server Profile Page.(SCGCQ01358148)
- LSA_MR_7.3_Alpha: Percentage value for the Background Operations is not seen if browser is zoomed.(SCGCQ01358261)
- LSA crash when service starts with empty LSA.conf file.(SCGCQ01358264)
- SCGCQ01358892: Buttons "Try Updating Again" is not highlighted when user attempts to flash the firmware after any failure.(SCGCQ01358892)
- SCGCQ01358947: WG: Invalid text Content displayed on selecting multiple Virtual drives/Physical Drives.(SCGCQ01358947)
- WG: "Select Personality" dropdown lists the current personality first by default.(SCGCQ01359030)
- WG: Clickable "hand icon' is not displayed when we move cursor over Bus dev text of controller in Server summary page.(SCGCQ01359034)
- SCGCQ01372670: When User tries to click on Update FW Button, LSA asks for Navigation Confirmation without displaying Update FW page for IT.(SCGCQ01372670)
- "Add CacheCade-SSD VD" tab getting greyed out after deleting created vd,even if physical drive is selected under "Add SSD pd".(SCGCQ01372722)
- WG: VD creation fails when multiple VD's are created with 1MB size.(SCGCQ01373500)
- "Finish" button in Modify drive group work even if its grayed out.(SCGCQ01374945)
- WG: Issues pertaining to Controller Diagnostic logs.(SCGCQ01375839)
- WG: GUI Issues pertaining to Instant secure erase of an FDE Drive.(SCGCQ01375858)
- There is a mismatch about Backplane (Enclosure) "Product ID" and "Enclosure Model" in LSA.(SCGCQ01376005)
- Spare URI does not respond on iMR Invader.(SCGCQ01376605)
- WG: After physically removing the PD from the R10 DG, the DG Span tab does not load.(SCGCQ01376781)
- "Since Log Clear" does not create the last event "Log Clear" in Var/log/messages.(SCGCQ01376849)
- WG: LSA does not list the Drive Group Tab , on creation of 240 VD (15 DG, 16 VD in each of DG) and reinstalling the LSA.(SCGCQ01378585)
- WG: Windows Application Event viewer lists 31 events instead of 30, after installing LSA with the option "Since Last reboot".(SCGCQ01378669)
- WG: LSA does not automatically refresh on hiding an Degraded DG.(SCGCQ01378693)
- Client: Error message that user encounters for Max User login, message needs to be displayed with proper message.(SCGCQ01378778)
- Client: WG: Instance Validation failed for Spares GET URI : MR Ventura.(SCGCQ01378782)
- WG: unable to start VD initialization on 32 VD's when there are 240 VD created & Foreign configuration present in system.(SCGCQ01378808)
- WG: Error message is not proper if the username is not provided while verifying server in Manager server page.(SCGCQ01379795)
- WG:In premium features Safe ID & Serial Number needs to be highlited for better understanding.(SCGCQ01379818)
- WG: Close button can be given with a "hand" symbol in Compare and select form like all close button in other form has.(SCGCQ01380587)
- WG: Available Unconfigured drives is not formatted properly for display.(SCGCQ01380591)
- WG: Domain Authentication is shown as Default in "MAnage Server Page".(SCGCQ01380642)
- Size increment button is not working while modifying a VD that is created in MB size.(SCGCQ01380830)
- WG: "Advanced and Simple Configuration" is enabled when UG drives are "prepared for removal" and no other drives are left.(SCGCQ01380977)
- SCGCQ01383828: LSA service crashes while trying to access the IR3 controller.(SCGCQ01383828)
- WG:VD properties were not well partitioned for CacheCade - SSD config , compare to normal VD creation in HDD.(SCGCQ01384561)
- WG: Few enhancements needed in VD Expand form.(SCGCQ01389165)
- SCGCQ01389195: WG: Naming convention for VD can be made consistent for the VD's created through Advanced and Simple configuration.(SCGCQ01389195)
- Enter key is functioning as a backspace in "Set Adjustable Task Rate" - Can be disabled.(SCGCQ01389203)
- LSA mail server settings does not allow to enter name of smtp server.(SCGCQ01389204)
- WG: No. of VD's available to create is not shown properly for spanned vd's when span depth is modified.(SCGCQ01389421)
- Storcli: Battery Capacitance is displayed incorrectly across different applications.(SCGCQ01392000)
- WG: More Actions for drive is not working after staring and stopping Clear operation under Drives tab.(SCGCQ01392056)
- WG: User has to click twice on the table header to change the sorting order for any table in LSA.(SCGCQ01393336)
- Copyright link is taking to top of the page rather taking to Broadcom website.(SCGCQ01393706)
- WG: PD state info is not updated properly in the Drives tab after PD's are converted from online to offline.(SCGCQ01393771)
- WG: "Clear" and "Rescan" buttons could be highlighted for the better look in Foreign Configuration Tab.(SCGCQ01394954)
- "Add Virtual Drives" is grayed out for specific VD sizes after user presses "tab-alt" keys.(SCGCQ01398966)
- WG: Verify and Sign In Buttons are overlapping in list view in Manage Server Page.(SCGCQ01399610)
- LSA is not showing "Activate..." button for Premium Features when it is navigated after "Update Firmware" page.(SCGCQ01399670)
- WG:LSA sending email alert notifications to user which doesn't exist.(SCGCQ01418580)
- Drives under both Physical drives and Span drives tab are allowed to select simultaneously.(SCGCQ01428129)
- Login to VMware is taking at time more than 30 seconds.(SCGCQ01429431)
- Physical drives Get call taking considerably long time :it takes 5+ minutes to respond for 24 PD's in an enclosure.(SCGCQ01435908)
- WG:while editing a created VD, user cannot increase the VD size in MB .Only can decrease the size.(SCGCQ01438268)
- WG:LSA is not sorting properly the drives with different capacity of units i.e TB and GB.(SCGCQ01439751)
- WG: View server profile does not contain info on the Device id, which is sorted according to device id itself.(SCGCQ01440773)
- WG: operation of Combining JBOD drives with & without files system to move to Unconfigurued good is partially successful.(SCGCQ01440778)
- WG: Space required between two strings in the description of "Enable Drive Security".(SCGCQ01442479)
- WG: LSA Displays "Error Code:1:An user is already Logged in with Different Credentials" even user is using same credentials.(SCGCQ01442773)
- WG: LSA is changing to latest login user account though it is already logged with different User Account in different Tab.(SCGCQ01442774)
- WG: No. of UG drives are improperly updated in the Drives header tab when replace operation is triggered on a physical drive.(SCGCQ01444724)
- WG: No. Of Power Supplies info displayed is overlapping on the enclosure details. Need proper display alignment.(SCGCQ01444794)
- LSA showing 'binaryPath:./LSA' during service start in Linux.(SCGCQ01445709)
- LSA server giving null for enclosure serial number.(SCGCQ01445713)
- WG: LSA events displays invalid details for unexpected sense events.(SCGCQ01445719)
- WG: Description for event Code"579" is '0" in LSA event logs.(SCGCQ01446803)
- WG:"Disable Data Protection" is not updating in LSA until user do a manual refresh.(SCGCQ01447843)
- SCGCQ01448707: WG: LSA Event logs has enquiry info for Vendor, model and serial numbers appended with $ symbols.(SCGCQ01448707)
- WG: Inconsistency seen w.r.t making drive online while RLM is in progress.(SCGCQ01449722)
- WG: Event log page is navigating to change personality when the behavior mode is set from other tab of the same browser.(SCGCQ01450719)
- DG count is shown incorrectly in server summary page : VMware 6.5.(SCGCQ01451571)
- WG:Controller health status not updated on moving JBOD drive from offline --> online, personality : JBOD.()
- LSA Server: Handling of additional events in Cache module.(SCGCQ01451573)
- LSA: During the installation "Range of Events" selection is not reflecting in the LSA.conf file.(SCGCQ01464514)
- [lenovo 18A] [Bugzila 117507] -Reopen -The LSA doesn’t work in Suse12.3, which has many NICs.(SCGCQ01506045)
- WG: Enclosure ID is shown "Unknown" for NVMe JBOD only in event logs, Profile id=11.(SCGCQ01291162)
- WG: LSA page does not refresh on starting Full initialization on 240 VD.(SCGCQ01292183)
- Phase3 Beta PCIe: Loading SLOOB fails with error message "ExitLib failed for SAS IT Controller!! rval 0x801A".(SCGCQ01292964)
- 7.3 Client : Coverity defects check-in.(SCGCQ01308624)
- SCGCQ01309034: Coverity defect fixes check-in.(SCGCQ01309034)
- Fixed: Code maintainability issue.(SCGCQ01318344)
- coverity defect fies for : Suspicious use of non-short-circuit boolean operaton.(SCGCQ01320079)
- In Simple Config, if user select a VD and select the check box of "Assign HSP", VD size is getting changed to different size.(SCGCQ01321225)
- WG: LSA notifies user that VD will be deleted after VD erase even if the option was not selected.(SCGCQ01325795)
- WG: user notification appearing after user starts/stops the initialization on multiple VD's needs to be updated.(SCGCQ01326134)
- LSA doesn't show FW component name while FW flash operation.(SCGCQ01337028)
- WG: Multiple options of RLM are selected together for radio button used to select one of the 3 RLM operations.(SCGCQ01342615)
- LSA does not display "Link Speed" for phy 8 properly for iMR Ventura.(SCGCQ01355929)
- When the CC is scheduled as "Continuously", it is not reflected in UI after saving the changes.(SCGCQ01357007)
- Warning message has to be corrected in Foreign configuration page and one more hyperlink issue.(SCGCQ01358066)
- LSA is not taking "dot(.)" from num pad , but taking "dot(.)" form keypad while specifying the vd capacity.(SCGCQ01358908)
- Selected firmware version is coming empty for IR/IT/IMR controller.(SCGCQ01364736)
- WG: LSA displays the notification "This operation can be performed only on 32 drives at a time" 32 times.(SCGCQ01373067)
- WG: Global hotspare & Dedicated hotspare are displayed as plural entities for every hotspare listed in physical drive tab.(SCGCQ01375707)
- WG: Instance Validation failed for Spares GET URI : MR Ventura.(SCGCQ01375778)
- fixed: Min & Max of "PdRaidLevel_1E" under the "pdsForRaidLevels" is populated even though it is not supported in iMR.(SCGCQ01375817)
- WG: Other hardware tab lists wrong count of list of hardware connected when enclosure connected in multipath.(SCGCQ01376109)
- WG: View server profile contents exceed the border limits of the LSA page.(SCGCQ01378556)
- SCGCQ01378774: WG: Information of the virtual drive info and PD's involved in DG vanishes on removing & inserting the PD back from a DG.(SCGCQ01378774)
- WG: Links present in Backplane properties are so light that they look like grayed out. Needs enhancement.(SCGCQ01380680)
- WG: User is allowed to click on "Next" button even if page is not completely updated during the VD creation & RLM operations.(SCGCQ01381734)
- GUI Issues found in Advanced Configuration page.(SCGCQ01381764)
- Firmware flash message should have "new" removed from string.(SCGCQ01382062)
- LSA getting logged in , even if the password is wrong.(SCGCQ01388957)
- "%" is allowed for entering no. of seconds for locating the drives.(SCGCQ01389182)
- WG: Size limit warning is thrown if the user is giving valid size using spinner button while modifying VD.(SCGCQ01389340)
- WG: Message displayed after flashing the controller FW has to be modified for better presentation - Enhancement.(SCGCQ01389483)
- Spinner Button for increase and decrease size is not working when the size is 1.09 TB.(SCGCQ01392053)
- WG: "Username" has to be grayed out when user start typing in the login page of "Manage Server Page".(SCGCQ01393764)
- WG: UG Drives count is not updated properly after modifying a DG.(SCGCQ01393774)
- Phase 5 IT LSA - EFI-BSD version is not displayed fully when Version length is more than 12 characters.(SCGCQ01394914)
- Mismatch in enclosure properties between LSA and storecli utility.(SCGCQ01395021)
- WG: "Managing SAS Storage Link Speed" opens up on clicking help topic of "Manage PCIe Storage Interface".(SCGCQ01395075)
- when clicking on more actions for any UG drives to make DHS,the options remains as it is in LSA though the operation is done.(SCGCQ01403884)
- WG: Like "Flash Firmware" button in "Update Firmware" page, "Update" button should also have hand symbol & one more issue.(SCGCQ01405822)
- WG: while expanding exiting VD, the expand VD page is not consistent.(SCGCQ01416379)
- Fixed: WG: LSA conf does not contain the perf mode settings options configurable.(SCGCQ01422214)
- WG: Clicking on "Benefits of each MegaRAID Advanced Software Option" in premium feature is not taking to proper link.(SCGCQ01428156)
- LSA doesn't allow creating spanned Raid levels with 2 spans using more than 32 drives.(SCGCQ01435647)
- API performance Issues pertaining to LSA Build VMware esxi 6.5 ).(SCGCQ01436886)
- WG : "Replace Drive "window needs improvement to look uniform.(SCGCQ01439805)
- when flashing FW with 16 mb/32 mb.ROM file , LSA throws inappropriate message.(SCGCQ01440772)
- WG: LSA displays the property Drive Security Capable as 'No' even when security is supported.(SCGCQ01442209)
- WG: the controller operations Query param : 4 has 'premium feature' and 'pinned cache' URI's GET calls in response.(SCGCQ01443879)
- WG: Confirmation Message has to be changed when more than one drives are converted from JBOD to UG state.(SCGCQ01444672)
- SCGCQ01445818: MR 7.4_Alpha_LSA does not find a server in RHEL 7.4.(SCGCQ01445818)
- WG: LSA times out after "Clear Configuration" command is issued when there is a OFFLINE DG present.(SCGCQ01447788)
- WG: Size for the VD is not updated properly when edited during VD creation.(SCGCQ01447791)
- WG: An extra "." needs to be removed in the event description for "Initialization complete on VD".(SCGCQ01449783)
- WG:Instance Validation Fails for foreignConfiguration-schema.json in iMR_Ventura.(SCGCQ01473733)
- WG: Raid 50 Vd Creation fails on unselecting drives after changing span during VD creation.(SCGCQ01309542)
- Coverity Defects - Performance Inefficiencies.(SCGCQ01313878)
- Fixed: Coverity: Class hierarchy inconsistencies.(SCGCQ01318333)
- Client: Coverty defect fixes check-in.(SCGCQ01318336)
- VD size getting increased while creating VD using simple config - Regression.(SCGCQ01341947)
- WG: Once the FW update is completed LSA shows junk character in the notification about firmware flash was successful.(SCGCQ01342536)
- SCGCQ01348082: LSA: Loopback occurs during launch. (intermittent issue).(SCGCQ01348082)
- Expand page is not closed when opened for second time.(SCGCQ01357224)
- "Add Virtual Drives" is disabled when user changes from invalid size to valid size through increment button.(SCGCQ01358299)
- WG: Error message that user encounters for Max User login, message needs to be displayed with proper message.(SCGCQ01375255)
- "Server Profile" displays blank back plane info for ctrl-1.(SCGCQ01375992)
- LSA Client : Foreign Configuration Panel issues with locked and unlocked foreign drives.(SCGCQ01378050)
- DG Actions menu is not shown properly after zooming in when VD's are hidden.(SCGCQ01380663)
- WG: Size range warning is not shown while modifying VD when unit is selected from MB to GB.(SCGCQ01380818)
- LSA Evevnt: Access policy for HIDDEN/Transport is coming as Empty.(SCGCQ01380828)
- LSA Server: User is provided with Hide and Un-Hide option though there is no HIDE performed on a VD.(SCGCQ01380845)
- WG: LSA service crashes on hiding and unhiding DG's with dedicated hotspare.(SCGCQ01380912)
- SCGCQ01383765: Resolve linux server compilation issues.(SCGCQ01383765)
- WG: Reconstruction progress is not refreshed even after the VD is cleared on which reconstruction was happening.(SCGCQ01383800)
- LSA : Silent installation is accepting the invalid options also for LSA/HPE/RWC3.(SCGCQ01389392)
- WG: Clicking on View server profile just before controller console page loads results in blank page.(SCGCQ01396731)
- WG: "DG degraded notification" is not auto-refreshed after Raid5 VD is brought from offline to online.(SCGCQ01398964)
- WG: When LSA is configured with NAT server, it is shown twice in the Remote Discovery Page.(SCGCQ01401484)
- WG: LSA is displaying loop-back address in remote discovery page while accessing LSA with IPV6 address.(SCGCQ01401546)
- WG: Hidden links present in premium features page.(SCGCQ01412883)
- WG:VD properties details need some changes to look uniform across the application.(SCGCQ01418574)
- WG: Help link for Premium Features is opening in dual tabs.(SCGCQ01428169)
- LSA: patrol reads gets initiated on all the vd's that are created though only one vd is selected.(SCGCQ01442107)
- WG:LSA is not showing the options "Pause Patrol Read|Abort Patrol Read" when PR background operation is running.(SCGCQ01442350)
- WG:when user is closing the message box for "Clear Configuration",the "X" symbol is not shown with hand symbol.(SCGCQ01442356)
- LSA service is not working in Linux.(SCGCQ01442733)
- WG: Invalid text"Each_Frehole" present in Pop up of Adding VD to existing Drive group.(SCGCQ01446454)
- WG: "Add Hot Spare" Button is enabled after selecting and deselecting the drives.(SCGCQ01448882)
- WG: LSA is not Displaying Both the Foreign Configurations (Encrypted and Unencrypted) for Import/Clear/re scan.(SCGCQ01448976)
- WG: Event with ID 552 is not updated properly. Information on Mode is empty.(SCGCQ01450725)
- LSA Client: SDS/HBA progress issue.(SCGCQ01459948)
- System x PE: LSA Does Not Support the Hyphen Character "-" In Domain Names.(SCGCQ01507989)
- LSA not giving the Un Hide All Virtual Drives operation when DG contain Hidden and normal VDs.(SCGCQ01308440)
- Coverity Defects fixes for Stream LSA7.3.(SCGCQ01311864)
- LSA7.3: Coverity defect fixes in Server code.(SCGCQ01316168)
- Coverity: Integer handling issues.(SCGCQ01318418)
- LSA Client : IR/IT Multiple Options are allowed in Update Firmware Screen.(SCGCQ01343645)
- Add hot spare page cosmetic issues.(SCGCQ01358219)
- WG:Change button is active even if button appears inactive for "Change personality", fails with an inappropriate notification.(SCGCQ01358967)
- FW last modified time is not coming properly while FW upload.(SCGCQ01359056)
- WG:while editing created vd for CacheCade - SSD Caching Configuration,the write policy tab is coming down.(SCGCQ01380641)
- WG: In "Advanced Configuration" page, Raid settings and Drive Attributes are not numbered properly.(SCGCQ01380646)
- WG: Issues pertaining to "Server is taking long to respond" LSA page.(SCGCQ01383122)
- SCGCQ01395189: WG: "Manage PCIe Storage Interface" displays empty table for MR Ventura controller with profile id 13.(SCGCQ01395189)
- WG: LSA is displaying loop-back address in remote discovery page while accessing LSA with IPV6 address.(SCGCQ01415223)
- WG: Question mark missing in "Erase" confirmation form.(SCGCQ01415923)
- WG: Extra "." (dot) has to be removed in VD Initialization confirmation message and one more cosmetic issue.(SCGCQ01428137)
- WG: Instance Validation is failing for driveGroupConfigurationService-schema.json in MR_Ventura card.(SCGCQ01443739)
- MR7.4_Alpha_LSA crashed when trying to download firmware RHEL 7.4.(SCGCQ01447240)
- LSA Client Refresh issue while making more than one drive(s) offline when RLM is in progress.(SCGCQ01449870)
- WG: No success /failure Notification is shown in server summary page on making a offline drive online.(SCGCQ01451575)
- WG:2 Spans(Modify Span Depth) is showing in "Advance configuraton" page even if their is no PD left for the config.(SCGCQ01452129)
- WG:when flashing FW with 16 mb/32 mb.ROM file , LSA throws inappropriate message.(SCGCQ01464425)
- SCGCQ01479375: LSA WebGui: "logs.txt" is generated in logs directory after fresh installation in Linux.(SCGCQ01479375)
- WG: LSA takes some time (2-3 min) in order to display the remote server page after multiple service restarts.(SCGCQ00903348)
- LSA should not allow to select the check box of VD and PD simultaneously on xSDS-None mode.(SCGCQ01323724)
- Issue : Instant Secure erase option is seen when FDE and NON-FDE drives are selected.(SCGCQ01326164)
- SCGCQ01332799: Resolve LSA server compilation issue.(SCGCQ01332799)
- LSA conf file not being updated While changing the default port 2463 and 9000 to some other free ports in windows_8.1_x64.(SCGCQ01375895)
- WG: "?" symbol is in the centre of the Drive erase page unlike in other pages.(SCGCQ01383763)
- WG: ESXi server name is not completely visible in Manage Servers page.(SCGCQ01389332)
- WG: UI Enhancement: Hand symbol has to be given for the "Modify VD" icon for better user experience.(SCGCQ01389343)
- Foreign Configuration issues locked and unlocked foreign drives count.(SCGCQ01391010)
- Action successful message needs to be modified for better User experience.(SCGCQ01392057)
- spandepth need one space between span & depth, to look uniform across the application.(SCGCQ01413225)
- Hide all Vd's in a DG is not working when there is Erase operation is in progress in one of the VD in the same DG.(SCGCQ01423352)
- LSA is not Displaying Both the Foreign Configurations (Encrypted and Unencrypted) for Import/Clear/re scan.(SCGCQ01460076)
- WG: Hide all Vd's in a DG is not working when there is Erase operation is in progress in one of the VD in the same DG.(SCGCQ01394281)
- WG: Help link for "Activate Features" after providing the Activation key is not working.(SCGCQ01398969)
- SCGCQ01424621: PD serial number getting truncated on few PDs.(SCGCQ01424621)
- Added the "?" at the end of instant secure erase. But there no issue related line in more actions panel please find the attached screenshot.(SCGCQ01442352)
- Fixed: LSA app UI cannot be opened when connect M.2 NVME SSD(via HSBP) to LSI 9460-16i/9440-8i.(SCGCQ01474461)
- 'X' symbol for removing physical drives are not highlighted when the drives are allowed to be removed.(SCGCQ01350436)
- API performance Issues pertaining to LSA Build VMware esxi 6.5 ): Raid Mode with JBOD drives.(SCGCQ01467754)

- Add "Incompatible with Profile" event.(SCGCQ01289924)
- SLIR3: Change build scripts and makefiles to account for change in directory structure and new name of the library.(SCGCQ00293713)
- LSA Page tab name should be changed.(SCGCQ01401514)
- Upgrade of OpenSSL binaries to openssl-1.0.2l.(SCGCQ01444590)
- Add a new structure to provide OEMs ability to switch to select either I2C or PCIe as an out of band transport.(SCGCQ01445048)
- Update description of MR_DCMD_CTRL_PERSONALITY_SET Dcmd.(SCGCQ01467149)
- SLIR3: Remove Libsysfs dependency in StoreLibIR3.(SCGCQ00293709)
- Adding Solaris and Sparc X64 bit support in SLIR3.(SCGCQ00922699)
- Change library name to SLIT.(SCGCQ00933175)
- LSA Server : [Lenovo Purley] Adding tape drive support to Unified LSA for IT Ventura controllers.(SCGCQ01352474)
- HBA nvdata version in Decimal Format in LSA.(SCGCQ01365643)
- WG: Dedicated Hot spare Notification pop-up alignments.(SCGCQ01401505)
- Schedule API changes for time consuming APIs.(SCGCQ01422386)
- MR7.4: Support for FW ER:SCGCQ01389581 in LSA Server.(SCGCQ01428115)
- Update the WebServer Nginx to fix the latest Security Vulnerabilities.(SCGCQ01452493)
- SAS3 Ph8 --- Update Attribution Language - Copyright, Trademark, Confidentiality to Avago.(SCGCQ00729472)
- LSA Client: Handle Progress events without initiating individual API calls.(SCGCQ01416371)
- LSA: Make operation call with query parameter.(SCGCQ01424479)
- Add Test Link Diagnostic API.(SCGCQ01436268)
- WG: Landing page - Graphics improvements.(SCGCQ01401517)
- Support for FW ER:SCGCQ01389581 in LSA Client.(SCGCQ01428113)
- LSA: Upgrade of OpenSSL binaries to openssl-1.0.2n.(SCGCQ01563340)
- LSA7.3: LSA to hide the Empty back plane based on the property field in the LSA.conf file.(SCGCQ01312022)
- LSA: Make operation call with query parameter.(SCGCQ01416374)
- Added MR_MFC_DEFAULTS.NVMeAbortTO and MR_MFC_DEFAULTS.NVMeMaxControllerResetTO.(SCGCQ01532045)
- SCGCQ01250909 - [Lenovo Purley] - Retrieve Boot Events and Maintain it as part of Event History.(SCGCQ01291488)
- Client: EPMR12 porting to MR7.3.(SCGCQ01304973)
- Client: Provide pending profile details in LSA.(SCGCQ01331947)
- LSA Server: EPMR12 defect/feature porting to MR7.3.(SCGCQ01307382)
- WG: In Remote discovery page Self server is always listed in the last.(SCGCQ01378666)

- VMware LSI Out of Box driver feature reconciliation.(SCGCQ00696009 port of SCGCQ00652798)
- Provide a StoreLibIR2 deb package to work on Ubuntu.(SCGCQ00795333 port of SCGCQ00630108)
- WG: No Units are displayed for Event ID: 545: Information about super cap health.(SCGCQ01297685 port of SCGCQ01291338)
- LSA throws inappropriate error while attempt to start controller firmware upgrade when pinned cache present on controller.(SCGCQ01297819 port of SCGCQ01288364)
- CSCvd88927 - LSA is displaying drives' type string inconsistently for HDD/SSD so it needs to display consistently.(SCGCQ01331599 port of SCGCQ01316465)
- Hercules_LSA: Event ID-565 does not have any description, shows 0.(SCGCQ01336569 port of SCGCQ01313804)
- Cisco_HSW_Validation_LSA : Expand option can be taken off for degraded R5 volume.(SCGCQ01337104 port of SCGCQ01332737)
- Hercules LSA : Schedule CC button does not allow to click on the whole button.(SCGCQ01339214 port of SCGCQ01337027 )
- PR on all drives are not aborted properly until page refresh is done.(SCGCQ01342568 port of SCGCQ01340808)
- No. of steps shown in "Modify Drive Group" page is not correct.(SCGCQ01343651 port of SCGCQ01341921)
-.(SCGCQ01345364 port of SCGCQ01342479)
- Foreign Import page shows wrong data for the importable LD's.(SCGCQ01345398 port of SCGCQ01332912)
- LSA: LSA should ignore the BBU/SuperCap VPD info failures as it is not a mandatory information.(SCGCQ01347171 port of SCGCQ01346904)
- LSA: LSA should ignore the BBU/SuperCap VPD info failures as it is not a mandatory information.(SCGCQ01347220 port of SCGCQ01346908)
- LSA: LSA should ignore the BBU/SuperCap VPD info failures as it is not a mandatory information.(SCGCQ01347221 port of SCGCQ01346908)
- Cisco_HSW_Validation_LSA: "Simple Configuration" page that appears after creating a simple config is blank.(SCGCQ01347224 port of SCGCQ01345554)
- Cisco_HSW_Validation_LSA: Character limit warning for VD name is not shown while modifying the VD during VD creation.(SCGCQ01347232 port of SCGCQ01345557)
- Cisco_HSW_Validation_LSA: VD Size limit check is not working when user modifies the value of the size.(SCGCQ01350834 port of SCGCQ01346906)
- Cisco_HSW_Validation_LSA: Prepare for removal menu is still displayed even after the option is selected and event is updated.(SCGCQ01350837 port of SCGCQ01338290)
- "%" symbol followed by integer value should not be allowed for the user to enter the size during VD creation.(SCGCQ01350844 port of CGCQ01349556)
- Page scroll doesn't work after VD creation when BG processes on VD are expanded in LSA page.(SCGCQ01351383 port of SCGCQ01349487)
- VD creation fails when a partial VD is added with decimal value & with 1MB strip size to an existing DG.(SCGCQ01354306 port of SCGCQ01348005)
- Security Key provided for importing Foreign Config is not taken by LSA.(SCGCQ01369266 port of SCGCQ01331016)
- Unexpected sense PD messages are flooded in storage log when drive is in spun dwon mode.(SCGCQ01369267 port of SCGCQ01264499)
-.(SCGCQ01375259 port of SCGCQ01373451)
- LSA: Client should not show Unlock drive option if no drives are in locked state.(SCGCQ01378557 port of SCGCQ01331121)
- LSA Server: Windows Make file check-in.(SCGCQ01384621 port of SCGCQ01384618)
- RWC3 Package: Check-in of SL-IT to the package folder.(SCGCQ01384895 port of SCGCQ01384890)
- Cisco_LSA: 'vdname' parameter is missing in the event description that is generated whenever a volume property is modified.(SCGCQ01387017 port of SCGCQ01350435)
- Disabled Phy is not populated from the server when we fire /phys uri.(SCGCQ01389917 port of SCGCQ01389892)
- SCGCQ01385340: Health is not coming proper after foreign config import.(SCGCQ01389918 port of SCGCQ01385340)
- HPE: Un-installation is not removing the folder(s) after performing the Download Diagnostics operation.(SCGCQ01389925 port of SCGCQ01385453)
- WG: Message displayed after flashing the controller FW has to be modified for better presentation - Enhancement.(SCGCQ01391318 port of SCGCQ01389483)
- Hercules LSA : LD properties shows Cachecade Enabled after disabling cache cade.(SCGCQ01419753 port of SCGCQ01417215)
- WG: LSA takes some time (2-3 min) in order to display the remote server page after multiple service restarts.(SCGCQ01440910 port of SCGCQ00903348)
- MR 7.3.1_LSA fails to find server when there is no network.(SCGCQ01500133 port of SCGCQ01482320)
- Cisco - CSCvh55470 - LSA should display proper message for ESXi after LBP/Talladega firmware upgrade/downgrade.(SCGCQ01566052 port of SCGCQ01562368)
- SWR: Device ID is not displayed in LSA..(SCGCQ01566241 port of SCGCQ01564621)
- Changing ini file name to storelibconfit.ini.(SCGCQ01275670 port of SCGCQ01275496)
- For phys-schema.json fails for "([0, u'properties', u'isEnabled', u'enum'], 'False ...".(SCGCQ01309844 port of SCGCQ01304900)
- LSA not allowing to create RAID with 1M strip using 4K drives.(SCGCQ01323613 port of SCGCQ01284395)
- LSA pops-up (504 : Gate Time-out) with StorCLI script to start-stop locate drives with JBOD-Hotspare conversion on.(SCGCQ01324865 port of SCGCQ01260226)
- LSA crashed on pulling out 23 drives connected with 64 LD's in multiple controllers.(SCGCQ01338337 port of SCGCQ01331755)
- Hercules LSA : Cachecade SSD caching should be "enabled" under controller properties.(SCGCQ01339133 port of SCGCQ01337029)
- Hercules LSA : WB and AWB description in LD create page not proper.(SCGCQ01339213 port of SCGCQ01337026)
- User couldn't enter his value in seconds for locating a physical drive.(SCGCQ01344082 port of SCGCQ01332742)
- Cisco_HSW_Validation_LSA: Tooltip for "Simple Configuration" is not shown when other options displays it.(SCGCQ01347225 port of SCGCQ01346851)
- Cisco_LSA: Hyperlink symbol can be shown for "Compare and select" link in Modify Drive Group.(SCGCQ01350847 port of SCGCQ01348107)
- Cisco_HSW_Validation_LSA: Naming convention can be made same across all "Virtual Drive Erase" forms.(SCGCQ01350850 port of SCGCQ01347250)
- cosmetic changes required in "Advanced configuration" page.(SCGCQ01350851 port of SCGCQ01347253)
- DG health is not populated properly in cisco cards.(SCGCQ01350892 port of SCGCQ01349625)
- Virtual Drive Erase form is not closed when it is opened for the second time.(SCGCQ01351381 port of SCGCQ01347243)
- While adding drives to any raid group, Displaying no. of available drives and selected drives can be fine tuned.(SCGCQ01351385 port of SCGCQ01348115)
- Cisco_LSA: "Background Initialization" is misspelled in Event description & one more cosmetic change is required.(SCGCQ01351454 port of SCGCQ01348041)
- In case of FW upload, LSA crash seen with big FW version name.(SCGCQ01351457 port of SCGCQ01338340)
- LSA Client: During the exclusion of the VDs from deletion of one VD leading to the deletion of all the VDs.(SCGCQ01354432 port of SCGCQ01344115)
- WG: Error message is not proper if the username is not provided while verifying server in Manager server page.(SCGCQ01387009 port of SCGCQ01379795)
- Hercules:LSA:Observe that instead of "Feedback " it is named as "FeedBack ".(SCGCQ01389091 port of SCGCQ01388943)
- Updated PD firmware version is not reflecting even after LSA refresh.(SCGCQ01392422 port of SCGCQ01382013)
- SCGCQ01385340: Health is not coming proper after foreign config import.(SCGCQ01393239 port of SCGCQ01385340)
- Hercules LSA: "Prepare for removal" feature should be disabled for drives in LSA.(SCGCQ01401490 port of SCGCQ01396735)
- Activity to check-in build files.(SCGCQ01514879 port of SCGCQ01514834)
-.(SCGCQ01520055 port of SCGCQ01508528)
- Activity to check-in AutoBST files to new MR 7.5 streams.(SCGCQ01564703 port of SCGCQ01564674)
- Updating readme file.(SCGCQ01294583 port of SCGCQ01294570)
- For spares-schema instance validation failed for "u'foreign' is not one of [u'NATIVE', u'FOREIGN', u'MIXED']".(SCGCQ01311504 port of SCGCQ01309617)
- LSA server:LSA not showing the server reboot message after profile set.(SCGCQ01316473 port of SCGCQ01316342)
- HSW_testing_LSA : Could not initialize a VD after disabling and enabling again "Initialize" option.(SCGCQ01321339 port of SCGCQ01309783)
- Cisco_HSW_Validation_LSA : Expand option can be taken off for degraded R5 volume.(SCGCQ01337071 port of SCGCQ01332737)
- Cisco_HSW_Validation_LSA: Size range warning is not shown when user is giving value beyond the limit in MB unit.(SCGCQ01352603 port of SCGCQ01352603)
- LSA not allowing to create RAID with 1M strip using 4K drives.(SCGCQ01369283 port of SCGCQ01284395)
- RWC3 Automation Script files check-in.(SCGCQ01385008 port of SCGCQ01384997)
- LSA/RWC Automation batch files check-in.(SCGCQ01386218 port of SCGCQ01386214)
- Hercules:LSA: trying to open in new tab : "Copyright @ 2017 by Avago Technologies. All Rights Reserved" loads blank page.(SCGCQ01389089 port of SCGCQ01386140)
- Adding tape drive support to Unified LSA for IT Ventura controllers.(SCGCQ01389588 port of SCGCQ01352480)
- SCGCQ01385340: Health is not coming proper after foreign config import.(SCGCQ01392429 port of SCGCQ01385340)
-.(SCGCQ01392506 port of SCGCQ01391775)
- [Lenovo 17B] - LSA- Selected Firmware version doesn't match while upgrading the FW.(SCGCQ01420040 port of SCGCQ01417199)
- Hercules:LSA: Multiple OLH links are opening when clicked on Advance configuration( IE Browser).(SCGCQ01429992 port of SCGCQ01415979)
- LSA Linux BST Automation scripts.(SCGCQ01466009 port of SCGCQ01447013)
- operations-schema.json fails for "u'percentage' is a required property..." in xSDS mode.(SCGCQ01297806 port of SCGCQ01291332)
- Hercules LSA : Auto refresh not happening on Enclosure push pull with 64 VD's configured.(SCGCQ01297821 port of SCGCQ01276760)
- SCGCQ01309545: WG: Issues pertaining to Event ID: 545: Super Cap Health event has redundant data, missing comma's.(SCGCQ01332698 port of SCGCQ01309545)
- Foreign Import page shows wrong data for the importable LD's.(SCGCQ01338335 port of SCGCQ01332912)
- Cisco Validation: FW throws an exception while scheduling Consistency check on R1.(SCGCQ01347254 port of SCGCQ01340788)
- VD size is created with improper size when user creates volume by first decreasing and increasing the size in MB unit.(SCGCQ01350833 port of SCGCQ01346860)
- WG: Hide all Vd's in a DG is not working when there is Erase operation is in progress in one of the VD in the same DG.(SCGCQ01395078 port of SCGCQ01394281)
- Wrong API populated for enclosures operations and schema will fail.(SCGCQ01445408 port of SCGCQ01444689)
- WG: LSA events displays invalid details for unexpected sense events.(SCGCQ01447743 port of SCGCQ01445719)
- WG: the controller operations Query param : 4 has 'premium feature' and 'pinned cache' URI's GET calls in response.(SCGCQ01458204 port of SCGCQ01443879)
- Cisco - CSCvg96681 - LSA-3.163 should display proper message after logout.(SCGCQ01531153 port of SCGCQ01521114)
- MR/IR: Controller Device ID value mismatch in LSA.(SCGCQ01566055 port of SCGCQ01564622)
- Hercules_LSA: Event ID-565 does not have any description, shows 0.(SCGCQ01336556 port of SCGCQ01313804)
- LSA: LSA should ignore the BBU/SuperCap VPD info failures as it is not a mandatory information.(SCGCQ01347125 port of SCGCQ01346904)
- Cisco_HSW_Validation_LSA: Credentials asked during login is not proper when login mode is set to 'Domain Login'.(SCGCQ01347233 port of SCGCQ01341930)
- Hercules-LSA : Updated PD firmware version is not reflecting automatically.(SCGCQ01393283 port of SCGCQ01392496)
- Hercules:LSA: Linux RHEL 6.9: View Event Logs Icon display not proper.(SCGCQ01414738 port of SCGCQ01409445)
- Hercules LSA: Reference to "drive group" while adding logical drive to existing array.(SCGCQ01444720 port of SCGCQ01444670)
- LSA: During the installation "Range of Events" selection is not reflecting in the LSA.conf file.(SCGCQ01472166 port of SCGCQ01472048)
- SCGCQ01479375: LSA WebGui: "logs.txt" is generated in logs directory after fresh installation in Linux.(SCGCQ01480902 port of SCGCQ01313228)
- Fixed: Drive group Migration was disabled with NVME drives DG.(SCGCQ01313228 port of SCGCQ01289586)
- LSA pops-up (504 : Gate Time-out) with StorCLI script to start-stop locate drives with JBOD-Hotspare conversion on.(SCGCQ01324864 port of SCGCQ01260226)
- Spare URI does not respond on iMR Invader.(SCGCQ01378677 port of SCGCQ01376605)
- [PA_2017B_SDV_Lenovo_x3650 M4_Storage] LSA tool update FW Image (oss: 75871) Failed for N2225 SAS HBA(Outback-2) card.(SCGCQ01408778 port of SCGCQ01408626)
- In Standalone LSA periodic automatic refresh is not happening. To display the latest status do manual refresh.(SCGCQ01411632 port of SCGCQ01397546)
- Hercules LSA : LD properties shows Cachecade Enabled after disabling cache cade.(SCGCQ01417213 port of SCGCQ01415347)
-.(SCGCQ01417223 port of SCGCQ01375862)
- LSA: Make operation call with query parameter.(SCGCQ01423429 port of SCGCQ01416374)
- MR7.3_Focused Regression_Strange character when exceeding max number of Uncof good drives on iMR.(SCGCQ01427110 port of SCGCQ01419325)
- LSA: Upgrade of OpenSSL binaries to openssl-1.0.2n.(SCGCQ01564577 port of SCGCQ01563340)
- LSA crashed on pulling out 23 drives connected with 64 LD's in multiple controllers.(SCGCQ01345397 port of SCGCQ01331755)
- Selected firmware version is coming empty for IR/IT/IMR controller.(SCGCQ01354345 port of SCGCQ01321474)
- Hercules LSA: Default write policy for R1 CC VD should be WB instead of WT.(SCGCQ01401352 port of SCGCQ01397557)
- [Lenovo 18A] 110340 - [PA_2017B_SDV_Lenovo_Red_Reno_Storage] Use LSA to configure M5225 and it fail to create VD's from LSA.(SCGCQ01424599 port of SCGCQ01421451)
- Hercules- LSA : VD access policy not showing as blocked for SVD on CC VD offline.(SCGCQ01443687 port of SCGCQ01442554)
- Phase 2 changes for Linux VBAS automation script.(SCGCQ01460081 port of SCGCQ01455968)
- LSA : Silent installation is accepting the invalid options also for LSA/HPE/RWC3.(SCGCQ01472265 port of SCGCQ01389392)
- CSCvd28635: LSA throws inappropriate error while attempt to start patrol read on virtual drive with SSDs.(SCGCQ01319398 port of SCGCQ01284997)
- WG: Trying to import Encrypted VD with Drive security disabled results in error code: 0x11005, it provides No Details to user.(SCGCQ01332824 port of SCGCQ01325783)
- To resolve the merge conflict.(SCGCQ01348161 port of SCGCQ01348057)
- Port Info disappears on doing Drive push pull.(SCGCQ01404636 port of SCGCQ01379323)
- Upgrade of OpenSSL binaries to openssl-1.0.2l.(SCGCQ01444595 port of SCGCQ01444590)
- LSA Windows BST Automation scripts.(SCGCQ01472059 port of SCGCQ01460401)
- LSA 7.6:LSA does not provide the Stop rebuild option in the action pane once the rebuild operation is in progress in Rhel 7.4.(SCGCQ01557665 port of SCGCQ01555955) - Moderate Impact
------------- - Moderate Impact
- Added Support for ThinkSystem HBA and RAID adapters - Moderate Impact
- Fixed issue where logs incorrect when remove/insert hdd (SCGCQ01246085)
- Fixed Invalid Server Id as part of event, if server is not in network (SCGCQ01261779)
- Fixed issue where moving PD from slot 0 to another slot, PD slot ID usually still show slot 0 and slot format (SCGCQ01264554)
- Fixed issue where external enclosure serial number in not consistent between LSA, MSM and storcli (SCGCQ01268914)
- Fixed issue where LSA does not list Raid 10 as configurable raid level under configuration service uri when drive mixing is allowed (SCGCQ01037806)
- Fixed issue where Incorrect configurable Volume sizes displayed in LSA for Raid 0(SCGCQ01039518)
- Fixed issue where LSA is not un-installing through the Uninstall-LSA option through Windows All Programs (SCGCQ01039698)
- Fixed issue where VD Properties in LSA was not getting populated for default settings (SCGCQ01043610)
- Fixed issue where controllers/{id}/spares is not populated correctly (SCGCQ01056900)
- Fixed issue where LSA displays only 2 enclosures when four enclosures are connected. (SCGCQ01061548)
- Fixed issue where Enclosure more properties displays "Number of Voltage Sensors" as "0" (SCGCQ01063504)
- Fixed issue where On Number of Temperature Sensors observe that temperature mentioned has 65535 C. (SCGCQ01063924)
- Fixed issue where When the PD is in GHS state LSA is displaying the Prepare for removal option (SCGCQ01064282)
- Fixed issue where LSA does not display the access policy 'hidden' in View Event Logs. (SCGCQ01065622)
- Fixed issue where schedule patrol -read throws an error 'Invalid URI parameter' when user clicks on Finish button. (SCGCQ01066126)
- Fixed issue where Unable to migrate from secured Raid1 VD to Raid5/Raid 6 VD on LSA (SCGCQ01066154)
- Fixed issue where LSA crashes while trying to add a VD to the RAID 00 drive group. (SCGCQ01069405)
- Fixed issue where Simple configuration fails while trying to create VD using SSD Drive (SCGCQ01069412)
- Fixed issue where compared with MSM values of "Date of manufacture" and "Type" is varying. (SCGCQ01069493)
- Fixed issue where Unable to clear or import partial foreign configuration from LSA. (SCGCQ01069580)
- Fixed issue where Ventura: LSA still displays clear button as active even after successfully importing foreign configuration. (SCGCQ01069616)
- Fixed issue where IR3 Events logs are listed reverse sequence in "View Event logs" (SCGCQ01069847)
- Fixed issue where LSA Drive Tab PD "Unconfigured Good" count does not automatically refresh when we Move UG PD to JBOD and vice versa(SCGCQ01069852)
- Fixed issue where Modifying the VD during the VD creation results in option for user to allow more than one cachecade VD, Creation fails (SCGCQ01069898)
- Fixed issue where Instance validation fails for Clear Drive, Stop Clear Drive, Prepare & Undo prepare for removal due to "parameters":{}" (SCGCQ01070441)
- Fixed issue where Instance validation fails for Manage Power Save Settings, Controller PUT operation (SCGCQ01070690)
- Fixed issue where Instance Validation fails for Schedule Consistency Check (SCGCQ01070739)
- Fixed issue where Instance Validation fails for Physical Devices GET (IT controller) (SCGCQ01074960)
- Fixed issue where Server not found warning message is displaying repeatedly one over the other (SCGCQ01075026)
- Fixed issue where Backplane information not displayed under view server profile (SCGCQ01075841)
- Fixed issue where if config cleared during reconfiguration, progress bar does not clear(SCGCQ01075843)
- Fixed issue where hide on DG is not automatically updating the access policy of VDs (SCGCQ01076009)
- Fixed issue where LSA Crashes when we run API performance Script ususally when performing PD Operations GET in Large config (240 PD)(SCGCQ01076023)
- Fixed issue where "Controller Info" of LSA displays driver version of the Gateway server instead of displaying the driver of Vmware server (SCGCQ01076031)
- Fixed issue where "Application Version" in server profile page is displayed as "LSA Server null". (SCGCQ01076146)
- Fixed issue where there were multiple extra columns in PD tab (SCGCQ01077452)
- Fixed issue where the Physical devices are listed in Decreasing order of Device ID instead of ascending order in drive tab (SCGCQ01077563)
- Fixed issue where firmware update does not happen in the Direct agent system from Gateway (SCGCQ01077677)
- Fixed issue where Manage Power save settings with input of " 1 hour" fails with an error " Input Parameters are Invalid" (SCGCQ01078509)
- Fixed issue where Managed Server page provides option of adding gateway server from which we have already logged in to manage server (SCGCQ01078524)
- Fixed issue where Feedback is displayed as FeedBack in LSA. (SCGCQ01079092)
- Fixed issue where After adding server in Manage Server Page intermittently get a junk screen  (SCGCQ01079698)
- Fixed issue where back button does not work in case of Advanced Configuration During VD Creation (SCGCQ01079912)
- Fixed issues pertaining to "Set Patrol Read Properties" Number of PD Count allowed for patrol read (SCGCQ01080265)
- Fixed issue where after logging out from server that is been managed. Clicking Server again in managed server page LSA asks for credentials (SCGCQ01080448)
- Fixed issue where Instance Validation fails for PROGRESS related Operations (SCGCQ01082194)
- Fixed issue where Instance validation fails for "/controllers/0/operations/security" URI : Controller Operation POST (SCGCQ01082618)
- Fixed issue where inappropriate error message is displayed in LSA on flashing fw on IT Intruder (SCGCQ01082897)
- Fixed issue where LSA page does not automatically refresh when PD moved from UG bad to UG Good SS page, CC page does not give option (SCGCQ01083060)
- Fixed issue where on clicking save button on mail server page its shift to Alert Settings without saving that page. (SCGCQ01083063)
- Fixed issue where LSA does not show the default power save mode time set in mfc (SCGCQ01083106)
- Fixed issue where after adding server the managed server list, then logging out, new server cannot be logged into. (SCGCQ01083226)
- Fixed issue where LSA service is not present in the Windows services after downgrading LSA. (SCGCQ01084774)
- Fixed issue where Event Response is giving Default Write Policy: abc (SCGCQ01043609)
- Fixed issue where Sending Invalid HTTP verb in the request for an URI fails with 404 instead of 405 (SCGCQ01059216)
- Fixed issue where texts linked to the health icons "optimal", "critical", "needs attention", in server summary page Should be clickable (SCGCQ01063432)
- Fixed issue where LSA still displays physical disk actions and properties menu when no pd is selected after sorting from Enclosure/slot. (SCGCQ01063524)
- Fixed issue where Instance Validation fails for Simple Configuration POST (SCGCQ01064737)
- Fixed issue where consistency check Schedule parameters is available even after selecting the "Disable" from the Consistency check mode (SCGCQ01069825)
- Fixed issue where LSA not accessible through Chrome browser Version 48.0.2564.109 m (SCGCQ01078618)
- Fixed issue where while initiate ISE against 3rd party locked UG drive, XHR_Header code says "POST 200" but XHR_Response says "Er 77" (SCGCQ01080402)
- Fixed inconsistency between the VD properties displayed in STORCLI when compared with other Apps. (SCGCQ01081145)
- Fixed issue where LSA doesn't get updated without a service restart on Vmware server with IR3 controller. (SCGCQ01081324)
- Fixed issue where matching error description is not shown by client when there is a session already active during login. (SCGCQ01063542)
- Fixed issue where LSA login attempt failed for Vmware Server (SCGCQ01064784)
- Fixed issue where build (Gateway & Standalone) is unable to discover server (SCGCQ01069396)
- Fixed issue where replace drive table does not have device Id column (SCGCQ01075112)
- Fixed issue where LSA does not update the data automatically when Delete VD is performed. (SCGCQ01079635)
- Fixed issue where RWC3-LWM (Windows) is unable to send mail to SMTP (SCGCQ01173361)
- Fixed issue where Ventura IT drive push and pull needs services restart to update the count (SCGCQ01066048, Port of SCGCQ01064904)
- Fixed issue where LSA Allows JBOD Drive having OS to be converted to UG drive, doesnt notify the user on the OS present on JBOD (SCGCQ01067253, Port of SCGCQ01052412)
- Fixed issue where LSA displays "error:Not all values are set successfully" while trying to save power save settings on IMR Ventura. (SCGCQ01067711, Port of SCGCQ01057457)
- Fixed issue where LSA shows blank screen after log in with mutiple controller in the setup (SCGCQ01069360, Port of SCGCQ01068813)
- Fixed issue where intermittent update Ventura firmware hang using LSA ( StorCLI is OK ) (SCGCQ01069565, Port of SCGCQ01038421)
- Fixed issue where user unable to migrate from secured Raid1 VD to Raid5/Raid 6 VD on LSA (SCGCQ01070807, Port of SCGCQ01066154)
- Fixed issue where all the events are not getting downloaded while downloading log from LSA (SCGCQ01145261, Port of SCGCQ01139334)
- Fixed issue where no error message is displayed while importing secure EPD through wrong key (SCGCQ01066088, Port of SCGCQ01063911)
- Fixed issue where user unable to clear or import partial foreign configuration from LSA. (SCGCQ01085466, Port of SCGCQ01069580) - New Function Only/No fixes

Lenovo Data Center Group Linux OS Support Home Page

© 2018-2019 Lenovo. All rights reserved

MegaRAID Storage Manager Application

MegaRAID Storage Manager Application

Supported controllers:
  - N2226 SAS/SATA HBA for Lenovo System x (00AE916)
  - N2225 SAS/SATA HBA for Lenovo System x (00AE912)	 
  - N2215 SAS/SATA HBA for Lenovo System x (47C8676)
  - ServeRAID M5215 SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x (46C9110)
  - ServeRAID M1210 SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x
  - ServeRAID M1215 SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x
  - ServeRAID M1210e SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x
  - ServeRAID M5225 SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x (00AE938)
  - ServeRAID M5225-2GB SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x
  - N2125 SAS/SATA HBA for Lenovo System x
  - N2115 SAS/SATA HBA for Lenovo System x
  - Lenovo PureFlex System Storage Expansion Node
  - Onboard LSI 2004 SAS/SATA Controller
  - ServeRAID H1110 SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x (81Y4492)
  - ServeRAID M5210e SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x
  - ServeRAID M5210 SAS/SATA Controller
  - ServeRAID M5110e SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x 
  - ServeRAID M5120 SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x (81Y4478)
  - ServeRAID M5115 SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System x (90Y4390)
  - ServeRAID M1115 SAS/SATA Controller for Lenovo System X (81Y4448)

NOTE TO SERVICE - Reference RETAIN #N/A - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
- MSM: Upgrade of OpenSSL binaries to openssl-1.0.2n.(SCGCQ01564578)	- Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
----------- - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence (Suggested)
----------- - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence (Suggested)
 - Fixed an issue where MSM was not flashing 8MB FW file on M5200 series Controllers. (SCGCQ00996185)
 - Fixed an issue where Dashboard view and Main View for Create Virtual Drive option are inconsistent when all drives are configure as JBOD (SCGCQ01054496)
 - Fixed an issue where MSM was not able set secure JBOD (SCGCQ01064281)
 - Fixed an issue where MSM cannot flash M1115 or M1015 controller firmware. (SCGCQ01125515)
 - Fixed an issue where event Block Recovery is skipped due to dirty OCR and "Please reboot the system" not seen after dirty OCR." (SCGCQ00989881)
- Fixed an issue where MSM server profile shows repetitive headlines and inconsistent information for virtual drives (SCGCQ00996188)
- Fixed an issue where MSM hang is observed while DIFF PD is become shielded state and then unconfigured bad. (SCGCQ00553738)
 - Added generic error message when update iMR image on MR controller. (SCGCQ00934328)
 - Corrected inconsistency in Create SSCVD option across MSM tabs. (SCGCQ01013993) 
- Fixed an issue where virtual drive information header printed multiple times in the profile summary page. (SCGCQ01062382)
- Fixed an issue where background operations appear in profile summary without any table header. (SCGCQ01064081) 
- Fixed an issue where after IR controller firmware flash the popup for the update status is not displayed. (SCGCQ00916747)
 - Fixed an issue where MSM displayed an option to create Virtual drive even when there are no configurable disks present in RAID mode. (SCGCQ00945155)
- Fixed an issue where the Creating CacheCade SSD Caching menu option is not available. (SCGCQ01117219)
- Fixed an issue where connecting the expander to IR2 controller, drive ID info was not correctly displayed when the drive is inserted or deserted (SCGCQ01155781 Port of SCGCQ00898807)
 - Fixed an issue where title bar was missing, when trying to view the personality from SDS to Raid (SCGCQ00941885)
 - Fixed an issue where the create CCVD option was still seen after MAX (2TB) CCVD creation. (SCGCQ00952332)
 - Fixed an issue where the MSM showed wrong information about the DG in the summary page of RLM operation. (SCGCQ01039111)
 - Fixed an issue where MSM was not allowing to flash ctrlH on iMR controller. (SCGCQ01056002)
 - Fixed an issue where SWR for RHEL 6.8, driver version info was not aligned properly in MSM server profile. (SCGCQ01109158)
 - Fixed an issue where MSM showed inconsistent info for degraded spanned RAID Level DG's in Replace PD operation (SCGCQ01034766)
 -  Added code to disable CreateVD menu when recon is running in case of JBOD (SCGCQ00996752)
 - Fixed an issue where right clicking on the VD was not opening the change properties (SCGCQ00987893 Port of Defect - SCGCQ00952349
- Fixed an issue where leaving MegaRAID Storage Manager GUI open for an extended period of time (3 to 4 days), the GUI stopped automatically refreshing and monitor stopped updating AEN's. (SCGCQ01085197 Port of Defect - SCGCQ00946664)

 - Added SLIR error codes and corresponding error messages handling to MSM. (SCGCQ00933586)
 - Added new operations at DG level to support MR_DCMD_LD_SET_TRASPORT_READY and MR_DCMD_LD_CLEAR_TRASPORT_READY (SCGCQ00920044)
 -  Do not allow VD creation on Removal Ready PD (SCGCQ01027492 Port ofSCGCQ00988701) -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence (Suggested)

 - No functional changes. -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence (Suggested)

 - Updated OpenSSL to address FREAK vulnerability (SCGCQ00877531)
 - Updated Java to address FREAK vulnerability (SCGCQ00877538)
 - Fixed an issue where no mnemonics/shortcut keys are available for Make Unconfigured Good and Manage Link Speed menu operations (SCGCQ00711990)
 - Fixed an issue where MegaRAID Storage Manager does not display logs after saving logs in a text file in VMware ESXi (SCGCQ00834428)
 - Fixed an issue where MegaRAID Storage Manager is showing "Sequence number is out of sync" warning message for "Secure using FDE" operation (SCGCQ00836494)
 - Fixed an issue where MegaRAID Storage Manager did not report the correct Windows operating system name/version (SCGCQ00854632)
 - Fixed an issue where the option to set critical and fatal events reports in the next reboot is not present (SCGCQ00866188)
 - Fixed an issue where Phy Count was being shown for Enclosure Physical Disks when it should not be (SCGCQ00869437)
 - Fixed an issue where a user is unable to View Server Profile (SCGCQ00873250)
 - Fixed an issue where BBU property displays "status = Unknown" when Supercap battery is in failed state (SCGCQ00887351)
 - Fixed an issue where there is no option to close the host view window (SCGCQ00897401)
 - Fixed an issue where MegaRAID Storage manager does not allow the option to uncheck the JBOD drive which has an operating system or file system on it (SCGCQ00897404)
 - Fixed an issue where Controller Info may not be displayed when CacheCade is enabled and the firmware supports 240 Virtual Drives (SCGCQ00898869)
 - Fixed an issue where the scroll bar in the Group Progress window may disappear when starting/suspending Consistency Check on multiple Virtual Drives  (SCGCQ00900408)
 - Fixed an issue where different information is shown in the "Create VD Summary Window" when creating in Simple Mode, and Capacity Alignment is not correct (SCGCQ00900416)
 - Fixed an issue where Virtual Drive numbering may be incorrect when creating more than three Virtual Drives (SCGCQ00902923)
 - Fixed an issue where Patrol Read may not be able to start on Partial-Size Virtual Drives (SCGCQ00918881)
 - Fixed an issue where Virtual Drives may not appear under the Logical tab after upgrading firmware and importing a configuration (SCGCQ00927688)
 - Fixed an issue where the wrong Operating System architecture may be displayed under Server Info (SCGCQ00928640)
 - Fixed an issue where "Create CacheCade VD" menu is displayed with max Logical Drives set, causing the operation to fail (SCGCQ00928753)
 - Fixed an issue where some windows may appear off-screen (SCGCQ00928758)
 - Fixed an issue where events are missing "Hidden" state of Virtual Drives (SCGCQ00933592)
 - Fixed an issue where Physical Drive information in Event Information is blank, but is correctly displayed in Backplane Properties (SCGCQ00933603)
 - Fixed an issue where destination drive is not listed under Logical View during a Copyback (SCGCQ00934374)
 - Fixed an issue where the Write Policy may not be correct after creating a Virtual Drive (SCGCQ00934377)
 - Fixed an issue where "Next Learn Cycle Time & Learn Period" may not be displayed when battery supports Transparent Learn (SCGCQ00934380)
 - Fixed an issue where "Online Firmware Update in progress" is showing after controller reset using storcli completes (SCGCQ00934505)
 - Fixed an issue where logs saved as Text file are missing Enclosure IDs in the events (SCGCQ00934595)
 - Fixed an issue where Operating System and Health fields are showing Unknown from the remote server Discovery page (SCGCQ00934721)
 - Fixed an issue where an application restart pop-up may occur while downgrading firmware, citing 240 Virtual Drive support (SCGCQ00939249)


 - Enhanced the port enumeration naming scheme (SCGCQ00854619)
 - Added ability to select a range of events to parse when generating Alert Notifications (SCGCQ00854627)
 - Added ability to report controller flash device health status (SCGCQ00887610)
 - Changed Consistency Check / Patrol Read overlap message from Warning to Informational (SCGCQ00887611)
 - Added ability to handle MFI and SL error codes with corresponding error messages (SCGCQ00942678) -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence (Suggested)
 - Fixed an issue where MSM may not report HDD temperature information for drives in slot 0 connected to SWRAID - (SCGCQ00895878, Port of SCGCQ00867490)
 - Fixed an issue where Japanese Language packs may cause email alerts to be garbled - (SCGCQ00890256)
 - Fixed an issue where MSM may have a garbled character instead of 'TM' by using UNICODE \u2122 instead of ASCII 0x99 - (SCGCQ00880993)
 - Fixed an issue where event ID 150 descriptions were not consistent between the alert strings and the event properties - (SCGCQ00881952)

 - Provide more descriptive port enumeration based on width of the port (SCGCQ00895884, Port of SCGCQ00854619) -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence (Suggested)
 - Corrected the output for the key MSG_ASSOCIATED_SSCDDELETE_TEXT1 value with corresponding unicode for @TM Symbol in resource files (SCGCQ00880993)
 - Corrected the inconsistency in description for Event ID 150 between alert Strings.xml and MR_Events.properties -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence (Suggested)
 - OpenSSL security fixes -  High Impact/High Probability of Occurrence
- Incorporated MSM MegaRAID 6.6 stream
- Fixed an issue where "Remove JBOD" option may not warn client even if the drive has a filesystem (SCGCQ00704645)
- Updated the StorCLI within MSM to the latest (SCGCQ00707316)
- Fixed an issue where MSM may still provide option to create a VD even after max VDs have been created (SCGCQ00707466)
- Fixed an issue where Enclosure details may not be shown in ViewServerProfile (SCGCQ00709507)
- Fixed an issue where "Select All" and "Start" buttons are enabled in Consistency Check window curing CC on only one VD (SCGCQ00740485)
- Fixed some null pointer dereferences in MSM EventXMLFormation (SCGCQ00757780)
- Fixed an issue where MSM may allow a CacheCade VD to be recreated with Always Write Back option (SCGCQ00759986)
- Fixed an issue where the message for Dedicated Hot Spare is missing the VD name (SCGCQ00770874)
- Fixed an issue where the Create Virtual Drive icon is still active when it shouldn't be (SCGCQ00772351)
- Fixed an issue where MSM popup showing Patrol Read progress even after setting Max Concurrent PDs for Patrol Read to 0 (SCGCQ00774583)
- Fixed an issue where "Initialization Aborted" message does not show up in MSM  (SCGCQ00706130)
- Fixed an issue where a Bootable JBOD with the OS on it shows as eligible for conversion to Unconfigured Good (SCGCQ00742001)
- Fixed an issue where Null Pointer Exceptions were being thrown in the AdapterMenu (SCGCQ00757770)
- Removed unused CIMPlugin dependencies in CacheCacde and modify the folder structures for respective OSes (SCGCQ00757819)
- Fixed an issue where a user may be able to login twice in a point of time as Administrator Full Access (SCGCQ00760231)
- Fixed an issue where discovery may fail after MSM installation with 1024bit keys on RHEL (SCGCQ00787334)
- Fixed an issue where the Graphical view for Enclosures may not be correct (SCGCQ00717047)
- Fixed an issue where MSM cannot create any RAID level if the drives are selected one by one (SCGCQ00734568)
- Fixed an issue where the shortcut key for Manage Link Speed menu option is not present (SCGCQ00709792)
- Fixed an issue where MSM shows an incomplete window for Advanced Software Options when using shortcut key as opposed to regular menu option (SCGCQ00713213)
- Fixed an issue where the Select All button is enabled in the Initialize window when only one R6 VD is available with partially degraded mode (SCGCQ00759357)
- Fixed an issue where MSM may throw "Requested command cannot be completed because resources are already in use" or "Invalid array specified"when creating arrays in specific circumstances (SCGCQ00762640)
- Fixed an issue where MSM may report CacheCade VD has been deleted even though it is still being deleted by firmware (SCGCQ00777823)
- Fixed some null reference issues (SCGCQ00766100)
- Fixed an issue where volume creation fails in MSM if the controller has firmware that supports 240 VDs (SCGCQ00664507)
- Fixed an issue where Consistency check cannot be scheduled in 64-bit Linux managing an ESXi host (SCGCQ00757859)
- Fixed an issue where "Select All" and "Start" buttons are enabled in Initialization window during Init on only one VD (SCGCQ00727600)
- Fixed an issue where one is unable to create a second VD in MSM through Dashboard "Create Virtual Drive" link (SCGCQ00766971)
- Fixed an issue where cannot uninstall MSM via uninstaller.sh script in RHEL6.5 (SCGCQ00691368)
- Fixed an issue where MSM fails to save Host Configuration Settings (SCGCQ00691421)
- Fixed an issue where alert strings for events 502, 512, 513 and 514 may be wrong (SCGCQ00698294)
- Fixed an issue where there may be a fatal error when logging in via Server button on top and trying to refresh using the option button on top (SCGCQ00727445)
- Fixed an issue where updating MSM may fail in Windows (SCGCQ00727990)
- Fixed an issue where MSM may display an invalid field (Parity Size) for R00 (SCGCQ00687943)
- Fixed an issue where a SuperCap reported as Bad may still show as Optimal (SCGCQ00785419)
- Fixed an issue where "Prepare for Removal" on PD may not work on PD with pending operations (SCGCQ00784866)
- Fixed an issue where R6 option may be displayed during migration of a 31-drive R0 (SCGCQ00703809)
- Fixed an issue where event log shows "null" instead of correct VD where Snapshot schedule properties have changed (SCGCQ00795792)
- Fixed an issue where R1 option may be displayed during migration of a 7-drive R0 (SCGCQ00694232)
- Fixed an issue where MSM may not login to remote host in the favorite list (SCGCQ00692364)
- Fixed an issue where entering security key in MSM to unlock PD fails to import afterwards (SCGCQ00785420)
- Fixed an issue where MSM may scroll additional Sense Info constantly after refreshing screen for SATA (SCGCQ00789079)
- Fixed an issue where Consistency Check is grayed out after disabling through MSM and can't be reenabled through MSM (SCGCQ00795183)
- Fixed an issue where one is unable to stop the MSMFramework service (SCGCQ00756996)
- Fixed an issue where Create Virtual Drive option is lost in MSM (SCGCQ00822350)
- Fixed an issue where there may be many blank messages in the MSM logs on controllers with multiple VDs (SCGCQ00827667)
- Fixed an issue where timestamps are incorrect in TTY logs saved through MSM (SCGCQ00829187)
- Fixed an issue where after creating a spanned VD, MSM creates duplicate drive groups (SCGCQ00830891)
- Fixed an issue where "TIME = Not Available" message appears in text file of events saved through MSM (SCGCQ00832354)
- Fixed an issue where during install MSM may show erroneous "major upgrade" warnings and errors and asks for restart of the system (SCGCQ00817865)
- Fixed an issue where MSM may not import SED / FDE Foreign Config using previous security key (SCGCQ00823013)
- Fixed an issue where Patrol Read and Consistency Check schedule overlap errors were listed as Warnings instead of Informational (SCGCQ00821374)
- Fixed an issue where the MSM log may be flushed after host reboot (SCGCQ00800288)

- Added the ability to display PCI Domain information, instead of just PCI Bus and Device (SCGCQ00712488)
- Added latest Pegasus library v2.13 (SCGCQ00650093)
- Recompiled Pegasus libraries for Windows with the latest OpenSSL (SCGCQ00729736)
- Added support for 2048bit RSA keys (SCGCQ00696866)
- Added support for reporting drive temperatures for all SAS/SATA HDDs/SSDs (SCGCQ00650088)
- Added PFK support for SSHA (SCGCQ00707653)
- Added support for Self-Encrypting Drives in JBOD mode (SCGCQ00821360) -  Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence (Suggested)
 - MSM reports full version nubmer to Lenovo comparison tools.
 - Fixed an issue where MSM alert for event ID 81 and ID 114 do not give notification.
 - Fixed an issue where MSM could not uninstall via uninstaller.sh script in RHEL 6.5.
 - Fixed an issue where MSM is not showing the "Selected Firmware Version" during online firmware update.
 - Fixed an issue where server status doesn't changes accordingly with IR2 controller in MSM login page.
 - Fixed an issue where MSM login screen missing host and OS name.
 - Fixed an issue where menu items load configuration and scan configuration are highlighted when the controller is in safe mode.
 - Fixed an issue where inconsistent write policy during EVS creation in MSM.
 - Implement SuperCap deep dive action items in the firmware and applications
 - Fixed an issue where MSM simple create virtual disk dialog box disappears for ServeRAID H1110
 - Fixed an issue where virtual drive erase option is not found.
 - Fixed an issue where MSM is throwing error code 0 x 32.
 - Fixed an issue where starting patrol read throwing error '0x58' when virtual disk erase is running.
 - Fixed an issue where MSM not reporting events for changes that occurred to IR volumes during power off.
 - Fixed an issue where MSM displays unsupported SATA drives for replace operation for regular 512n drives - Single Node.
 - Fixed an issue where MSM displays invalid field name for disabling data protection.
 - Fixed an issue where 4K virtual disk size is wrong during import of 64 virtual disk s - Single Node.
 - Fixed an issue where MSM need to return error when destroy key on peer node with existing secure virtual disk.
 - Fixed an issue where the user cannot uninstall MSM without xterm installed under Linux.
 - Fixed an issue where MSM login screen missing the domain ID column at the most right.
 - Resolved OpenSSL vulnerabilities.  - Initial release

Lenovo Data Center Group Linux OS Support Home Page

© 2018-2019 Lenovo. All rights reserved

SAS3IRCU (Command Line) Utility for Storage Management

SAS3IRCU (Command Line) Utility for Storage Management for Linux

Controllers Supported:  N2215 SAS/SATA HBA (47C8676)
                        N2225 SAS/SATA HBA (00AE912)
                        N2226 SAS/SATA HBA (00AE916)  

Version  - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence

        No defects.
Version  - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence

Defects (2)
- SAS3_PH_13_IRCU:Volume size is seen as 10MB after creating 100MB RAID volume in EFI shell.(SCGCQ01114484)
- Cavium ARM: Negative number is seen when tried to add Hotspare with lesser capacity than volume.(SCGCQ01163797)

EnhancementRequests (29)
- MPI 2.6: Enclosure Management.(SCGCQ00345273)
- MPI 2.5: Update Description of BiosOptions field in BIOS CONFIG PAGE 1.(SCGCQ00853162)
- MPI 2.6: Update Ventura family device ids to match latest EDS.(SCGCQ00915256)
- MPI 2.6: update Marlin-class device IDs.(SCGCQ00915336)
- MPI 2.6: PCIe IO Unit Page 0 and 1 tweaks.(SCGCQ00922213)
- MPI 2.6: Remove all SOP references.(SCGCQ00925839)
- MPI 2.6: Remove all AHCI references.(SCGCQ00948258)
- MPI 2.6: Add support for SAS-4 and PCIe-4.(SCGCQ00948955)
- MPI 2.6: Add Enclosure Level and Connector name to PCIe device page 0.(SCGCQ00949638)
- MPI 2.6: add LinkNum field to the PCIe Link configuration pages.(SCGCQ00954619)
- MPI-2.6: backend PCIe feature initialization status reporting.(SCGCQ01009104)
- MPI 2.6: add flag to force completion queue entry return for NVMe Encapsulated request.(SCGCQ01013930)
- MPI2.6: Fix defines that are not unique within the first 32 characters.(SCGCQ01015826)
- MPI 2.6: direct reporting of negotiated PCIe link width and speed.(SCGCQ01017027)
- MPI 2.6: Backend SRIS mode enable flag.(SCGCQ01018687)
- MPI2.6: Reserve ExtPageTypes for Dragon.(SCGCQ01020473)
- MPI2.6: Add x16 PCI support for Marlin family products.(SCGCQ01063009)
- MPI2.6: Fix PCI device page enclosure level/connector name to match SAS device page.(SCGCQ01071374)
- MPI 2.5: Add new connector types.(SCGCQ01085073)
- MPI 2.6: Modify "SAS IO Unit Page 11" to add a new field "SATAHintingTimeout".(SCGCQ01092340)
- MPI 2.6: Add Sea Arch class and Product IDs.(SCGCQ01116837)
- MPI2.6: Added new image type and flash region definitions.(SCGCQ01136127)
- MPI 2.6: Add new clean tool options.(SCGCQ01141732)
- MPI 2.6: Add two new reason codes to Active Cable Exception Event Data.(SCGCQ01146583)
- MPI 2.5 and 2.6: Need IT FW to send new event for expander failing SMP.(SCGCQ01180886)
- MPI 2.5: Add two new reason codes to Active Cable Exception Event Data.(SCGCQ01208954)
- MPI 2.5 : Add support for reporting Chassis Slot to Enclosure Page 0.(SCGCQ01213028)
- MPI 2.6: Add new firmware download type (CBB BACKUP).(SCGCQ01258005)
- MPI2.6: Mfg7 support for arbitrary starting slot number.(SCGCQ01213267)

Version  - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
 -  Added Recogition for Host Managed SMR Drives (SCGCQ00900460)
Version - Moderate Impact/Low Probability of Occurrence
 - Fixed an issue where incomplete serial number were displayed by SAS3IRCU tool (SCGCQ00952263 Port of SCGCQ00939241)

 - Added additional EEDP Error Reporting capability to SCSI IO Reply to include Observed Application Tag, Observed Reference Tag and Observed Guard. Also added flags to indicate when each value is valid. (SCGCQ01002367)
 - Modified SAS IO Unit Page 4" to add a new field SATAHintingTimeout (SCGCQ00996127)
 - Added additional EEDP Error Reporting capability to SCSI IO Reply (SCGCQ00988360)
 - Added support for PCIe devices to Target Reset Method (SCGCQ00686666)
 - Added IOCCapabilities bit to indicate PCIe SRIOV support and added three new fields in IOCFacts reply message to include SGE modifier fields. (SCGCQ00852827)
 - Added ConfigurationFlags field to IOC Init message along with definition of bit to enable/disable NVMe SGL format. Added control operations to enable and disable SGL format for a specific NVMe device. Added bit in PCI device page two to indicate current configuration. (SCGCQ00872169)
 - Additional added PCIe Enumeration Event EnumerationStatus bit to indicate when there are more devices than resources. (SCGCQ00884740)
 - Added uEFI support on ARM-64 (SCGCQ00990159)
 - Added MFGPAGE command in help menu (SCGCQ00856852)
 - Fixed issue where SAS3IRCU was displayed as SAS2IRCU with setonline/setoffline command (SCGCQ00890052)

 - Fixed issue where with no volume present “status” command would display error (SCGCQ00706819)
 - Added support for SLES 12, RHEL 5.11, RHEL 7

 - Add support for IBM N2225 SAS/SATA HBA and IBM N2226 SAS/SATA HBA

Version - Initial release

Lenovo Data Center Group Linux OS Support Home Page

© 2018-2019 Lenovo. All rights reserved